Scientists: you can cope with migraines without pills


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Scientists: you can cope with migraines without pills

Ginger root is effective in relieving headaches and nausea.

Severe headaches - migraines - can significantly worsen a person's life. Moreover, it is often difficult to cope with this problem - medications simply do not help. But recently, scientists have found that ginger root is effective in combating this ailment.

Worldwide - about 28 million people suffer from regular migraines.

It is estimated that 13% of adults worldwide suffer from migraines. Approximately two to three million people are chronic. In addition, nearly five million people suffer from at least one seizure per month.

This disease occurs when blood vessels in the brain are overly dilated. From this, there is severe pain and a feeling that the head is literally breaking apart. The person experiences severe nausea and vomiting, fear of light and sounds. We recommend using the Migraine Stopper device to fight migraines. It is much more effective than some of the treatments and also completely safe.

Migraine is a neurological disorder that manifests itself in seizures and can last for several days. It becomes chronic and manifests itself from one to two times a year to several cases a month.

Headache is a serious problem, and it can be difficult to find an effective cure. Often, only darkness and silence help the suffering, but this method significantly reduces the level and quality of human life. He cannot work normally, spend time with his family, and feel calm and relaxed.

Scientists have recently made an amazing discovery - the habitual ginger root helps to fight migraines. A related study was published in the reputable medical journal Journal of Phytotherapy Research.

The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger can help fight various migraine symptoms like nausea. This plant contains components that reduce not only inflammation but also headaches. In general, many talk about the benefits of a diet in the fight against migraines; you can read more about this here

In addition to eliminating nausea, ginger helps eliminate vomiting and stimulates digestion. Numerous early studies suggest that consuming 500-600 grams of this plant in dry form on a daily basis helps to effectively treat headaches.

Taking ginger root is easy enough.  Take a small piece of this plant, peel and rinse it. Then it should be cut into small pieces and put in a boiling ox for a few minutes. The resulting solution must be passed through cheesecloth.

This drink can be consumed in a simple form, can be added to tea or mixed with honey and lemon.

Do not forget that ginger is not shown to everyone. It should be abandoned by pregnant women, as well as people with a bleeding disorder and those who suffer from kidney and gallbladder stones. Therefore, before starting to treat migraine in this way, you should consult with your doctor.

Ginger root has been used in the East since ancient times. It’s not only used for migraines but also various other diseases. This plant prevents the development of certain types of cancer - ovarian, prostate and intestine, and also improves digestion, speeds up metabolism, relieves sore throat, improves blood circulation, removes excess fluid from the body, protects against infections and relieves menstrual pain.

Diagnosis of migraine

Headache is one of the main causes of unscheduled sick leave around the world. Every day, more than 1 million people on the planet stay at home, abandoning their daily plans, overtaken by a sudden spasm of blood vessels. According to the WHO, about 15% of patients suffer from migraines.

You can identify a migraine by the following symptoms:

  • The throbbing nature of the pain. Migraine headaches can be identified by intense throbbing;
  • Localization of pain in one of the hemispheres. Unlike the shingles of a common headache, pain in migraine is located in one specific area of ​​the head, in its specific half or quarter. The expression “head splitting” also describes well the sensations of migraine sufferers;
  • Associated symptoms. In addition to the painful condition, migraines are accompanied by photophobia and worsening sensations from loud sounds. One of the common symptoms is the aura: specific sensations in the body, such as tingling, impaired hearing and vision, Alice's syndrome (distorted perspective and a sense of relationship with space).

The difficulty in diagnosing migraine lies in the inability of patients to describe the symptoms or ignore some sensations. After the examinations, in the absence of a complete picture and other visible reasons, the doctor can diagnose "vegetative-vascular dystonia," the treatment which will not eliminate the true problem.

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