The Milestone That Caused Hell


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The girl who cried wolf

There is a wide range of folks who have either seen a ghost , felt a ghost, or maybe haven’t encountered any spirits. I wish i was one of the lucky ones who hasn’t. I have a little sister, for years she has told our family she sees spirits, but who would believe her right? Dont get me wrong i believe in spirits, i just want them to stay away from me thats all. But we all dont get what we want.. sadly that was the case for me and my family, more so me.
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Chapter 1


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The mental institution for 200 Alex

Our family has three animals. Two cats, ninknink and euky. One dog which is jasper. I know you’re like why is that important but it is. Its vital information trust me. Euky likes to hop on the piano and make these horrible melodies. Nink nink sometimes join her , until we figured out Nink Nink gets tired of the piano playing and hops on the piano to beat her off of it. So one day my parents went away to visit some family members. My sister was out with one of her friends. I am a big scaredy cat. I watch way too many horror films. So being the big punk that i am i gather all the animals and i lock myself in my parents room. I turn on the tv and try to keep myself from falling asleep until i see daylight. I start to fall asleep until a hear a song playing on the piano. It was the same tune, being played over and over again. I start to laugh thinking it was the cat until i realized the cat cant fully play a tune on the piano, and not only that all of the animals were in the room with me. Laughter turned into a heart racing panic. I grabbed my phone and dialed my moms number. She told me to open the door and send the dog out to see what was going on. So i hesitantly opened the door and attempted to send Jasper out. He wouldnt budge. He was too scared to go out the door. So of course i panicked. My mom not believing me just brushed it off as me being crazy. So i took a shoe and went out there, and nothing was found. Not a burglar, not a spirit, maybe my mom was right.
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Waving the white flag

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Jasper met casper

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You cant handle the truth

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