Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Posters


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How To Hang Your Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Posters Without Damaging The Poster Or The Wall

A lot of anime lovers would like to get posters of their favorite characters, but hanging it without issues is one thing they'd like to know. Even though you can just tack, staple, duct tape, or nail your posters to the walls, all these ways will mostly damage your posters and leave marks on your walls. If the number of posters you have is limited or you just don't want to put holes in your wall, then you have an issue!

If you do not have any particular area that you always hang your posters, do not be afraid. If you want to know more about on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Posters, Kindly visit on hyperlinked site.

Below are a couple of solutions for poster mounting that'll leave your posters and wall free from damage. 

Prior to your beginning:

Ensure your hands are neat

 Neat hands will ensure that there's lesser residue anytime you remove the poster from its tube. 

Lay your poster(s) flat, leaving the printed surface up, on a clean material

Weigh the corners down for a couple of hours or a whole day. With this, it will be easier to work with your posters since their edges would not be curling back well. You obviously do not need to press posters that were printed on materials like hard plastic. 

Get your wall ready

Clean the wall and concentrate more on surfaces that you'll put removable adhesive directly. Ensure that your wall has not been painted recently, because this may leave apparent marks anytime you remove your poster(s). 

Safe ways of hanging posters of your favorite anime characters. 

Poster tape/removable tape with double sides

As weird as it can sound, not everybody knows that there are actually products made particularly for mounting posters without damaging or marking either the surface you want to place it on or your poster itself. Just ensure that you make use of the right type of tape and your walls are clean. Picking the wrong type of poster tape can cause your poster to tear apart or leave a gunked-up wall anytime you want to remove it.

Magic tape

In a situation whereby you have no access to a double-sided tape, a magic tape will do the job. Unlike the normal scotch tape, the magic tape isn't as "tacky," and it will detach from any poster easily, even if you have used it for months or even years, but this depends on the climate. One other advantage is the fact that Magic tapes are invisible on almost all smooth surfaces. 

Removable putty

We'd only advise you to make use of potty on posters that are printed on rigid materials or mounted posters. Making use of too much potty on paper or card stock posters will likely result in some rumpling at contact points that you'd not want if you want a look that's neat. Avoid poorly or freshly painted surfaces because you'll likely remove some paint anytime you want to take down that poster. 


We know this will likely sound like a weird way of hanging posters, but you can make use of toothpaste (do not confuse it with tooth gel) to safely attach any poster to almost all surfaces for a couple of days. Cheaper toothpaste works best. Do not make use of anything that has additional whiteners or additives because this will make it have poor adhesion. One great thing about it is that you can easily clean it, and it won't damage the surface in any way. 

If you'd like to get JoJo's bizarre adventure posters, visit our store to get the best now.

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