favorite flower


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favorite flower

Whether it is while planting a flower in a lawn or redecorating your home with flowers, some people love the traditional roses, while others pick sunflowers or lilies. We all have flowers that we are attracted to; however, do you know what the flowers signify? Some of them represent states and county history, and many flowers have particular cool meanings you may have by no means heard.

So below please find what your favorite flower says about yourself:


What they tell about yourself: You almost always follow your heart. Are you aesthetic? Classic, undying and never outdated. You know how to impress, effortlessly.


What they tell about yourself: You're thoughtful and confident, and your style changes a lot based on your mood but is somehow always sleek and coordinated.


What they tell about yourself: You're an optimist who can find the good in any situation—and you're probably a morning person, too. You always have the ideas which can make people smile.


What they tell about yourself: You live for all things nostalgic—going through old photos from memories, poking around in traditional shops, enjoying old shows—and you're all about infusing your style with classic things.


What they say about you: You put your friends and family above all. You are a great host, especially if it's a party for someone you love. Your style shows off your fun-but-laid-back personality.


What they say about you: Your favorite hobby? Making new friends.  You love to be the center of attention. Your style is bright and warm, and you always have a stable and bold statement.

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