Earning the Right to Ride


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Kit Tomlin knew something about family and hardship. She also knew a good deal about animals.  Riding the bulls was something that was forbidden and only made it more tempting. When family obligations call her home and to keep her family ranch alive Kit knows she needs help. She takes on a ranch hand with obligations of his own;  Kit knows  them well. 

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Chapter 1


She was used to the looks she got as she rounded the pen. Some men jeered while others looked on silently trying to understand the number pinned to her hip. To those who catcalled she tipped her hat, this was not the first time she had rounded the gate to mount.


Nor were these the first men to make fun of her and really they were not the worst. Kit Tomlin was used to it, she had been on the professional circuit for almost three years. She could ride with the best of them and knew it, over the years she had earned the respect of many; but some still struggled with letting a woman ride.


Rounding the official she hauled herself up on the chute, for this ride she had drawn Wind Twister a splotchy chocolate colored bull known for kicking his rear up hard. The man rounding the gate glared at her; Kit jerked her chin up.


This was the alpha male, common on the circuit these men didn't think she should be allowed to ride. Kit knew part of it was also that she was up next, he had just been thrown and defeated by his bull. Now it was her turn, the other bull had been herded out of the arena.


Kit pushed the air out of her lungs hard, it was time to ride. Swinging a leg over the bull's back she glanced at the two men holding it steady. Folding the rope over her glove and tested her grip; lowering her weight on to the animal she felt him shifting.


A nod released the bull and the gate slammed open. It was only eight seconds but she had to hang on. In theory it was simple, in reality it bordered impossible. Yet it was one of the best feelings in the world.


The animal twisting and bucking beneath her, trying to unseat her, the arena erupting with noise and the brightly dressed rodeo clown were all a blur. The only thing Kit was sure of was where her hands were, one on hat and the other wrapped in the leather strap, and that she was still on the bull.


Then the buzzer drowned out everything else and she turned, a mounted rider drew alongside her. Freeing her hand she wrapped her arms around his waist and allowed herself to be hauled off the animal. The crowd went wild and she was spent.


The horse trotted through the gate and she slid to her feet, hearing the same greeting she had been given when she came for her ride; only louder this time. Kit tipped her hat and headed for the stands, she had no desire to stand around here.


Most of the riders had already started to drink and she knew what these men were like when drunk. No matter where she went that never changed, and while sober they wouldn't give her a second glance; unless she was mounting. But drunk it didn't matter whether she was pretty or not, she was female and that was about all they cared about.


She would wait to hear results around by the stands then head back to her trailer and roll out. In the morning she wanted to be at home for the week. Her brother needed all the help he could get out at the ranch this week; they needed to move the cattle to the spring pasture.


Shrugging off an unwelcome hand she found a hole on the arena rail and leaned up to watch; two more riders before it was decided. Keeping her attention on the rider, who had just eaten the dirt, she felt someone watching her.


Another rider mounted and fell, Kit shifted; she wanted to hear how she did. It was important for her to do well, not only because it was her living but also because as a woman she had a lot more to prove. The announcer's voice boomed through the arena, scores were up.


She had been the only rider to hold on for her eight seconds, which meant she had the jackpot; the money was always welcome. Now it was time for her to duck out, it was a six hour drive back home and she wanted to make it in before midnight.


Turning away from the arena she found her watcher, the man who had ridden before her; who'd glared at her as he left the holding. She wouldn't lie, he was good looking but like every cowboy he was a womanizer; it was best to just walk away.


Still his image was burned in her mind, he was one of the better looking cowboys she had seen in a long time; too bad in some ways they were all the same. Cowboys were tough, risking their lives to ride and traveling most of the year, they either wanted a quick roll in the hay or a woman they could protect. She fit neither category, when she was younger she had played a little with the boys willing to roll with her, but after a month and a bad relationship it got old.


Kit's body was the same as theirs, she was just a little shorter and softer in some places she couldn't harden. These men wanted soft bodies that came with cute little laughs and pure stupidity. Her shoulders were strong and her arms as thick as theirs, her muscles hard and ready; she did not fit into their ideal at all.


Walking past she kept her chin high and her shoulders square, the easiest way to keep them in line was to keep herself away from them. Kit was relieved to weave her way through to her site and load her truck; time to hit the road home.




He had known there were a few women on the competitive circuit but he hadn't met one before. He hadn't expected the girl to be stunning, he had seen his share of women; the rodeo attracted them. Yet Ryan Colby was drawn by her, even after a bad ride he couldn't help but appreciate her.


The woman was built to last, her body was strong and muscles developed to work. She wasn't one of the delicate little creatures that hung around the ring after hours looking for a man. No, she belonged there as much as any man, or at least she looked as though she did.


Dark jeans under heavy beat up chaps said she wasn't there for show, a black t-shirt showed off her assets as much as it covered them. But her clothes didn't matter to him, they were covered in a layer of dirt anyway; they only covered the fine woman beneath.


He heard her name reverberating after the last rider, she had been the only one to hold on and took home the jack pot for her effort. Kit Tomlin, he could put a name to a face but it wasn't enough. He wanted to know more, tracking her back to her truck she gave no sign that she was pleased by her success; intent on her project.


The truck rolled away and he wandered back to the party, beer was flowing freely and the girls had turned up. One brunette came up and pressed herself against his back, where in his younger years he might have been happy to have the company for the night. Tonight he had no use of a woman who was only interested in him because he was a cowboy.


It had been years since he had found a woman willing to look past his exterior and get to know him. Most just wanted the mystery of a cowboy, a bull rider to play with for a week or two and then move on to the next. There was a time when every man welcomed that but as time passed he longed for more; for a woman to want to know him.


Six years on the circuit had broken enough bones and bruised his body to the point that he was ready to return home. Where ever home would be, he had left his own home so many years ago that the word no longer held the sentiment it should; only a responsibility he feared.


Naive as it was he thought he could settle down with a woman like Kit, who clearly knew how to hold her own. He could tell she could handle the men, she walked past them without acknowledgement, and there was no doubt that she could ride. Her body had come from years of hard work; she would be able to run a house and turn around to help her man in the field. The trick would be to tame a woman like that, on the circuit she would have seen the men who only wanted her body. And those who wanted to tell her no, she had stood against them to get where she was.


It was a challenge he wanted, he had no doubt he would have to earn the right to ride her. Yet there had to be other layers to her, it was a challenge that he needed; he was ready for something new. Someone around here would know where she came from and he was going to find them.

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Chapter 2


Four days on horseback, her body was tired but the work was almost done. This was the first year she had done it without her brother; Michael had only been gone a year but he was still missed. Especially now, this was something they had all done together every year since they could ride; and it had just been the three of them since their dad had died.

Even though Kit loved being out on the range, it was here that she thought of the people in her life that had died. Twice a year they moved the cattle across the land so that they could graze and calve in the safety of the canyon’s shadow.


When they were little it had been a family event, now it was a time to remember. Still this year was different; since Michael was gone it was only Kit and Logan working with the other ranchers. She didn't just miss the company of her brother; the ranch needed the help.


It had been Michael's death that had brought her home full time anyway; she had spent the last year trying to balance everything. Logan had stepped up to run do as much as he could but the reality was he was just too young.


As she looked out from her mare's back she sighed, in truth they needed help and they needed to move on. It was time for her to come home to stay and she knew it. Kit didn't want to in many respects; it had taken her a long time to make it as a bull rider.


But family had to come first, and right now her family needed her. Summer would be busy and there was a lot of work to be done. Logan couldn't do it alone and shouldn't have to. It would be two days before they left the cattle just past the canyon and headed home.


Once they got back it would be time for her to find someone else to help out, even if it would injure Logan's pride. There were always men coming through town looking for work this time of year. This year she would hire one, the bunk house had been empty long enough as the ranch dwindled.


Pulling herself back from the depressing mess of her family business she focused back on the task at hand. Urging her mare up the herd to bring the cattle back into a tight pack, the last thing they needed was to lose a cow.




He rolled slowly through the small town, it was the type ranching community Montana was famous for; it was a place people made their homes and their livelihoods. Dirt roads and family run businesses made up the kilometer of down town before it faded into family homes and a small school.


Jackson Montana was a cross road town with a small coffee shop, gas bar and convenience store with a hardware outlet in the back. The feed store held a prominent spot at the intersection. A post office sat next to the library and a family restaurant; it was understated and welcoming. Somewhere around here lived one of the only women riding the professional circuit; and one of the best riders contending for the championship.


Pulling in to the family restaurant he stepped out of his truck and walked into a community meeting house. Old men lined the bar, cups of coffee and plates full of food in front of them they gossiped and caught up on the town news. A waitress rounded the bar to greet him. "Have a seat and just let me know when you're ready."


He choose a table by the window and flipped through the menu; he already knew what he wanted. And more than food it was information he was interested in, a glance at the waitress told him he had some time; she had her hands full. He stood and wandered to a bulletin board full of holes and handmade signs. Several advertised for ranch hands; none looked to be drawn by a feminine hand.


The bell jingled and he stepped aside as a young man entered, nodding to the group at the bar who called to him immediately. "Saw your sister best the boys out in the rodeo on Saturday; that was a good win."

 Another called out. "She's long since qualified for championships; guess she's got it in the bag."


The one on the end, who looked to be the oldest chuckled softly. "She's had it in the bag since she held on when Sinbad got free. She's always had a way."


"That she has, but she also says this will be her last year. We need to focus on the ranch, she's talked some about going back into training mustangs but for now we have enough to do. Need some help as it is." An awkward silence held for a moment, everyone in the room seemed to know something he didn't.


Ryan meandered back to his table confident this conversation was being shared with everyone in the restaurant; a man from the bar called out again. "She knows how to hold her own; was raised in that business a lot longer than you were boy. Need a ranch hand is all, your sister is no weakling and she knows how to do the work of a man or two but a ranch requires more than two."


"That's what we're thinking, before its time to move the cattle again." The man resembled Kit, there were many differences but the eyes were the same.


Some local gossip was shared and the conversation died,  the young man moved off to a table out of the way. Having placed his order Ryan rose and made his way over, the young man looked up and Ryan was struck by how young he really was. "Heard you were looking for a hand, I'm looking for work."


"Logan Tomlin, you would be?" A hand was stuck out and they shook, and then Ryan took a seat.


"Ryan Colby, grew up on a ranch and worked on my fair share."


"Have a problem taking orders from a woman?"


"No sir, wouldn't have survived if I did."


"Good, because no one kids themselves about who is in charge out at the Canyon, my sister will take any one any day; you're a fool to fight her." He heard chuckles coming from the group at the counter. "I'm heading back out after I get a load of feed, we're a ways out of town. You staying around here?"


"Guess I am now." Ryan didn't have a place yet, but if he had a job then he'd find one. And it was perfect that he worked for a rider; at least she'd understand the old wounds that flared up; most asked why a young man had aged so fast.


"We got a bunk house, used to be full, empty now; you can live there if you want. And Kit knows how to cook, have to talk to her before I give you wage." And like that it was done, he liked that about dealing with ranchers; there was a small town trust.


"Fair enough." With that he returned to his table and his meal, he ate and dropped a few bills to cover it, then followed Logan out. They turned back onto the road and continued to the feed store.


Some things came back to him like old habits and he hauled the bags easily, tossing them into the man's truck. Covered in dust and beat up from years on bad roads and off road trips the thing proved it was a ranch vehicle before the tags told him so. His truck would share some of the consequences after a single trip out he suspected.


They moved a lot of feed, either this was a long term supply or they were heading towards a good sized herd. "I assume you've heard of my sister, Kit? She rides bulls professionally, pretty good at it too, she technically owns the farm, and we've actually downsized in the last couple years."


"Everybody on the rodeo circuit knows Kit Tomlin, she can hang on like nothing else. Doesn't stay around though, but I guess she has quite a few responsibilities to come back to." He heaved yet another bag of feed into the bed of the truck.


"She does, but she doesn't have much use for cowboys either; it took a long time for her to make it out of the county fairs. She was considered more of a novelty than a competitor; especially when she trains the way she does. Best horse trainer around, and I can brag; no one argues it." The man seemed so proud of his sister, Ryan smiled.


"She can take her hits, I've seen her go against a bull or two that I've had the pleasure of knowing; and flying off of."


"Not very often they actually manage to throw her, then nothing throws her very often; you don't want to be around if she does fall. She's madder at herself than anything else but it can be nasty." Ryan saw Logan laugh, as a younger brother the man had probably seen every step in between the tough rider who entered the ring and the young woman who had no business on a bull.


Not that men had much more, and that was just part of the fun; he knew the thrill all too well. It had cost him plenty and yet every injury had just drawn him back in; he understood why she would react to being thrown. "I take it she's the one in charge? You two have anybody else?"


"No, not anymore, just Kit and I now; though if you ask me Kit counts as two. She'll do the work of two men and still get done on time to keep the house." There had been a shift in the man's eyes and he'd paused in throwing the last bag; it was a touchy subject.


"Lot of work for two people."


"Got that right, about ready to head out?" Logan had bounced back and was climbing into the cab of his truck.


Ryan rounded to his own and they headed on out of town, along the road nearly everything was fenced either side, he knew part of that was practicality but in these part there were still wild horses. And having fenced pastures along the roads kept them well back, something he fully agreed with.


Ranches could be distinguished by the fencing though, he could guess where one property ended and another began, different ages of posts or methods of stringing and livestock within. They were on the road a long time, the town was out of sight and had given way to the country for miles before they turned off. A sign at the entrance announced Canyon Rock Ranch and Training Center.


The place was clean and well maintained, not new by most standards but certainly not old. The house stood to one side and another building beyond that was likely the bunk house but on the other side the business held its ground. A huge L shaped barn framed the lane, horses stuck their heads out the half doors curious to see what was going on, as they rounded the barn he realized it was much wider than he'd realized.


The trucks were parked out of the way and Ryan took in the place as Logan led him through the barns. " Kit is probably still out in the canyon right now, we brought the cattle back from the winter grazing lands just last week; takes some time to settle and we're expecting a lot of calves this year."


"Always a good thing." There was a clean division through the barn, the part that made up the front L by the driveway was given over to horses, the back housed hay and store rooms as well as some empty pens, for sick or unhealthy animals; empty at the moment.


It was an older setup, but only half the store area housed hay, part was clearly used for indoor training; sensible during the winter as the feed store had been used. They loaded bags into a huge wooden box, too keep rodents out and poured a couple into the second drum; food bowls stood out for measuring.


Each was named and by his count there were nearly twenty horses here on top of whatever they had for cattle. "We can leave the horses for Kit, half of them are mustangs anyways, she has a deal with the government; she gentles them into riding and working horses before auction. A trained horse has a lot more value, keeps them from going for slaughter and lowers abuse; they'll do what they're told for the most part. But she gets them in wild, been kicked more than once."


"She must keep pretty busy, what with riding too."


"Training the horses is her trick to training for bulls; some of them work real hard to throw her, usually they fail; I can only remember a couple of times that she's been hurt bad." He was led around the L and into a tack room; full of saddles of every variation. "Some of them are ours, we use them for the ranch, she rides every style; trains different horses different disciplines based on their qualities. I only ride western though, usually on Cobalt; he's dependable, I don't need any spunk. She'll assign you someone but Fancy, Storm, and Ally are our best ones; Rascal is hers."


He gestured to a different set of tack for each name, Ryan glanced up the wall an old poster hung on the wall; a thick layer of dust covered it. "What's that?"


"Kit, nearly twenty years ago." Logan laughed but he studied it intently; it would be easier to see if it were clean. "My mother put that up there, that horse is a legend around here; along with Kit. Brat thing was unridable for years, somebody pulled him off the range and had a local guy try and train him, didn't work so he got sold and another trainer tried; and he just circulated. Either way a neighbor ended up with him and he broke out through the fence, was running the highway and my brother and sister were walking back from the bus stop; somehow Kit ended up on his back."


"Michael said she climbed a fence and jumped but he was tall and he didn't stop so nobody knows for sure. Either way he kept running and started bucking but Kit was unshakeable, ran all the way into town and she was pulling on his mane for all she was worth; horse finally stopped outside general store. She turned him around and trotted him back out here by his mane. Needless to say he became her horse and she could get him to do anything; she was only eight or nine at the time. Became a legend around here, and if anybody wants a horse trained they bring it to her; she's had people send their horses to her from as far as Canada."


Ryan let out a low whistle and pictured the rider he'd seen cling to a bull for eight seconds and then looked back at the young girl on the wall; a lot had happened in the years between. "Guess her job was decided early on."


"Yep, she's always had a way with animals; of every kind. Won't hurt them even when she should. Had coyotes giving our herd some trouble, she wouldn't shoot them, just rode out early a couple evenings and waited for them; fired shots into the air to scare them off. Neighbors hunt them every year and I don't dare suggest joining them." Logan shook his head, laughing a little and he was struck by how much respect this man had for his older sister; he certainly didn't feel that way about his.


Then ten years ago Rachel had been pregnant and moving home, openly planning to turn his room into a nursery; while he was still living in it. He'd left before the baby was born and never gone back, not for the birth of his niece or the funerals of his parents. He'd made the road his home, and the bulls his family; going home held to much pain.


No, respect wouldn't share his voice with his sister, he had put as much space between them as he could and intended to keep it that way. Still he admired the way a young man still could look up to his sister, past childhood but even when she was his boss; more than his partner.


"If she can find a more humane way to make them go away then why not?" He shrugged, he wasn't against hunting but then it had never been something he really enjoyed.


"Her point exactly, and don't you forget it. C'mon, I'll show you the rest of the place, at least what's close; we can ride out tomorrow and I'll show you the grazing areas; our brand is CR." Ryan nodded, if the cattle ran free on the range recognizing the brand could be important as others might do the same; taking someone else's livestock would not be appreciated.


"You own the canyon then?"


"Yep, we own part of it anyways, we are built in what is considered the shadow, our land backs up to government land; most of these properties do. You'll still see mustangs, sometimes in the winter they are mixed in with our herds; they winter in the canyon too."


"You winter your herd in the canyon?"


"Yep, miserable to haul hay out, but can't argue that there's better shelter in there than out on the open land; lot of people do. Guy up the way who doesn't, he lost a lot of cattle to the cold last year; it was bitter. Anyways seeing that it makes the trek to get hay out there worth it; we only lost one and it was an old one as it was."


"Suppose it would, no problem with predators though? I mean rocks are where cougars and what not like to hide?" Ryan considered it, they had it figured out pretty well.


"Not so much out here, I was a little kid last time we saw a cougar this side of the canyon; our main problem is coyotes." They were walking out, past the round pen and several smaller pastures. "When we bring all the cattle in for two weeks early fall this is the pen they go in, its fifty acres, otherwise Kit uses it to run her horses. That's also the worst time for coyotes and to have them all penned up like that; everybody has a battle to keep the mutts out."


"Only good thing would be they can't drag a carcass off as fast."


"No, that's why we keep a donkey, it helps; helps out on the range too but it really helps in here. And the thing will kick anything and everything so keep it in your line of sight if you're on foot in the herd." They moved past it to a sandy corral, a mishmash of equipment lined the edge. "Kit's training pen, next step after the round pen."


He nodded as they circled back towards the house, a big black dog ambled out to meet them. It walked up and Ryan watched as it lowered its head to sniff his boot; he offered a hand and the big old dog licked it. "Friendly aren't you?"


"Not always, Blackie's a good judge of character; her pups are smart too; Kit trains them."


"I get the sense that Kit trains everything around here."


"Pretty much, humans included and sometimes you don't even realize she's doing it." The dog moved over to greet Logan too, clearly used to having everyone's attention. "Blackie has taken on a coyote and won, gentle old girl with people she likes but she fights to win."


Only then did Ryan notice the jagged scar on her nose, and part of a floppy ear was missing too; she was a big dog but clearly a mixed breed. "I'll keep it in mind."


"Kit babies her, the only reason there isn't a place set for her at the table is one time she tried it and got her hide tanned for it. When Kit is around the house, find Blackie and Kit is within arm's length. This is the bunk house, it should be pretty clean, and I'll get Kit to make up the bed but other than that." They stepped up onto the porch of the low long building.


It had been built years ago when the ranch had cowboys, but in recent years it seemed it had become solely a family affair. Still the place was kept up, inside the light flicked on and every bulb down the length of the building worked, bunks were clean, and the first two were already made. "Guess she makes the beds too, anyways, there's a kitchenette in the back but you can take your meals at the house. And you can curtain off your bunk, feel free to spread out; there's a couple drawers built into the foot of each bed."


"Somebody put a lot of effort into this place."


"My grandpa built it when he first started this place and the first guy he hired stayed with him for nearly fifty years; together they adapted the place. There was some turnover but a lot of the guys stayed for years and so it had to be homier. Only when my dad had three of us strong and able did he stop hiring out, but that's slipped away." There was another quiet pause and Ryan knew, Kit and Logan were on their own young and not by chance.


"Well I'll be happy to help out as I can, got no problem with a long day."


"Good, neither does my sister, and I guess if you know her from the rodeo you'll be looking for some weekends off; she takes them anyways."


"I'm sort of looking to retire from the rodeo, not that if there is one on I won't be interested in going but my body is starting to wear out." They stepped out onto the back porch and looking one way he had an open view of the range, the other a perfect view of Kit's training center; he thought he might like that.


"I hear you, it was me and my brother who were supposed to ride the bulls; not Kit. But dad couldn't teach us without teaching Kit and she was the only one with a gift for it; I ate dirt more times than I care to remember." The man's eyes rolled.


"Done it plenty of times myself, never gets easier; and somehow never makes you want to quit."


"Speak for yourself." Ryan smiled, in some ways it probably was hard to watch his sister excel in something he was meant to do.


"Can't say I ever learned the lesson." He looked out to the range, a rider had appeared and was drawing steadily closer; he heard the clatter of hooves over the bridge; they hadn't even slowed down.


Black hair streamed back, horse and rider moved as one, he knew who it was. She drew closer and passed them, her jeans were dusted with heavy dirt from the range and the dark blue tank top showed that she had felt the heat; most impressive was that she rode bareback.


He caught her gaze for a second and it flicked on, pausing on her brother; a silent question. Ryan simply took her in, she was at home on horseback, relaxed yet in control. "You let her smell fear and she'll make it her mission to run you off; Kit counts herself as a man just accept it and don't argue. I have to go take mine, so may as well move in; you can meet her later."


"After you lose a piece of hide?" He smiled as the young man rolled his eyes and stepped off the porch; jogging around towards the barn.


He wandered back through the place and choose a bunk to the back, stole a pillow from the bunk above and then set to drag his bag from the truck. Glancing at his phone he realized he had missed a call from his old boss, he had worked and lived there more or less since he'd left home; but retiring from riding also meant retiring from working for a supplier.


He helped choose the bulls that would buck, breed them and care for them; but it too took its toll. This in a way would be easier, at least he wouldn't end up in the dirt as often. Tossing the bag on the bed he dialed the familiar number, waiting for Allen to pick up.


'Hey man where are you now?' He had only left a month ago but it had been sudden and during a busy time of year, he had hoped the man understood; he didn't want the job back.


'Working out on a ranch south of Jackson, Canyon Rock.' He didn't want to be asked back and he didn't want to tell the man no either.


'Nice part of the country, I think that girl is from out there somewhere." Ryan smiled, Kit was widely referred to as the girl throughout the rodeo crowd, there weren't many girls riding and only a few made it to the major circuit; gender defined them easily. 'Anyway, there might be some trouble up at your sister's place, guy drove in, neighbor of yours; said cops were there most of the night.'


He sighed, he didn't want to know what Rachel had gotten into this time, nor did he want to bail her out; he'd done that before. But a long time ago, she was older and it was long past time she accepted the consequences of her mistakes. 'Her problem not mine, done smoothing things over for her; gotta live my life at some point.'


'I hear you but I didn't want them jumping on you blind if she did something real stupid.'


'Appreciate the concern but I'll be just as happy to keep my nose out.' Rachel had a knack for finding trouble, and didn't seem to understand that she was no longer a teenage party girl; she had a child to care for. It had been nearly three years since he saw his sister, the last time had been to pay her fine for a DUI and tell her he wasn't going to be her chauffer; she lived in town she could get a cab.


They talked for a moment about an upcoming championship ride, there were a few more people still trying to scrape through the qualifiers; but there was more chatter than ever about it going to a girl for the first time in history. Some were opposed, still of the opinion that women had no business on bulls and others were excited; it added diversity and created a new moment in history. 


He kept his opinion to himself, if half of what he had heard today was true he'd be willing to put money on the girl taking it all without breaking a sweat. Kit Tomlin had been one of the first qualifiers and had cleaned up consistently at every event she attended; championships would likely be no different. He had done a little research on her.


The call done, he set about unpacking a few things and checking out the kitchenette and bathroom. He could make this home, and enjoy the work he did, he'd but his blood sweat and tears into the land the same as they did and watch it come back to him; a principle his father had taught him years ago.




Kit glared across the tack room at her brother, she wasn't really angry but he didn't need to know that. She'd told him to hang a sign, not hire a guy and Logan's judgement was not always great; not to mention he was missing having a big brother around.


"Look he's a good guy, has an idea of what we need him to do, willing to work hard and easy to get along with. We need the help and we can give him a shot, I already told him to move in anyways." Her brother was working hard to keep the whine out of his voice, and Kit fought a smile; he'd always be the baby.


"I'll give him a chance but don't do it again; was hoping to get a local guy." Was not hoping to find the man from the rodeo again, he had watched her silently but there had been anger there to; not that she would have felt any different had she just fallen.


"Cool, I'll take him out tomorrow, show him the summer pasture and the rotation; take him through the canyon too. I already told him to learn our brand." Logan almost bounced in front of her and she thought back to when he had been a kid trailing after her and Michael; he'd had it the worst of all of them.


"Just make sure you know it yourself first." Color heated his cheeks, it had been several years ago that he'd brought a group of Lazenby's cattle home by accident; it was an innocent mistake but she wasn't about to let him forget it.


"I know it." With that he turned and left, likely to find his friend again.


"We eat late tonight; gotta run Sundance still." She called after him and slid the mare's tack onto her arm, alone with the horses again; her favourite time of day.


Sundance was a mustang, Kit had only had her two months but already the mare was ready for auction; she just didn't want to let her go. The smart little mare was tough and willing to work, she loved to run and would face anything. Kit made a point to take her out for a run every day, especially on the ones she didn't get to work her.


Brushing the smooth caramel colored coat she rid her of the grit and hay before hefting the saddle onto her back; Kit knew she had to send her for auction next month but she didn't want to. This was a horse that was willing to learn, Sundance hadn't thrown her once, she'd shied and sniffed and frozen but never bucked. Once over that hurdle the mare had learned eagerly, she'd get good money at the auction and if the jackpot she'd just won wasn't going for new fencing Kit would put it into buying Sundance without a second thought.


She could always go to a local ride this weekend, enter in a few classes and see what prizes she could take home; combined it might be enough buy the mare. With a sigh she led the horse out into the yard and swung up; it was something to consider. Urging the horse into a trot she headed her towards the bridge, stealing a glance towards the bunk house; she caught his gaze again.


Something shifted inside her, he wasn't angry today, he was still a cowboy, tough and beaten up by years of working and riding; but there wasn't the brooding in his eyes now. He leaned against the post and stared out towards the range, she felt his eyes on her back as she crossed the bridge; and urged Sundance up to a gallop.


The horse didn't need to warm up or want to; this was what the little mare had done since she was a foal. When she needed to run she could, and she could go for miles and Kit was just along for the ride. Her mind though was occupied, a part of her said to put her pettiness aside, a man could be angry after a bad ride; in that hour no one could blame him for glaring at someone. Michael had been gone awhile and the last to go, he had helped Logan through losing their parents, had shared his memories of their mother; Logan still needed that support.


She hoped he wouldn't put too much stock on this man, living up to his big brother was something no one could do; even if they did their best. But the support was something the young man needed and she couldn't pick a fight just to prove her place; it would do more harm than good.


And the man had done nothing to her, she couldn't blame every cowboy for the one who had kicked her when she was down. Give him a chance Kit told herself, give him a chance and give her brother a friend; they needed the help. Four years ago, she had been solely focused on the training center and it had been doing really well, her brothers had run the ranch, she'd taken care of some details but it had been their work.


Now though if the training center hadn't been doing so well, and if she didn't keep it up they would begin to lose the ranch; Logan didn't have the experience that Michael had. It was something only time could teach, when she had been little she and Michael had been out on the range a lot more, had more expectations on them than Logan had; their father had a lot more to do when he was little and less time to teach him how to work.


Only time would make it up, experience and mistakes; hopefully this man wasn't green. He didn't look to be anyways, but then that could be the bulls. She knew she had to stop questioning herself, rethinking things until they made no sense, until they made things harder.


Guiding Sundance around she let the little mare put it all into the run home, it was far too easy to let time get away from her when she was riding, they were nearly to the base of the canyon; well over a two hour ride. Then when she rode mustangs they often covered ground much faster, these horses trusted their feet and this mare had been born out here; she had run these paths her entire life.


Dusk was setting as Kit clattered back over the bridge into the yard, tying Sundance to the hitching post she stripped away her tack and ran a soft brush over her, pausing to let the animal nuzzle her hand; Blackie ambled up behind her and lay down to wait. The dog was hoping to follow her into the house and get some scraps as she cooked.


When the mare had been stripped of sweat and dust Kit let her into the open enclosure, her stall backed it and the mare could socialize or go back to her diner; she'd come out later and close everyone in for the night. Cleaning her tack she bounded towards the house, dog on her heels; she had to get supper on for her brother.


Opening the fridge she grabbed the chicken she'd left to thaw and a head of lettuce. Hopefully if this guy worked out she'd have more time for the horses and the house; she'd actually have the time to plan meals rather than throw them together. But she did know how to cook and throwing the meal together still never failed to see her brother ate better than the microwave diners he lived on when she had to go to an out of state ride.


Blackie stretched out in the middle of the floor and pretended to sleep, Kit waited until the tail stopped moving to drop a piece of bacon; the old dog was on it in a flash. Something's never changed, and she liked that as she put the meal on the table and yelled for her brother.

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