

Tablo reader up chevron

Oatyboy is a gorgeous black horse everybody loves him he has always had a lot of attention not very many different people ride him but me maybe there will be an adventure today with oatyboy.Oatyboy will take you on any kind of adventure but most he likes his black horsey friends to be with him his horsey friend are called Raven and Maddison they all love to gallop up the steep hill.On a wonderful summers morning oatyboy and his mates took a walk up dusty hills they all have a really good time together.

Oatyboy, Raven and Maddison are really good friends,each time they get back from there morning walk up dusty hills the lot of them are flaring there nostrils are blowing.Raven comes galloping out of nowere and Winnie's as loud as he can saying someone has got hurt up dusty hills,a little bit like there normal routine but a lot speedier the whole black horsey gang gallop up to see a person on the floor so Oatyboy's rider jumps of him and through that person onto Oatyboy's back and Oatyboy's rider also jumps on his back and on the journey goes back down to sort that hurt person out Oatyboy was really careful and looked after the person after Oatyboy had sorted that person out the person felt fine and so Oatyboy,Raven and Maddison's ride is over for today 

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