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 When a pure blood is born into royalty they are expected to become betrothed at the age of  13. But it is very rare if a family does not follow this way calling it taboo but it is the only way to keep the pure blood line to become stronger and to stay alive according to the council. Princess Efina of Rose was a young girl when the council took her parents away trying to protect her but the Leonhart family took her in with their daughter Yori being her best friend not been engaged but no one dares cross her family being one of the  3 of the most powerful pure bloods being Leonhart, Spark and Rose. 

Efina daughter of  Rose

               Efina is 16 years old (soon turning 17) the third family in power. At a young age, her mother and father were taken by the council and Efina has been raised by Yori's family ever since. She is very sweet and more of an innocent vampire who has never been bitten before. She hasn't fully awakened her powers but always help Yori train. Efina is sweet and cheerful always trying to make light of a situation when Yori and Elijah always bump heads.

        Yori daughter of  Leonhart

Yori Leonhart is 18 years old the first family in power, she's a very powerful vampire in her family plus somewhat raising Efina. She's witty, brave and cold, Her nickname is the ice queen because no one has seen her smile except Efina. Yori and Efina have been best friends since the day they meet. That same day she meets Elijah who was Yori's age at the time. Ever since that day they always had arguments but stopped for Efina. She has feelings for Efina and knows that Elijah does as well. She tries to take Efina's heart before Elijah has the chance

Elijah Son of Spark

       Elijah is 18 years old and the second family in power. He's very charming, sweet but sometimes a hot head. Many ladies tried to marry him but  only has his heart set on one girl, Efina. Elijah has known Efina since he was 7 years old with Yori. He hasn't told Efina his feelings knowing how it would affect Yori that is what started his rivalry for Efina. Elijah's father is very demanding but his mother has the kindest of souls next to Efina. His father is trying to be the strongest family in power

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Chapter 1~Thirst

     "Eight years ago the family of Rose was separated, a mother, father and twin girls. One daughter was taken into the next family in power yet the other had never been seen again. Through out the years, the young princess memories of that night was unclear to her. Her seventeenth birthday is soon arriving and we must not keep her waiting for her duty"

      I smiled looking walking toward Yori's room holding a letter in my hand anticipated to read it. Walking past the hall of royal paintings to Yori's room  I knocked on her door gripping the letter anticipated to read it to her. I waited for her reply but knocked again waiting even longer until I heard her voice "Come in". A smile reappeared on my face as I open the door walking into her room as I ran to her sitting on her window seal. She looked towards me and chuckled " Let me guess, another letter from Elijah?" I nodded and moved closer "Yes but he wrote something and wanted me to tell you." As I open the letter I took a breath and began to read "Dear Efina our constant writing day by day has been great but it is about to end soon, I will be coming back from the academy any day now for your birthday. It has been two years and I can't wait to see you. I have a surprise for you oh and tell Yori when I get back we need to talk see you soon, your dear friend Elijah." I looked at Yori's face as she had a confused look on her face as she looked at the letter taking it from my hand "I wonder what he has to talk to me about but wow two years already?" I hold her hand letting her stand "I know but....I came asking you a favor this week please don't cause any trouble with Elijah, I want you two to get along" Yori took a deep breath and sighed out as she gripped my hands "For you, I will" I hugged her tightly then looked out the window seeing a carriage outside the red symbol on the side making me grow with excitement as I walked out of the room as I held the side of my dress so I had more room. Making my way to the entrance I grew more excited as I couldn't hide the smile on my face, I stopped seeing the man open the door to the carriage as a young gentleman stepped out, he had brown hair with a little stubble.

He stood up tall and proud much taller than me. I couldn't believe this was my best friend Elijah, he looked so different from the last time I saw him. I just stood there watching him walk toward me I felt my chest rise and fall trying to catch my breath. He looked down at me as  I looked up and he wrapped his arms around me as I did the same and he picked me up spinning me around. He laughed hugging me tighter as I tried not to. "It's been too long Efina." His voice caught me off guard it was deep and smooth, unlike the Elijah I remember as a young girl. He placed me down as I look into his brown eyes smiling at him "Elijah...." A voice separated us as we looked away from each other as we smiled "Elijah, it's so good to see you again" I turned seeing Lady Irene the woman who took me in when my parents were taken by the council. She's so beautiful and kindly treated Elijah and me as if we were really her own children. She hugged Elijah and kissed his forehead as she held my hand looking at me than him. "You will be coming to Efina's 17th birthday ball correct?" He nodded looking at her than me "'I wouldn't miss it for the world" She smiled  taking  her leave but Yori came behind her " are you" his smile soon went away as he stood in front of her " Yori.." I looked at them back and forth as I soon stepped in holding both of their hands. "Elijah why don't you stay for dinner" I saw from the corner of my eye that Yori looked at me then back to Elijah as he sadly shook his head no "I'm sorry Efina but I have to get back to my own palace, my father wanted to speak to me about something." He hugged me once more before returning back to his carriage as Yori walked with him "Elijah.." "I know, but I'm not going to give up just because you told me" "You're only a friend toward her..nothing else" he climbed into the carriage and slowly closed the door. I saw the look on Elijah's face knowing Yori probably told him something. Watching his carriage ride away Yori came back to me smiling "Come now, you must try the dress that mother has chosen for you Efina" She held my hand walking me to the room as I looked at her "Did you say anything to Elijah?" Yori looked back at me and sighed "He was sad he wished he had more time to spend with you, you know I wouldn't lie to you" I had to rethink the situation, Yori is my close friend she only wants me to be happy of course she wouldn't lie to me.

Yori opened the door as a beautiful royal blue dress with beautiful beading was in the room. I walked toward it touching the hem and beading. I slowly remove my cover to my dress preparing to try the dress as I catch Yori watching me her fingers covering her smirk but I can tell it clear as day. I feel a blush come across my cheeks as I cover my shoulders "Yori...why stare" She gets up and walks toward me facing the mirror as she turns my body as well. She rubbed my shoulders as she lowered to my cheek giving it a soft peck "Because you're beautiful I looked in the mirror seeing her remove my hair from my neck then stopped looking in the mirror her red eyes glowed "I know, only a few more days will be 17" I held Yori's hand on my shoulder as I smiled "You promise it won't hurt when you bite me...." she hugged me tightly "I will try not to make it hurt as much as possible" She smiled kissing my cheek as she nodded her head. I have been in love with Yori for a few months now, I knew how she felt and I wanted her to be the first vampire to bite me. When  I confessed for Yori all she could do was blush and cover her face and said: "I-i should have been the one to confess first".  Yori backed away waiting for me to try on the dress and me smiled being a bit excited myself, looking at myself made me more excited for the big day. I Spun around viewing the dress as I pass the mirror as Yori grabbed my hand and we started to dance. She pulled me close spinning me around as there was a knock on the door she let me go and went to answer it. I fix my dress looking into the mirror as Father looked and smiled walking towards me "You look beautiful Mija.

I walked to him as he hugged me tightly. He moved back to see the dress in its entirety as I playfully spin around. "My dear, the big day is just upon us, you're growing up so fast" He hugged me again tighter as I hugged him back then Yori pat his back and he walked out as I tilt my head "was he crying" Yori chuckled "You know he is emotional" "Yes but people called him a monster how can a big teddy bear like that be a monster?" Yes father had a reputation, he was king, of course, he would have one yet that name, I just can't see it. After I took off my birthday gown I put my normal clothing on and began to roam the halls until it was time for dinner. I walked into the family dinning hall passing the pictures of us through out the years. Sitting beside Yori I look around seeing mother sit down yet fathers chair was empty. The food in front of us filled my nose making me smile as I feel someone poke my shoulder as father walked innocently back to his chair and sit down with a sly grin on his face as he nodded, telling us we can begin eating. Today it was different, it was quiet and mother gave father a disgusted look on her face. "Mother are you alright?" She smiled looking toward me as I can tell she was a mask. "No i'm fine dear, don't worry about me" I looked toward father seeing for the first time he had a serious glare at mother. I cant tell if he was upset or anything. I could feel the tension in the room as I slowly eat my meal and bows escorting myself from the table back to my room. Closing the door I sit on my bed and look up at my ceiling I hear a knock at the door I sit up rubbing my eyes "Come in" I see a tall figure bring a smile to my face as  I see my one of my befriends stand by the door "Elijah!" He brought a finger to his lips as I quiet down. "No one can know that I am here, especially Yori, I wouldn't hear the end of it" He closed the door behind him slowly as I meet him halfway and hugged him tightly "Elijah, why are you here?" I was a bit confused but I was too happy 

    Elijah smiled and held my hand as he kissed it softly "I came to ask if Ii could be your escort for your birthday ball" Gripping his hand I smiled yet Yori was already escorting me, I didn't want to hurt Elijah yet I cant just lie to him either 

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