Poker Addiction


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How To Overcome Poker Addiction

If you are addicted to gambling, the chances are that you'll never appreciate money. Gambling isn't a bad thing anyway, but the abuse is. Addiction leads people to throw away too much money to satisfy their urge for more money. If you must gamble, ensure it doesn't interfere with family or professional time. If you let it get into your way, it spells doom for you in the long run. Whenever you lose, you may be angered to the point that you hit someone. This may result in a fight or loss of life. To avoid these complexities, play safe. 

You may not consider quitting, but you can modify the time spent on poker. Here is the best reputed site which gives you some tips to help you overcome gambling addiction.

Know the amount you can lose 

Most persons slide into depression or commit suicide after losing a considerable amount. The question is, why did they allow the money to slip from their hand? Well, I guess we'll never know. The amount you're willing to lose should not exceed your daily or weekly earnings. It would help if you did not borrow to play a game. If you don't have enough money for a game, back out. Losing more than your earnings would land you in big trouble. The amount at stake should never exceed 10% of your income. 

Know yourself 

No human on earth lives a perfect life. It is our shortcomings that make us humans; therefore, don't be scared to make mistakes. If you have the potentials to be addicted, avoid any casino appearance. If it is online poker, don't feel tempted to check out the site too often because you'll be trapped. If it is a live casino, find an alternative route that is free from gaming centers. 

Leave out your primary income 

I always advise that people play games with their spare cash. This helps them smile, even if they lose a lot. If you have multiple streams of income, good for you. Set your primary income aside and use it to fund your personal needs. If you have a small business on the side, you can support it with the proceeds. Passive income gives you peace of mind more than your primary income, and it helps you spend less. 

Ditch the hype 

They'll call you the best poker player in the world. They'll adore your wins and all that, but don't be deceived. If you follow the hype, you'll crash sooner than you think. Understand that poker is a zero-sum game – you either win or lose. When you lose, your friends who hailed your wins may not be there to console you. Don't be tempted to borrow money so you can live up to their expectations. 

Poker game is fun, but while at it, it is best not to lose your senses. With the right strategies, you'll make a profit from it. 


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