Karta And The Expired Milk


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Chapter 1

 Once there was a girl named Karta she lived in a village with only 50 people in total she was so sad that day because she is just an 8 year old girl who eats on the floor. One day, her mom wants to go to the store, they ran out of milk at home so her mom decides to buy some milk in the store. 

           5 weeks later...

When Karta wants to drink the milk she saw the milk just turned green, Karta poured a tiny bit of the milk and tell it to her mom. "Mom, why is the milk green already?!", Her mom replied "Don't drink it Karta it may be expired already". Karta went to her room and use her microscope to see what is inside the green milk. She saw 3 green girls dancing in the green fire. She bought a microphone that day and ask what are their names. The first girl said her name was Mythical, The second girl said her name was Creat, and The third girl said her name was Ures. Karta think hard and got an answer. Karta asked again, "Is the milk expired already?" Creat answered "No, silly!" Karta thinks hard again and found an answer and she said "Mythical-Creat-Ures! You guys are Mythical Creatures?!" Mythical said "We are!", and Ures replied "Please don't tell this to anyone even your family!" Karta answered "I promise!"

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