Sphere Magnus


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"I've never seen a sphere mage as young as you."

Startled, I looked up to see a wanderer sitting across from me. His face was covered by is hood, only his stubbly blonde chin could be seen.  I nodded at him and proceeded to drop my newly formed wind sphere into my vest pocket.

 "Tell me child, why do you look so sad?" asked the man in a low melodious voice.

It was then that Saoul noticed the numerous satchels hanging from the man's belt. "You're a mage too?" he asked pointedly.

The man smiled, revealing his crooked teeth."Good observation, and I see you do not wish to share your sorrow with me."

When he didn't get a response from the boy. He continued. "Perhaps, I could cheer you up with this!" In a flash, the wanderer threw a bright golden sphere at Saoul's face, but before it could hit him, the sphere exploded into millions of glowing sparks that flowed into his body. 

Saoul was stunned. He was told that it is forbidden to use magic on another person. A part of his grief was because he was reprimanded for using magic on another child. Yet here is a man he had never met, triggering an unusual sphere at him. 

The wanderer burst out laughing. "Any wider and your jaw will literally drop off!"

It was an amused laugh and when Saoul sensed no threat from the strange vagrant, he began to relax once more. Just then, he felt a sense of warmth spread through his body. Happy memories of him playing catch with his peers surfaced in his mind's eye. Saoul smiled widely, his sadness momentarily forgotten. But soon, he recalled what happened at the orphanage earlier that day, and the feeling of joy faded away.

Seated cross-legged across the platinum blonde boy, the vagrant observed the effects of his sphere and remarked,"my happy sphere usually last longer than that... you must be really upset."

Ignoring the cloaked man, Saoul asked," what kind of sphere is that?"

"I knew it'd get your attention." said the man with a grin. " First though, tell me what you know about magic."  

Saoul sighed in frustration. He wasn't looking for a conversation when he stormed out of Matron Ardena's Children's Home. However, he would never pass on an opportunity to learn more about sphere creation. Replying in a disinterested manner, he recalled the day he discovered his ability to create spheres.

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Chapter 1

Saoul remembered the day like it only happened a day before. He could still feel his mother's loving embrace as they watched the 50th Festival of the Mages at the town square.

It was the first time his family went on a vacation together. The air was thick with excitement, just like Saoul's heart was bursting with happiness. He saw beautifully decorated floats on huge wooden wheels. 

Each float represented a different type of element and was adorned accordingly with complementary ornaments. The ice spheres appealed to him the most.

The mages standing on the moving float were putting on a show for the audiences, triggering their spheres and manifesting beautiful ice sculptures. The stone cold animals cooled the surrounding air, which was much needed during the warm summer night.

Light floats amazing as well, the mages on it were setting the skies ablaze with rainbow colored animals, he witnessed a bright orange feline chasing a herd of glowing baby blue antelopes. When the feline caught one, the whole scene exploded into shiny pink glitter that began to fade.

The rest of the parade passed in a blur, Saoul was completely mesmerized by the performances. He was extremely intrigued by the different elements. He prayed to the Masters that night, he prayed to be granted the ability to harness the raw power of nature into these magical orbs and one day be able to perform these wonders during a festival.

The Masters answered his prayers.


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