Regressive Roulette Systems


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Regressive Roulette Systems

Not everybody knows, but roulette has been around the gambling world since the eighteenth century. And every player has been creating a roulette strategy since then as well. People need a precise tactic with the strict rules that raise the chances to win more money. We will discuss the regressive roulette system in this article.

French Roulette

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Before we start talking about the regressive systems, let’s find out what we call a progressive system. The first ones are associated with the Martingale roulette system, as well as the Fibonacci system - with these, and the players continuously increase their bets. However, the progressive tactic also means that players will revise their betting approach at some point and, perhaps, reduce it to some extent the next time they will make bets.

American Roulette

In the case of the negative progression systems, a person will increase a bet that comes next after the loss. If talking about the positive progression betting, it is slightly different from the previous one. A player can have several wins and then, several losses in a row. In such situations, a person will try to reduce the bets during these several losses and increase the stakes during the winning parts.

The Truth about Betting Systems

Progression betting systems have certain elements. The players who are going to apply the regression systems will start out with some large bets; with every new bet, the size of a wager will decrease. On the one hand, it seems to be strange. However, in practice, this tactic allows a gambler to win the most he can at the beginning. Thus, after a person makes the first bet, he would carefully and carefully spend his cash. This strategy makes it possible to accumulate winning and contain future losses.

In Vegas, I got into a long argument with the man at the roulette wheel over what I considered to be an odd number. - Steven Wright

Imagine that you are a player and you feel like snatching a large sum and making some profit from the online casino. For instance, your bank is 500 dollars. An average player with poor gambling experience would wager less than 6%, or $ 30. However, if you plan to apply a regressive system, you will start with a 30% bet (or $150). That is how it works.


Now, the question you are probably interested in is `does it really work?’ it is a tricky question for sure, as there is no such thing as a universally applicable roulette system to win. A regressive is quite a good approach: it allows a player to be a little risky at one time and more conservative at the other time. The only nuance is that you should be very disciplined and perceive that there will be wins and losses as you gamble.


Regressive roulette systems are still popular among online casino players. To find out whether it works for you, you can try out several techniques to see what fits you the best. There are some advantageous moments in the regression system - a consistent approach and opportunity to learn how to control your money.

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