Some Best Things about Granite Countertops


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Some Best Things about Granite Countertops

Whether it is in a residential, apartment, or commercial kitchen, modern kitchen usually use granite countertops.  Undoubtedly, these mined stoned countertop materials truly will make your place more welcoming.  Aside from that, a granite countertop material provides you with many options of designs to choose from.  No wonder such material for countertop is always in the list among contractors and builders.

What is Granite Countertops?

Granite is a natural stone.  It comes from stone quarries and are then cut into slabs.  Polished and then fabricated into countertops.  Every granite slab is slightly different in color and in mineral pattern which makes your countertops more unique than other countertops.  Now, if you want a design that would look naturally and matches the design of your kitchen, granite countertop is recommended. Quartz or engineered stones might come in many colours and patterns but do not appear to have natural looks.  It looks more synthetic than granite countertops. 

The Durability of Granite Countertops

Undoubtedly, granite countertops are super tough.  You can actually have hard time scratching or chipping its surface. Professionals apply sealer to this mined stone to achieve best result.  Sealers can also help extend the life of the counter.  Moreover, sealers also help counter to resist stain.

Granite Countertops Add Value to your Kitchen

Granite is classified as outdoor material which you can bring inside your home.  It makes your home classier and more elegant that gives value to your home.  It adds good appearance and attraction to sellers or renters (for apartments).

Granite Countertops are eco friendly

If you want your kitchen to have a basic and natural look, granite countertops would achieve your kitchen desire.  It’s a natural material, polished and turned into slabs.  Aside from its durability, granite materials are eco-friendly.  No synthetic materials are added which means there is no harm to people surrounding these materials.  Before these stones are mined, they have undergone processes to legally get the stones.

Does not scratch or chip

It would always look beautiful and neat to your kitchen.  Granite does not scratch or chip which means it won’t look untidy and old over years.  It will always look clean to every kitchen.  It does not chip and long-lasting.  It will always be a good value for money because you don’t have to change them every now and then.

Perfectly flat

Granite Countertops provide a flat surface which is best for rolling dough such as making cookies and bread. Cooks and professional bakers prefer to have granite countertops in their kitchen where they can freely roll up their dough and other baking stuff.  No wonder why in commercial kitchens, granite countertops are always preferred to be installed.

When it comes to your kitchen renovation, a top granite countertop could be one of the expensive items on your list. But you will think of its durability and overall functionality, the granite countertop will outlast all your kitchen materials. This could be a good investment which surely lasts over a period of time. 



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