Pamela's Scary Night


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Chapter 1

    The night was rainy, dark, and dreary. Electricity had gone off because of the bad storm. Pamela lit a few candles and found her battery operated radio. Before turning her radio on she grabbed her cell phone and called a couple of her friends. Their electricity was out too. Her friends were busy gathering candles and their emergency radios. Pamela did not talk to them long. She wanted to turn her radio on and see if she could find out what was going on with the storm. Pamela put the radio in the center of the table. She sat down on a chair and turned the radio on. At first all she could hear was a strange white noise. Pamela turned the knob slowly from station to station trying to find one that comes in and has news about the storm. She reached a station that not only had white noise but she could hear a name being called out in the distance. It was her name. She could hear, "Pamela, Pamela." She began to freak out. What is going on? What is wrong with the radio? Pamela turned the knob to a different station then slowly turned it back. Again she heard her name, "Pamela, Pamela." She did not understand what was happening. The storm was still fierce outside. Lightning snapped and thunder roared. Rain was pouring down hard. The wind was blowing. She could hear the howling of the wind as she saw trees rocking back and forth. Pamela did not know what to do. All of a sudden her cell phone rang. It jumped her. She answered her phone. It was one of her friends. Her friend told her she turned her radio on and all she could get was a strange white noise and could hear the name, "Pamela, Pamela." She wanted to know what was going on. Pamela told her she did not know, but she didn't like it. It was scaring her. Her friend said she'd keep checking for a radio station to come in and would call back if she had any luck. Pamela hung up the phone. Her name was still coming out of the radio. Her cell phone rang again. It was her other friend. The same thing was happening with her radio. She asked Pamela what was going on. Pamela did not know. She was very nervous and scared. What was going on? What was happening? Why was her name being called out in the white noise of the radio? Pamela had no answers to these questions. She did not know what to do about the radio. She did not know what was going on. Pamela ran around locking all the windows and doors. She closed all the curtains. She grabbed herself a warm blanket. She went to the kitchen and found a great big knife. Next Pamela sat nervous and scared by the radio, wrapped in a blanket, holding a knife, listening to the terrible storm outside and to her name being called out in the white noise of the radio, "Pamela, Pamela."

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