And it was she


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It wasn't a pleasant night. 

I remember, I still do remember every little detail of the day, of that night. 

No, this is not fiction, it's the story of her life, and her death. 

Or more specifically, her death.


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Chapter 1

It was the 25th of March, 2015. 

She  left our squad whatsapp group, and her last words there were "love yall". And that was it, that was all. 

Of course, we all went into frantic mode. Her quitting our group for no reason, on her birthday of all days. We didn't know what to do-- we were rendered helpless. We knew where she lived, and yes, we had her parents number. But were we really going to go to her house, risk calling her parents? What if she was just tired? What if she was taking a nap? We didn't want to alarm her parents, or worse, make her parents overprotective of her, something she had enough of. 

Finally, after hours and hours of no response from her, we gave up, and called her parents. 

We pushed it around-- who should be the one to make the call?

finally someone volunteered to. And we waited for the news;

i returned to rush work due the very next day.



my phone rang. 

I ignored it for a short while-- wanting to brace myself for whatever bad news there may be. 


'Ding' 'ding' 'ding' .....

i finally gave in, 

and opened the chat.


"she jumped. 


She he jumped off her balcony" 

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