Smile Face


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 I ran, ran for my life, I had the killer, Smile Face chasing me, I was weaponless while Smile Face had an axe, I ran, until I found backup and when I turned around He was gone, nowhere to be seen.

That Night I knew why he was called smile face he has a smile stuck in a creepy position nobody know how he escaped. I will never,ever forget that night. The next morning as everyone expected another murder was committed at the hands of Smile Face. 

If you don't know who smile face is he is a Texas 'legend' that is REAL! Everybody in Texas, no matter where they are, they could get murdered, nobody is safe.

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 Lately, police, S.W.A.T and military have got involved. New day, New murder, I know, daily murders, horrid! but true. 

This murderer wouldn't stop until.. I am the first person to know, he been caught, he been murdering everyday for 3 years but he has been arrested, I am utterly stunned.   It surely, he never been caught for 3 years, but finally! He is caught!

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