Technology Influences


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Chapter 1

The use of technology in legal procedures has given rise to privacy and security issues of stored and electronically transmitted information. In most cases related with the legal matter, personal information is disclosed, for example, medical, family or business details. Individual privacy is protected by the Privacy Act 1988. The law imposes legal requirements on handling information. However, its application is currently limited to the Commonwealth government regulation, as well as its agencies.

The main challenge facing technology is privacy of information. Technology has failed to ensure security of transmitted and stored data. In e-filing systems, documents are normally exchanged between computer systems and numerous parties. According to the reaction essay writing service, it includes transmissions between legal practitioners , clients and the Court, as well as transmissions between client company and individuals in a legal practice.

The other related issue is an extranet system or Internet storage of information. Personal information on legal proceedings is usually stored by the legal practitioners and Courts long after the case has been closed. Electronic storage has increased the ease, as well as it reduces the expense involved in the storage of larger amounts of information. The transformation from paperwork to electronic records requires a change in devices protecting the information, as well as the security procedures.

The ways in which the law ensures that personal information is accessed by only authorized persons include imposing civil or criminal sanctions to those accessing sensitive information and requires the party, possessing such information, to make sure that it is handled in accordance to security and privacy standards.

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