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       Firstly, I arrived at school after eating, oatmeal, a banana, and a pop-tart. I walked to the table I usually say at in the morning, and was wearing my Tidi/ Galaxy batman shirt for superhero spirit day. After talking to the girls at the table I spotted Bodie, "HEY MAN!" I yelled, standing very close to him and started walking. Still walking very close to him we looked for his friends, Jeff and Vincent. We ended up just walking around the quad not finding anyone but Chad, his other  friend. Bodie was still mad at Jeff for the really wierd things he said to me, but they seemed to work it out. First and second periods weren't that fun, and third period was my elective, where we just edited clips together. After third period I ran to the cafeteria and got pizza, a banana, and chocolate milk. I did my shot, because I am a type one diabetic, and went off to eat. On my way to the office I saw Bodie, and Jeff in the line for slushies talking, so they must have worked it out. Anyways, after my shot I went to the spot where I usually sat. On the floor, by a pole. After I finished eating, I went up find Bodie. I found him but he was just eating with Jeff and Vincent. I left because he didn't seem like he wanted me there, and I kept going around the quad. My favorite Mexican song, suavemente came on and I danced. Jeff stopped me and said he spit and through our bodies food because he thought it was Carlos', and asked me to buy Bodie something, I told him I didn't have money and,went off dancing. The rest of the day was boring, I played badminton and am making our sub a sign that says goodbye Miss C.. I walked home far away from Jacob and went home, nothing else interesting happened but I'll keep you posted.
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