When Words Fail.


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Chapter 0

"What is this?" I ask. Voice shaking, palms sweating.
"Honey what is this you drew?"

My perfect little girl, looks up at me, eyes wide, full of an eons worth of innocence an adoration. The look only a child can possess, and only when peering deeply into her mothers eyes. My beautiful girl. This child whom I would kill and die for, but no longer understand. 
"It's the end mommy." 

My heart sinks deeps into the pits of what i imagine is hell. 

"The end baby?" 
"Yes, Momma. This is how the world ends."
"How do you know?" I ask, trying very hard to stay composed in front of this child whom i bore passage into the world.
"Because." She says, going back to her crayons. "This is how I'm going to end it."

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