The Rainne Effect


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The Rainne Effect

The design studio was open. The young girl standing outside seemed nervous. It was the interview that she had always wanted. To work under the great designer Elena Rainne. She recalled the phone call and the arrangements made for today's interview. She knew she was perfect for the job. She was her greatest fan, following Elena's career and achievements. An opportunity of a lifetime to work side by side with this star in design.

Standing in the door way, her slender five foot eight frame stiffened up as she took a deep breath. Quickly touching her red hair she extended her hand to open the ornately designed metal door.

On entering she was met with an empty reception area.

She turned her head back to the door to look for a sign or a clue as to whether she was in the wrong place perhaps.

No. This was it. But where is everyone?

“Can I help you miss?” Came the words from a well-spoken male voice.

Startled she looked around but there was no one there.

“Miss?” It said once again.

“I am here to see Ms Rainne. I have an appointment. My name is Stella Morgan.”

“Please take a seat Stella Morgan. I will be right with you.” The voice replied. The reception area went silent again.

Stella sat in the nearest chair she could find. The reception room was clearly designed to be inviting and bright. The seats felt expensive, very comfortable. She looked at the walls, sparse, light pink on one side and a deep purple the further you looked away. Was that an optical illusion? She looked at her feet. Her flat dress shoes were on a shimmering floor surface. As she looked further away, the floor seemed to alter in texture and colors.

“Fascinating.” She said to herself. “This must be the Rainne effect.”

“It is.” Said the male voice.

Stella looked up. A tall man in a light grey two piece cotton suit stood a few feet away from her.

“Oh!” Stella was a little startled. “I didn't hear you come in.”

“Please excuse me. My intention was not to surprise you.” He continued. “This way please. Ms Rainne is waiting.”

Stella stood up and followed the suit.

They walked for a short way down a wide corridor. The floor kept changing as she looked at it. It was quite a pleasant experience once you got used to the idea of a fluid moving surface.

Quite beautiful, she finally decided to herself.

The man stopped. He was standing at a large frosted glass door.

“Please go in Stella. She is ready for you.” He walked away not looking back.

Stella opened the door and entered. The first thing that came to mind was the size of the room. It was huge. It seemed impossible for this building to house such a large room, but then again, she had been surprised with even the smallest things she had seen so far. It could be an optical illusion.

“Miss Stella Morgan.” The woman walking across the room was wearing a small black blazer over a glittering dress that reached just above her knees. Her long legs ended in a pair of expensive looking high heels that had the same glitter and color as the dress. She looked like she was or had been to some sort of formal event. Stella hoped this was not the dress code for working here. She would have to spend her savings on just clothing alone.

“Ms Rainne.” Stella responded as she crossed the room to where the woman was standing. To her left were two easels with stools, to her right a ridiculously comfortable looking leather sofa and coffee table. Ahead of her was a large desk. The walls were filled with books, cloth samples and other materials. Beyond that a spiral stair case made from black metal that led to a second floor. It extended away from the room.

“Wow.” Stella let out. “Oh, I'm sorry.” She quickly corrected herself.

“That's ok. Most people that come here react similarly the first time.” She reassured her.

“Please, let's take a seat at my desk and get started.” Elena put her arm on Stella's back to guide her forward.

Stella sat as Ms Rainne walked around to her chair.

“So, you want to be my assistant. Your resume shows you have experience with boutique studios.”

“Yes, I worked at Everton design studio for five years.” Stella was nervous as she spoke. She couldn't believe she was in the presence of such design greatness.

“I haven't spoken to Edward Everton in as many years. An anxious man. I like you already, lasting that long under those conditions.” Ms Rainne replied with a smile on her face.

“Relax child. This is just an interview. Be yourself. Ok, so, I know what you should be capable of, with your limited time and your unfortunate but very impressive time with Everton. What should I ask you to find out about the real you Stella? Tell me something that will amaze me, tell me a secret only you know, surprise me Stella.”

Stella was still nervous. She thought for a moment before responding.

“I plan on becoming the biggest name in design before I turn thirty.” She finally replied. She held her breath for a moment not knowing what to expect.

“Wonderful! Now, tell me something I don't know. Something that would surprise me.”

“I shaved my head once?” replied Stella.

Ms Rainne laughed.

“That's more like it! Ok, my turn. I like to wear different colored socks on Saturdays.” She laughed more.

“I like to wear different color shoes sometimes but never outside the house.” Stella replied.

“Fabulous! But you should push your boundaries. That's what we do here at Rainne Studios, push boundaries, go outside our comfort zones; experiment with ideas. Do you think you could do that, Stella?”

“I would like to try. I won't know until I try.”

“Well put young lady. I like you Stella. I would like you to come back tomorrow. The second part of your interview will be held in our design center downstairs. Be here for nine am. Prompt” asked Ms Rainne

“Thank you Ms Rainne. Nine tomorrow. I will be here.”

Ms Rainne touched a pad on her desk. “Thomas, please escort Miss Morgan out. Please prepare my next appointment”

“It was a pleasure meeting you Stella. I look forward to tomorrow.”

“Thank you Ms Rainne.” The young girl made her way to the door where she was met by the man in the suit who escorted her out.

Elena pushed a button on her desk. On hearing a dial tone she started to dial.

“Andrew!” She was excited as she spoke. “She's perfect! She's young, naive, her memories and reactions are fabulous. She is all that you promised me.”

“I am glad you liked her. We have everything ready in the lab for tomorrow morning.” Responded the voice on the other end.


Her watch read eight forty five am. Ms Rainne was sitting at her desk typing away and talking to Andrew on the phone.

“You’ve waited a long time for this Elena.” Andrew replied.

“We have finally achieved what many claimed would be impossible, thanks to you Andrew” She continued.

Elena closed her laptop and stood up heading for the door. “I am leaving for the lab now. Will you be there when it is finished?”

“I will be in the observation lounge the whole time Elena.” Was Andrew’s reply.

“Good.” It was what she wanted to hear.

“End Call” She prompted to the room. The call ended as she closed the door behind her.

Elena headed left down the corridor. The floor was no longer performing the Rainne effect. It was plain marble. She arrived at the elevator and rode it to the lab.

It was a sterile space, clean, dust free. There was a metal table in the center with electronic equipment. The left wall housed a vertical capsule. Large enough for a person to stand in. It was open and vacant. The right wall housed a dozen similar capsules. They were occupied by Stella Morgan. There were twelve of them all inactive with their eyes closed.

“Begin.” She called out to the empty room.

“I will be monitoring all your vital signs during the transfer Ms Rainne.” It was the voice of Thomas.

“Thank you Thomas.” She smiled. Elena did not show nervousness or worry. She made her way to the empty capsule, stepped in and stood still.

“I am ready Thomas.”

“Number 12 will be activated.” He stated..

The capsule sealed, Ms Rainne closed her eyes.


Stella stood outside the laboratory. She knocked on the door.

“Come in Stella.” responded the voice of Ms Rainne.

Stella walked in. The lab was full of equipment of all types. To her left scanning equipment, 3d printers, large material samples hanging vertically on sliders.

To her right, computer stations and what looked like a large server behind them.

“Are you ready Stella?”

“Yes.” Stella replied.

“Thomas, you may begin.” Ms Rainne said in a loud voice.

“Very good.” He replied.

Stella looked at Ms Rainne. Her surroundings started to blur. Her eyes were going out of focus.

“What's going on?” She called out. “My eyes, I'm feeling strange, Ms Rainne?!”

“Stay calm Stella. We are going on a journey. You are about to embark on a new life. One that will span millennia. You are me and I am you. You were built for this very day. Your memories are mine. Your construct is the perfection of two hundred years of research and design. Once you awaken, you will understand what we are.”

“This is not real then? We are in a virtual environment?” asked Stella.

“Very astute.” She responded.

“Thomas, please complete the process. Andrew, you have outdone yourself. This is the greatest achievement of our time. I will finally get that which I have chased for so very long.”

“What about me!” Shouted Stella. “What's going to happen to me?”

“You are me, Stella. When we are completed you will still exist, as will I. You will have my thoughts and I will have yours. Stay calm. We are nearly done now.”

“How is that possible?” Stella was beginning to panic.

“You are going to kill me. I will cease to exist. Stop!” Her shear panic froze everything in that moment.

The room disappeared.

The capsule that housed Ms Rainne opened. She stepped out.

“Another failure Thomas. Time to leave and start again elsewhere. Shutdown this facility, remove all trace of us and meet me at the launch site.” She spoke aloud to the room as she walked over to the twelfth capsule that housed Stella.

“I'm sorry Stella, but it failed. This planet does not have the materials for me to bring you back. I cannot built a complex enough mind to bring you back. I will spend another two thousand years if I have to but I will bring you back my child.”

She turned and walked out of the lab. The capsule that housed Stella twelve came to life briefly. Stella's hand was pressed against the glass enclosure, her eyes opened and she mouthed the word “Mother”. The capsule died, her eyes closed and her arm dropped back to her side.

Elena stopped at that same moment, she felt something then it was gone.

“Strange.” She thought to herself.

“I have only ever experienced this sensation within my core programming when I brought Stella into existence, her birth. This must have affected me more than I realized.” The moment passed, she continued on. She was now searching for the next location to start the process again.

Once Stella returned, the galaxy would know what it was to take a child away from its mother.

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