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What You Need To Know Before Owning Shibainu

The ShibaInu is a Japanese dog breed meant for hunting. The species is small-to-medium but is the smallest of the six distinct and original spitz dog breeds in Japan. Besides, it is an agile and alert dog adapted to staying in hiking trails and mountainous terrain. As that is not enough, ShibaInus are cuddly, sweet dogs that can be attentive to every command. Here are more details that you need to know about ShibaInu before you own them.


ShibaInu is one of the animals that are not only strong-willed but also bull-headed. This means that no threats can make them change their opinion after setting their minds on doing something.

Drama queens

TheInu have ‘Shiba scream,’ of high pitched that can make your blood to curdle. They are said to produce such screams when they are somehow wronged. This can make it fun, especially during nail clipping, bathing time, and vet visits. It is crucial to keep in mind that the dogs can also scream whenever they are happy, hence making double pleasure.

Easy to be trained

Shibas are so smart as they decide when to listen and learn pretty much within a short time. For instance, potty training for the puppies is a breeze, most probably due to their fussy nature of being clean all the time. On the other hand, the Shibas may decide not to listen, particularly whenever they feel it is inconvenient for them to do so. This action makes it easy for people to decide the appropriate time for training their shibainu.


Coming across aloof is a clear indication of the independent nature of ShibaInu. This action has made some individuals come up with the conclusion that the Shibas are cat-like. Furthermore, it shows that Shibas have more independent things to do rather than following the owner all the time.


Loyalty is always associated with one of the many good character attributes. Basically, once you have established a strong trust with them, Shibas would be so loyal. In such a case, they display an appropriate affection, which is a precious thing liked by almost all dog owners. Since their trust is earned, Shibas tend not to have a good relationship with strangers. In fact, most of them stay away while barking at strangers as a way of warning them to keep distancefrom them. Typically, depending on the dog, it may take a lot of time and encounters to develop a strong bond with a stranger.


ShibaInus have a dense undercoat, which is shed and blown twice per year. They do this once in a late fall and once in the spring. Shiba owners are always asked to get prepared in brushing them off as well as vacuuming the house. It is advisable for one not to put on navy or flees clothes while performing some of Shiba keeping management practices. One of the reasons behind this is that they would become muddy as they are easily attacked by Shiba's fur.

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