

Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

when i first joined this server named anime! I found a nice cute girl named h4tsun3-dhdjhd or wtf that name is, but anyway. When i saw her i fell in love with her she was so nice unlike the other c*nts on that server. I was always shy to ask her out so my nice friend matt told me how to do it. He said that. If you wanna marry a lovely girl never be shy. Just be cool. I took that a as a advice since i didnt know matt that well and yeah. I had no options left, so i started to dm her about how i loved her. It took me like 5 min to wait for a reaction, she then replied after 5 minutes and said   "dear Swagerella i know your in love with me and ik you probably wont care about this but im in love with pyrox my whole life" i then got the question mark face like what does she even mean by that she joined the server like 1 day ago what if she is lying about this stuff to keep me away from herself. I then heard knockings on my door 3 times i said "who is there" the person didnt answer but instead sended me a message on dm her name was h4tsun3 she said "im at your door babe, you wanted to see me" i then said wtf how did you find me. I then realized if im gonna be quiet, she wont realize im in my room. So i started to be quiet for like 2 hours and shr sended me a note which said "i will never leave you babe" i then talked with my good friend pyrox about this, her name on pyrox's server was "Pyrox's wife" and i sended a ss of the note h4tsun3 sended me under my door, ofc pyrox didnt believe me so i showed him a recordig tape of h4tsun3 banging on my door. Then he finally believed me and what he said scared me the most he said "it wasnt h4tsun3 it was me i wanted you dead since you had a crush on h4tsun3. I then saw a weird figure in my house he had a mask on his face with a knife he was sitting on my bed i the distance wasnt that far from me and him so. It was pretty easy to tell that he wanted to kill me. I basically coldnt do anything i started at the guy like 15 minutes and he stared back at me 15 minutes with a knife in his hand. I slowly then walked away from my room and closed the door, i then ran outside without my shoes and got to my friends home astrosnax? I told her everything about this and she called the police and what the police said scared me the hell out of this experience i had the police said "we checked your house m8 but we couldnt find a single shit from that guy nothing not any footprints or finger prints" i then checked my house and there wasnt anything broken yet

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