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Chapter 1

 Life always throws you a curveball. It's always up to you on how you deal with it. 

A: take one step at a time and hope you can some how get back on course. 

B: Take what is giving to you in stride and hope that life don't make your life more difficult. 

Or my personal favorite. 

C: Take everything and just leave. 

Well I'm about to tell you a story about how I was cheated on. Not just in private but on National television but how it had been going on for years. 

My dear husband James Coleman the worlds top 5 favorite television anchorman. That's right he is the man that not only owns the station he's also the anchorman. 

Well when the whole world watched the news that night they not only got a eye sight of there life's when he had my friend spread Eagle he was butt ass naked doing what he had always done to me. 

Apparently they didn't know they had hit a button on the camera. But when I had picked up the phone calling him he picked up his phone on the camera I was watching everything live. 

"James what are you doing" I asked once he picked up. 

"Lilly nothing right now just getting ready to go live" When he said that everything was so surreal the man I give my everything to, gave up my life back home with my family and friends now turns around and this is happening. I feel sick 

"Well then you want to explain why your butt ass naked and your eating Rose out?" 

"What are you talking about?" 

"Your live on tv and I'm watching everything"

"Fuck" and he hung up. 

That was the moment I know what I was going to do with my life. 

The fact that James never showed up that night and not once did he call, I knew that everything was done for. 

So I packed up everything and loaded up my car. 

I had filed for a divorce and just took off leaving the city of New York, heading to the one place I would feel safe. Home. 

With no phone and all the money from our shared bank account, my car and everything in the house I was glad that he would be left with nothing but a empty home and no one to do his bidding. 

Out side of the small Indian reservation in Canada where I was raised. I stopped on the side of the road. Not once in my life did I ever consider that James the man who took me as his wife would do something so horrible to me. 

He used to tell me he would always love me, or that he would die for me and there would never be anyone who ever again that could hold his heart. Well now we know how dumb I was to ever think that someone could do such things they always brake the promise for something better. 

I guess Rose is better. 

Starting the car I continued to drive home. I use to think home was where James was. 

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Chapter 2

 Stopping at a small shop just inside town I had gotten out receiving funny looks probably because a strange person rolls in to town. 

"Hi I was wondering if you know where I could find Glen and Dale Thompson?" I asked one of the young woman that looked to be in her early 20's. 

"May I ask who's asking?" She said then opening her mouth again. "I'm not trying to be rude but no ones asked about them in about 7 years." 

"Well I'm there daughter Lilly" I told her and that my dear was when her mouth almost hit the floor. 

"There out on 6th street you go all the way to the end and park your car it's about a 10 minute walk to there home." She said with a large smile that showed her perfect teeth. 

Walking back out I noticed that there were a bunch of children, a couple adults and the sheriff where looking at my car. 

I continued walking to my car saying sorry to everyone that I bumped into, reaching for my door that was when I heard someone say. "Never thought you would come back here." 

Turning around I came face to face with Raye. "Never say never" 

Let me fill you in on Raye he was the schools jock had almost every single girl in town from the young girls to lady's old enough to be his grandmother falling at his feet. But never once did he look there way he always told me that he had his eyes already on the women of his dreams and one day she would realize it. 

He gave a laugh and a shake  of the head. "Why you home?" 

Not wanting to explain in front of children I said. "I have to go I'm going out to see my mom and dad, but I hope to see you around Raye." 

The drive to my family's home wasn't very long but the walking to it was going to take forever, speaking of don't ever wear heals in you want to or have to walk in the woods. 

Knocking on the door I could hear my father yell if your selling we ain't buying now go away. So I knocked again. That time the door was thrown open and there stood the man who had loved me all my life no matter how difficult I had made it.  

I ran forward throwing my arms around his neck and instantly started crying I'm not talking what you see on tv I'm talking about big fat tears and snot coming out crying. 

"Daddy I missed you so much." I sobbed in to his chest. 

"Lilly" I nodded my head and he continued rubbing my back in that soothing way only parents can.

After calming down and my mom had came in she made some fresh herb tea for us and i explained how James and I were done. Not that they bought that I just wasn't happy anymore, but they never said anything on it. 

"Can I stay until I find a place I can buy?" I asked them. 

My mom looked at my dad and they both nodded there heads and said at the same time. "You know your more then welcome to stay here as long as you want." 

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Chapter 3

 One thing I love and also hate about being in the middle of nowhere is the fact that there is no phone or cable, I only don't like the fact that they have no power so taking a cold ass tub and that is a big no no for me the only way to take a hot bath is to boil your water and dump it in the tub and by the time you get in its lukewarm. 

"Lilly I need you to go to town and pick up some more gas for the stove." My mom asked me. 

So getting up I put on a pair of  jeans and a long sleeve shirt and my UGES and made the long walk to my car. 

Walking out of the tree line I screeched and jumped about 10 feet off the ground when I heard. "How you like being back home?" 

After I had calmed down I turned to none other than Raye. "What are you doing? And it's fine just don't scare me like that." 

"Sorry Lill I was just about to go make my stop to see how you guys were doing." 

"We're doing fine I just have to go get gas for the stove." 

He walked over to me and grabbed the empty tank from me and said. "Come on I'll take you." Well he was putting it in the back of his truck. 

"Um it's ok I'll be fine taking my car so you can go see my parents." 

"It's not a problem and I can't have tea if there is no gas." He said giving me another heart melting smile. 

"Ok fine" I said throwing my hands in the air and walking to the passenger side of the truck, but before I could open if he did and held it open for me. 

Walking around to the drivers side he got in starting the truck. 

"Want to tell me what really happened as to why you're back?" He asked me. 

"Not really but I need someone to talk to about it before I go crazy." So I proceeded to tell him the whole truth once I was done telling him everything he had to pull over on the side of the road. 

"I'm gonna kill him" He said under his breath probably thinking I couldn't hear but I did. Before I could say anything he turned and looked at me saying. "Did he tell you why?" 

"No he never showed up that night or even call I just packed everything and came back here." 

"That's a sign from your spirit guide." 

"Wait you still believe that crazy stuff? Raye I understand that it's our  religion but there not real." 

"Ok" he throw his hands up and said. "What if he shows up here looking for you?" 

"Then don't say anything if he dose, and I highly doubt that he would anyways." 

Putting the truck in gear again he pulled back on the road. 

After getting gas and some things I needed for my monthly visits and a couple of snacks we headed back to my parents house. 

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