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1 I learn nothing

 I sat there in science class looking around the white walled class room. My science teacher droned on about frog anatomy. I looked across the room and out the window at the Las Vegas sky line. There was nothing worse than Mrs. Feagle talking about science, or anything for that matter. One second she will be talking the next second we will be talking about pollution or how horrible our president is. I do not think he is that bad. He does have a problem with blaming things on other people. I don't know. "Miss Finn would you like to tell me how salmon reproduce?" I looked over at Emma Finn who was sleeping, I don't blame her. The one thing I did not understand was that we were not talking about salmon. The whole class started trying to wake Emma up by throwing things at her. I looked around the class room again in case I got called on. I looked back at the white walls. I really w

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