The Meek Shall Inherit


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Chapter 1


Chapter 1

James had sat down beside them on the bed, and taken Thomas’s hand, the one that Sophie was not holding, and Sophie had watched James’s small, sad smile. The one that did not yet reach his eyes showing the usual, happy, crinkle as it had disappeared long ago.

Thomas had opened the green eyes that had never lost their brilliance over the many passing years, and looked at James and then at Sophie, and smiled his last smile, and died, with Sophie’s head on his shoulder and his hand in James’s.

It had never stopped hurting, remembering when Thomas died. After he was gone, Sophie had fled. Her children were grown, had children of their own; she told herself they did not need her and hid in the back of her mind the thought haunted her: She knew that she could not bear to remain and watch them grow older than she was. It had been one thing to survive the death of her husband. But to survive the death of her children–she could not sit by and watch it. It would happen, must happen, but she would not be there when it finally did.

I let a tear escape and fall down my now puffy face; more were soon to follow as I continued to read on, my heart break a bit at each word my brain processed.

Sophie looked back at the church for one last time, one last tear filled goodbye. The one place where she had been saved, loved, hurt and wed. The place where her children grew up to the way of the shadowhunters, to the way of monsters and demons and the boy with the striking green eyes, who was married to the girl with the ordinary brown ones.

The one place Sophie could call home.

By now I was becoming Niagara Falls. I kept rereading one part;

Died, one last smile. Died.

“What’s up with your sister?” One of my brother’s many friends whispered not so quietly across the room where they were all crowded around the TV. This was one of the few occasions that they actually brought their friends over; I looked up and frowned to see both my sister and brothers friends staring at me. Along with my sister and brother. What? A girl can’t drown in her feelings and tears as the love of her life dies a horrible yet painless death?

No? Fine, then.

I stood up abruptly and walked –or sulked, whichever you prefer—out of the media room, wiping away the tears of my lost, sexy Thomas as I went. I mean, why did he have to die? Couldn’t Clare whatever-her-last-name-is just have made him immortal like Sophie so they could go and live a happy life forever? It would please the readers and please both Sophie and Thomas, even James! They could all go and hand with James’s many new brethren!

No, I guess not. Since most stories don’t have a ‘happy ending’.

Most people would be all he is just a fictional character, you have never even seen him! Oh yeah? What do you call that amazing imagery making a movie go in my head as I read the brilliant book?

Exactly, I have seen him!

“Sweetie,” My mom said placing a hand on my shoulder –I hadn’t even realized that she was there!—and pulling me out of my own head… like Athena and Zeus.

Gosh Rebel, why are you such a freak? You know what? Shut up, brain. No one needs you anyway! You do, idiot!

 I looked up at her and sniffled. “What’s wrong?” I held up my wretched, heart breaking book sadly as she nodded understanding. I shrugged and trudged past her and into the foyer, up the stairs, down the hall and into my room. I plopped down on my comfy four poster bed –with amazingly plush pillows and blankets!-- and sighed in contempt as I looked at the brilliantly stupid book I was holding above me. Its funny how one measly quote in the middle of the book could predict the whole darn thing!

Sophie craned her head back to look at Thomas. “You know that feeling,” She said toying with the hem of her shirt, “when you are reading a book and you know that it is going to be a tragedy; you can feel the cold and darkness coming. And yet you are tied to the story as if being dragged behind a car and you cannot let control the wheel or turn it to get out of the horrid way of fate.” His green eyes were dark with understanding – of course Thomas would understand – and she hurried on so he wouldn’t lose interest. “I feel like the same is happening, only not to characters on a page but to my own best friends and family. I do not want to sit by while tragedy comes for us. I would turn it aside; only, I struggle to discover how that might be done.”

Nicely said, Sophie nicely said. Except for the part about tragedy coming, I think that I would enjoy avoiding that. Yeah, I would really enjoy avoiding that one!

I contemplated on whether or not I felt the need to take my anger out on the book, I mean I could have easily just lost five pounds worth of water crying over it already, or if I actually wanted to finish it. Don’t finish it until Lynn and Everson’s friends leave, or you’ll just look like more of a freak than you already are. Oh, brain. How smart you are. Thank you! Okay, this is getting weird. Just a bit…

I adjusted my glasses and looked at my room. Books galore, I could be a library with the shelves upon shelves that I have filled with books, books and wait, more books. It is like the library from Beauty and the Beast, but less elegant. More modern and teenager-ish.

Wait, I could just burn the book and spread the ashes in the ocean! No, that would be weird.

 After adjusting myself into an awkward yet strangely comfortable sitting position, I grabbed my laptop and logged onto my sad Facebook account. Not that anyone would try and contact me except for Lane, my one and only best friend.

Most people would be exaggerating when they say that they only have one friend, not me. We are both your typical anti-social, geeky, and practically invisible types of people that you would find geeking out by trash cans or in chess club. But we don’t do anything by trash cans, and neither of us is in the chess club.  Lane and I have the same type of invisibility, but in different ways if that makes any possible sense in the whole wide world.

Lane is the ex-popular girl, and I am one of three (obviously) triplets; the unpopular one of three triplets, too.

I am the oldest of us. I was born May twelfth at twelve fifty nine at night. My brother Everson, the second oldest, was born May thirteenth (I got my own day, suckers!) at one o’ one in the morning, and Lynn soon to follow at one o’ five. Even though I am the oldest, I got the face of my siblings and the same structural build as Lynn everywhere else (if you know what I mean, unless you want to say that she got the same as me. Whatever floats your boat!); I am still ‘unpopular’ though, as some might say.

Lynn and Everson have a way with people; they are very charismatic on the social level, as I am awkward. Someone says ‘hi’ to Lynn or Everson, they reply with a simple ‘sup’ and charming wink from Everson, and a cutesy ‘hi hi!’ plus flirtatious wave from Lynn, both depending on gender, of course. And--not that I would ever say this to their faces, let alone anyone else’s- they are both the player-type, but they are generous about it. They aren’t the two timing fools that every other popular person is, no they stick to one person but they still hop around a bit.

I don’t have that problem, in case you hadn’t gathered. I have never had a boyfriend or more than one friend, but I am perfectly fine with that!

 They can practically get anyone that they want, wrap them around their perfect fingers, then watch as they start to unravel and fall to the Earth from feigned feelings that they thought were mutual. But they do it in the nicest way possible, so never over text (see, they are not that mean).

Of course, when someone says hi to me, I go all Stitch (from Lilo and Stitch) on them, as in awkward wave and a very nasally sounding ‘hi’.

Yeah to say that it isn’t surprising that I only have one friend would be complete truth.

Another thing about Everson and Lynn is the fact that they both grew up with perfectly straight teeth and brilliant eye sight, though mine used to be brilliant (let’s just say, don’t read in the dark… and eat carrots!) I had ruined them. Their hair was always perfectly wavy (Lynn) or spiked up (Everson, of course) and their hand-eye coordination was a one hundred.

Mine was a thirty, on a good day.

I had weird braces with those head gear things until I was in seventh grade since my teeth were just… yeah.

While they were tanning in the sun without a care in the world, I was burning like a tomato, and then peeling like old paint. I still get tan, but after the tomato “cooks and cools” if you understand that.

While the two spent their money on trips with their friends, clothes, make up slash hair products or fancy cars. I spent mine on books, Band-Aids (for paper cuts, of course) and beer.

No, I just kidding about that last one, it just went with the whole ‘b’ thing. I really meant to say tickets for Comic-Con, of course. What did you expect it to be, fashion shows! Yeah right!

Comic-Con every year since I was ten, baby! Since no one else in my family like that type of stuff, I always took Lane and her older brother with me. Each year we went as someone else, this year it will be people from X-Men. I will be Storm, Lane will be Jean and her brother (Orlando) is going as Logan/Wolverine! I am so excited for this!  But it is a long way away, almost a year.

I don’t really know why I am so unpopular, though. I mean sure, I like geeky things. Sue me for goodness sake!

But do you know what the best part is?

My name is Rebel, and yet I am far from one.

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Chapter 2


Chapter 2

You know that feeling, after a beloved character dies, where your chest feels empty. Where you just question the meaning of life and wonder what you will do with your life, now? When you look around you and ask yourself how everyone can just go about like nothing happened? How they can just go about laughing and smiling, cracking jokes and just being normal when you are just dying on the inside, waiting and watching for someone to understand you, to feel what you are feeling?

That’s how I am, right now.

Because of that dumb book. But do you want to know what I am going to do about it? What every other girl does, eat!

I walked into my large kitchen and grabbed two slices of Dominoes pepperoni pizza, a bag of Au Gratin ruffles and a coke. Ignoring all of the talking from about fifteen other people crowding up the place, my sister and my brother included, I grabbed a glass out of one of the cupboards and walked upstairs with a fork in my mouth one hand holding my paper plate, the ruffles tucked under my arm and the can of coke sitting inside my glass.

What can I say, making more than one trip when unnecessary is just completely ridiculous! If you can get it all, then you have, what, two minutes of your life saved! Your welcome!

I walked to my lone room at the end of the long hallway, on the fourth floor and if you didn’t already know, my family is filthy rich, I kicked open the door. And by using my talented elbow, I flicked on the light switch, kicked my door shut again and placed all of the food on my bed.

I don’t quite mind being alone, really. It is nice to be able to express my feelings –about books and movies and almost everything else, of course—freely without getting told to shut up by ‘neighbors’ or people ‘trying to sleep’. Do you really think that your sleep is more important than the death of a man? No, to answer my own question, it is not!

The ruffles were calling my name… oh, ruffles.

“I want you, too.” I told them as I chomped on my pizza, enjoying the delicious pepperoni flavor as it messed up my taste buds.

Rebel, Rebel? I stared at the ruffles and poked the bag. “I’m going crazy…” I whispered to myself. Rebel! I stared at the bag, was it bewitched? Was it a mutant, was I a mutant? Maybe Professor-X sent a shape shifter here to tell me that I was special! Rebel! It sounded like it was irritated with me…

“Rebel!” Everson burst into my room and I jumped, dropping my pizza on my nice white shirt creating a huge sauce stain down the front. I watched it slide down my shirt and on to the floor, I tried to use the force to bring it back, it didn’t work.

I need to work on that if I want to meet Yoda, he needs to be proud of me!

“Dang it, Ev what do you want?” I said mildly angry yet feeling relieved that a bag of delicious chips weren’t talking to me. I would need to search Google for help if they were…

But would Google really help me with this, I mean, it is better than Wikipedia but still, it isn’t that good.

“Mom left for her business meeting and Lynn and I are going to’ have a party.” I looked at him with no emotion, don’t they have a party, like, every month? Why is this so new?

“And…?” I asked motioning with my hands for him to continue. He laughed and plopped down onto my bed and stared up at me, a smirk on his face.

“And I was wondering if you would like to join us…” He told me and I scoffed, party? Ha!

“Oh yes, I, Rebel Falls, am going to party hard until the lights go out. And then after they go out, my pride and dignity will follow.” I pushed my glasses up and smiled at him. He gave me a side hug and laughed again, his excited laugh.

Can I just say that it is a little girly?

“Still going to be anti-social I see.” He stated with a sad shake of his head and I nodded. “Want new pizza?” I nodded again.

I love my brother, he knows me so well. The only way to a girls heart is through her pepperoni pizza!

“Will you do me a favor, then?” He asked once he was at the door, I could only see his head and it was like he was the bodiless-boy! Get it? Like the Headless-Horseman, but Bodiless-Boy instead? Oh, I am too funny!

“It depends on what you are asking; I prefer no blood oaths, satanic rituals and slash or sacrifices.” I told him truthfully, snickering at my thoughts and words.

“Aren’t sacrifices technically considered satanic rituals? And blood oaths?” He asked and I thought over it for a moment.

“Well, I suppose that they are, but—”

“At least call Lane over?” He cut me off, humbug. “You should hang out with someone tonight. I don’t what my big sis’ to go all five cats per square foot on Lynn and I, okay?” I smiled and nodded. I knew that Ev didn’t like Lane. And Lynn didn’t like Lane—the only ones in my family who liked Lane were me and my mom. But it was nice to know that he cared enough to suggest it. From what I was told –and it wasn’t much—apparently Lane was once what some might call ‘popular’ and Ev asked her out, only to get rejected with a capital R… and an E, J, E, C, and then a T E D.

At the time Ev was just a sad, un-popular, kind of chubby slash baby fatty kid who was still as charming as he is now, but he was a freshman and Lane had just moved into town, also a freshman. And after about a year Ev jocked-up, lost the baby fat and bam, He’s popular and hot. Then he lost his feelings for her, now it is the present!

Not that I think he is hot, he is my brother after all. But according to practically every girl I walk by, he is and I quote “Tote’s Adorb’s!”.

Gag me with a spoon! That’s right, bringing back the eighties.

Lynn didn’t like her because at the time, she was just competition. Lynn doesn’t like competition, but she is not a jerk if you are. She just won’t talk to you, no cat fights –unless you were to start them, then you have another thing coming for you—no vulgar language on lockers. Nada, nothing!

I, for one, do like her; obviously. She went from popular to geeky for me, her best friend. Her older friends didn’t like me when we’d met and apparently always talked bad about me behind my back so Lane just stopped being friends with them. Her ‘like-meter’ based on Everson and Lynn went up a bit because of that. And honestly, does that spell out best friend or what?

I typed in her number and waited for the little click that meant that she had picked up.

“Hello you have reached the U.S.S Enterprise this is Captain Lane speaking, how may I be of service to you?” Lane said over the phone, talking in an awesome Captain-Kirk voice.

“Hello Captain Lane, this is Rebel from planet Falls and I was wondering if you could come to my planet for a sleep-over while the siblings are having a ‘social gathering’, by which I mean a party I will not be attending in my own house?” She laughed and agreed, saying that she will be here in ten minutes. Just enough time to change into my PJ’s and get some movies ready.

“Rebel, are you fully clothed?” Everson asked and knocked on the door, and I laughed and shook my head; only Everson.

“Yes, Ev, You can come in, it is safe.” He opened the door with two pizza boxes and a twelve pack of coke. A smile was plastered on his tan face, his sandy blonde hair almost covering his eyes as he walked. He whipped his head to the side, making it go in one direction.

I hate that band.

Anyways, he practically looked like a surfer; sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, tan skin, hair flip. Surfer!

“I brought a thank-you slash sorry present!” He exclaimed setting them down next to my bag of still unopened chips which was still lying down on my bed, I wanted it.

“Okay,” I said looking from the pizza to him to the coke and back to him with a smile on my face. I sat on my bed and continued talking. “I understand the ‘sorry’” –I said gesturing to my pizza-stained shirt hanging sadly on a chair at my desk… by the book!— “But not the ‘thank-you’. Please feel free to explain.” I told him and he plopped onto the other side of my bed, stretching his arms over his head and leaning against one of the posts. He put his feet on my lap and I shoved them off, he frowned but quickly recovered and started talking again.

“The thank-you is for putting up with us and all of these parties, and for not telling mom about them.” He explained with a sheepish smile and I nodded, this was very true. “I brought the two pizzas, so those are from me.” He pointed at them still beaming, the pizzas amazing scent wafted through my room, lingering at my nose. I was refraining from eating the whole two boxes right there. “And Lynn told me to give you the coke, so those are from her.” I gave him a hug and laughed, they both know me so well, but of course we are siblings. Except it is true that I never tell our mom about the parties, no alcohol slash drugs so no problem!

“You guys don’t have to thank me.” I said shoving him off of my bed playfully. “And give Lynn a hug from me too, okay?” He rubbed his butt and frowned up at me before standing up.

“Okie-dokie.” He gave me an ‘okay’ sign with his fingers and ran out of the room. That boy is like a pot of emotions, frowning then smiling in a snap.


The music was loud and I could feel the vibrations from the bass. And I was three stories above the party. But these were always the most popular parties to come to; if I was there it was better apparently. Triplets throwing a party? The bomb-diggity! That means awesome, by the way.

Lane finished off her last piece of pizza and moaned right next to me as we watched Captain America: The First Avenger so we will be ready for the second one. Steve was currently doing some sad, sad push-ups. Just like me every day in gym…

Like I said though, I am good at running. Not pushups or sit ups or any of that type of stuff!

“We shouldn’t have eaten all of that pizza.” I said and I burped loudly. We both burst into a fit of laughter and then instantly regretted it. I felt like I was going to explode.

“I am sorry if you have to have to” –hiccup—“wash me off of the walls.” Lane said while rolling off of my bed and plopping onto the floor. I laughed and rolled my eyes as she crawled to the bathroom. “I’m going to change into my PJ’s.” She said literally hoisting herself up from the floor and shutting the door.

I looked at the empty bag of ruffles and sighed. As full as I am, I still want more. But you can’t, Rebel. If you do you will get fat. I cursed at my conscience; I don’t want to get fat. But you could live up to your name, just this once… Oh! I like that idea!

“I’ll be back in a bit, Lane. I’m making the impossible journey downstairs, so, wish me luck!” I heard her mumble a good luck and I made my way to the door and down the hallway.

Once I got to the lower level I noticed how many people were here, half the schools population at least. Minus the teachers, of course. I kept to the wall and headed to the kitchen, avoiding any and all contact. I opened the pantry and saw nothing. Nothing! Well, there was food and all, but none of my Au Gratin! I sighed heavily and went to the freezer where I proceeded to grab a half-carton of Kemps cookies and cream ice cream and two spoons.

You are probably wondering why I am not fat. Well I have a very high metabolism and am on the track team and cross country team. So I am actually pretty fit.

I walked back up stairs completely untouched and unnoticed and was happy. I walked into my room and, of course, decided how much I really did not want the ice cream. Since I tend to do this a lot, no joke, I put it in the freezer of my mini fridge. It was my night stand. Lane was sitting on my bed wearing her blonde hair in a messy bun and superman pajamas.

I on the other hand was wearing a neon blue tank top and blue Star Ship Enterprise pants. Oh no, we aren’t geeks, not at all.

“Did you die?” Lane asked as I sat on my bed.

“Oh yes, I am a walking ghost. I’m going to go and see Nearly Headless Nick and we will talk about my death-day party for next year.” I told her sarcastically and she pushed me off my bed. “It’s more comfy down here, anyways.” I pouted and she just laughed, great friend indeed.


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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The light filtered into my bedroom and I yawned. I stretched my arms and legs and turned to look over the side of my bed where Lane was laying asleep on the floor. After a long fight of who got the bed and who got the floor, I won and got the bed.

Lane was not happy about this.

I decided I would wake her up with a good throw of a pillow after I took a shower and finished my daily morning routine. I walked to my bathroom and on the way, turned off the TV that was blasting out some old comedy show. Reba, I think.

I stripped off my clothes and let the warm water wash the sleep off of me. The party was loud last night, no doubt, but I was completely used to it. Lynn and Everson generally have a party once or twice a month and I got used to falling asleep with the sound of overly loud music.

Parties are really the reason that I decided to change my room the fourth floor. On the completely rare occasion when alcohol is involved in their parties, also known when it gets really crazy, people generally can’t walk their drunk selves up the three flights of stairs to get anywhere near my room. That means I won’t be barged in on while I am watching my geeky stuff with either Lane or the great company of myself. Lynn and Ev both are in their own room on the second and our mom is on the third. But she doesn’t know about the parties and most likely never will since I won’t be telling her.

I love Lynn and Ev and if they are going to throw a party, let them.

They always know when to stop it and I respect them for that. Nothing drastic ever happens since they kick out any rowdy party guests and tell them not to come back.

Though once I actually was barged in on a few years ago by some seniors (I was a junior then) who were looking to, to put it this way, ‘do the deed’. They were shocked to find me sitting there once they’d actually taken the time to stop eating each other.

I would have said something but I was just so shocked that nothing came out. My mouth was hanging open and I cleared my throat, they were both embarrassed and awkward. I told them about another room they could use and they left promptly.

It was really funny now that I think back to it.

I stepped out of the shower and put on my outfit for the day. Sweat pants and a Hulk shirt. Lane was pounding on my door and I sighed. No pillow throwing today, I guess.

“Rebel Marie Falls you hurry up! I have to pee!” She said knocking on the door more frantically.

“I swear to God that if you pee on my carpet I will kill you!” I said opening the door. Lane shoved past me and pushed me out the door then promptly shut it. I sighed and put my hair into a messy bun, then applied some light make up.

“Rebel,” Lane yelled and I sighed.


“You need to go downstairs. Everson was looking for you and I guess it was important.” She said and before I could ask her if she knew what it was, she turned on the shower and made me lose the chance to ask.

I walked down the three steps of stairs –another reason that I am fit, I have to walk up three flights of stairs every time I go down to the main level—and was stopped at the bottom by Everson.

“What’s so important, Ev?” I asked noticing his blurry face. I forgot my glasses upstairs! “Wait, hold it, I need my gl-” I started before getting dragged away by Ev.

“No time, I need your help right now.” He took me through a few hallways until we got to our backyard. Cups were thrown everywhere and I think that there was a pair of pants hanging on one of the trees branches… that’s funny. “So last night some kid brought alcohol and I don’t know who,” Everson added quickly as he saw the look on my face. “But Lynn was being stupid and decided to try some, she had one cup, then another, then another and bam!”—Everson clapped his hands together for effect—“She was drunk.” He pointed to Lynn who was currently releasing the contents of her stomach into the bushes. I sighed and rubbed my temples.

“Go and get her two Advil and a glass of water. I’ll pull her hair back and sit her on the porch, okay?” I said and Everson nodded, he ran to the door again and I yelled to him, “And get my glasses, too!” I made my way over to Lynn and pulled back all of her hair into a pony, or I think it was all of her hair. I still need my glasses.

“T-thanks, Rebel.” Lynn smiled at me and I nodded while leading her to a porch chair. “Oh God, I have a headache like no other.” She shielded her eyes and walked along wobbly. “I’m so, so, so, so, so sorry. I didn’t mean to get drunk or anything I just… I don’t know.” She shrugged and I held back a laugh. She looked so bad.

I don’t know why they do it, but they both act like I am a lot older than them, not only a few minutes. I mean, I am not even that mature! I am a senior in high school who obsesses over Comic-Con and superhero stuff. That is not mature. But is nice to know that they both trust me enough to both tell me their secrets and come to me for help.

Everson returned looking nervous and red and I laughed at his expression. “You look like you just saw a ghost.” I said as he put the Advil in Lynn’s hand and the glass down in front of her. Then he handed me my glasses and I looked at him more closely.

He was blushing… “What’s up with you, Ev?” I asked and Lynn took notice of his attitude. I sat on the table next to her and we both stared at him, making him uncomfortable.

“Why are you blushing, brother?” Lynn asked curiously, making Everson blush redder, if that was even possible. He was way beyond a tomato.

“What? I’m not… blushing!” he said and I shook my head with a slight smile. He hesitated!

“Lynn has perfect eyesight and I now have my glasses, we can both see you blushing.” I love making him squirm. “What happened?” Lynn and I said in unison.

“It’s… hot…” He said fanning himself limply and I smiled again.

“You hesitated, again.” Lynn stated. Great minds think alike, right? “You’re hiding something, what is it, Ev? What are you hiding from your sisters? You can’t keep this from us forever!” Lynn sang and he squirmed, we both walked so we were each on one side of him.

“What happened?” I asked while putting my hand on his right shoulder, and Lynn doing the same to his left. I could see a bead of sweat make its way down his forehead.

“Well I… you know…”

“God man, spit it out already!” Lynn shouted, and then she winced at the sudden loudness. Hangovers are one thing; don’t get ‘em.

You could have told me that lane would possibly be getting dressed, you know!” Everson shouted so suddenly making both Lynn and I jump away from him. Then he stormed across the yard and kicked a soda can about twenty feet into the air before yanking open the sliding doors and entering inside with a loud bang. Lynn looked at me with the same shocked expression that I had and we both started laughing hysterically, doubling over as we did so.

“Oh my God, I totally forgot!” I said between breaths.

“That… is… priceless! Did you… did you see… his face… ha!” Lynn was gasping for air and I composed myself. She quickly followed. “Please don’t make me laugh anymore, it hurts.” She said with a smile and a grimace still plastered to her face.

“Yeah, yeah,” I waved her off –her fault—and looked at the yard. “Have fun cleaning up!” I said and sprinted to the door before she could catch me. You may be thinking that I am a bad sister, but there isn’t much to clean up and if she is going to get drunk, she will be working. Everson will probably feel bad too and help her with it.

I won’t though. I did not throw the party, so I will avoid cleaning up at all costs.


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