

Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter 1

Ring...ring...ring...ring...ring- my hand slammed onto the green answer button once I realized who was calling me at...7:30 in the morning?! The voice on the other line was chipper and was already starting to grate on my nerves. It's not her...but no it's her. Who calls this early in the morning on a Saturday?! Oh right. My friends do.

"Erin. We've talked about this. 10 is the earliest that I am willing to answer the phone. What is so important that this couldn't wait?" Towards the end, a yawn filled my mouth so the last few words were pretty much nonsense.

"I didn't understand half of what you said, but the gals are meeting up this afternoon for coffee and tea if you care to join us." I sighed.

"I don't have a choice do I?" She let out a small laugh.

"Of course you don't. Meet us at the usual place at say...1:15? If convenient come, if inconvenient, come anyway." I had to crack a smile at that. The best part of the friendships that I've made is that we speak mostly in quotes. We are the nerdiest group of nerds to nerd and we know it.

"I see what you did there, Sherlock. Really?"

"Everybody's a critic. Anyways I thought I'd call you to let you get started on your day. I also wanted to tell you to check the news. Somethings going on with the Council and it's starting to freak people out."

"Noted. I'll see you later." I said cutting her off her farewell and laid back into the sheets that were all screwed up on my bed and glanced around the room. Well, more like glancing at the blobs and blurry objects that were scattered around the room from having really shitty vision. After a few minutes of just lying there, I decided enough was enough and sat up to look for my glasses. The relief was immediate for the headache that had begun to form from not wearing them for a few minutes and I got up to start getting ready. I won't bore you with the details and bring you to the kitchen where I had to decide to actually eat breakfast this morning and watched the news. Erin was right, some stuff was going down in the Council. Apparently one of the members, a witch I think, was stealing money to run a secret operation to buy and sell know what? No, not going into it. Anyways, a new member was being decided on to fill their position. Oh it would be so great to be a supernatural creature...oh! I completely forgot to mention this. Dammit self. My bad, for about 30 years or so, supernatural creatures have been coexisting with us. Elves, werewolves, fairies, tolls, giants, and anything else you can think of, including the not so nice ones. Thankfully, they aren't that common. All the things that we thought were myths were helping with medicine, farming, technology, and so much more. I'm actually friends with a really awesome witch who also happens to be my boss at the music store and Erin, the girl I spoke to earlier is a werewolf. I'm sorry, but I'm going to be doing that a lot, rambling on and it might get annoying so please don't kill me. I digress. A slight ping went off and by ping I meant the TARDIS sound came from my phone from an update on a story that I was currently reading and signed up for notifications. I will admit that romance stories are my guilty pleasure but I can't help being a hopeless romantic. How else would I live vicariously through other people? I'm not the prettiest girl around or the most talented musician. Now that's not me putting myself down...well it kind of is but the point is, is that it's the truth. I'm also a little on the round side, I have a few zits, frizzy, curly hair that has a life of its own. I'm normal, average, nothing special and I'm used to that. It sucks, but my life isn't supposed to be easy nor am I going to have fun all the time. I'm thankful for the friends that I have that keep me going and music to sing my worries away. I just wish I had someone to kiss them away too.

"No use whining about it." I mumbled and my voice echoed through my empty apartment. I sighed.

"I really should stop talking to myself, but not today." I quickly realized that it was almost time to leave and started putting things away and heading out to my car. I made it just in time to see one of my other friends pull in. Waving I entered the cafe to see Erin Macland and Tanda Kordna already seated at a table close to the counters and they happily greeted me and rather loudly too.

"Dani! How are you?" Erin shouted causing a few heads to turn towards us as I made my way to the table and sat down. I sent a glare at her, which only made her smile widen and I only shook my head. Why did I have such loud friends?

"I'm fine, how are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Same old, same old. Plotting world domination, murder, and simmering in of the world." I simply nodded and turned to Tanda.

"I'm also good, though not quite as accomplished as some. I have started a new piece for my education's class though and it's for piano." I smiled and giggled at my fellow music nerd. I jumped when a hand landed on my shoulder but sighed in relief when it was just our final member of our nerdle, Amelia Baron. Now I have a really unique group of friends, who I'm pretty sure were all crime bosses in another life or some type of warlord because they have a knack for planning such things that would make other people terrified. They wouldn't actually do least I hope so. Amelia, Tanda, and I were all dark haired (mine is fake) and Erin is the only redhead. Also the only extrovert and the tallest. She also makes the decisions for the introverts. I promise she's great.

"I know you are wondering why I brought you here and the answer to that is on its way here." She seemed to start vibrating in her seat as we all watched her smile grow wider at our confusion.

"It's not your time of the month is it?" I asked, causing her to send a glare at me and also making the others laugh.

"If it was, you would be the first to go. For your information, it's a man." We all stopped laughing and stared at her.

"What do you mean?" Tanda ask and for some reason I knew exactly what she was talking about and it made my heart sink.

"Guys...I found my soulmate!" She squealed just as the doorbell signaled, letting us know someone had entered and her attention quickly shifted to the person that entered. The redhead shot up from her seat and rushed towards the man standing there and leapt into his arms. I had to admit he was attractive and rather tall, well in comparison to me that is. Don't get me wrong, I'm average height. Soft looking, light brown hair and a big grin that seemed to draw people in. They came over and she introduced him to us. She and Samson had met one day in the park and it was love at first sight, as most soulmate bonds go. The bond is so powerful, that no one really knows how or why it works. Ancient texts that date back centuries describe that in the forming of the world, all creatures had one soul but something happened and the soul split into two. Now they wait to find the other half to complete the circle. At least that's I've heard. I will admit that it pains me to see them together. Don't get me wrong, I love her to death and I'm so happy that she found the one person meant for her, but that's something that I want too. Forgive me if that sounds whiny or bitchy but, I've dreamt of falling in love since I was a little girl and to have that kind of bond with someone...was something that I wanted desperately. I want someone who will love me for who I am and also know what, it doesn't matter right now. I will be happy for her because she deserves it and I need to stop being selfish.

We stayed for a few hours just talking and laughing and getting to know this new person in our circle. He was funny and looked like he really loved Erin which made me glad. Finally, however, the introvert in me decided that it was time to leave and I got ready to go.

"Sorry guys, but I have to get going, I have church tomorrow and work so I'm going to go and get some homework done and then get some sleep. I'll see you in class on Monday." They all gave their goodbyes and I went to the counter to get one more coffee before I left. Normally I just got tea because it was cheaper and I'm a poor college student, but I decided to splurge and get a strong Americano. With a little bit of relaxing powder thrown in. The best part of mythical creatures working places where food and drink is available, is that they give the option of putting potions and tonics for those who need it. The girl behind the counter smiled at me in what I assumed to be sympathy, when handing me my cup.

"I put a little bit of Happiness in there for you since you looked like you needed it. Free of charge." I smiled and nodded in thanks and decided to ask what she was since she had her true form hidden.

"Oh, I'm a pixie! My name is Marion!" That explained how she knew I was feeling. Most of the fairy-like beings were empaths, were able to sense emotion from most creatures. Even animals, which I find rather interesting.

"Well, thank you Marion. Maybe I'll see you around again." My words seemed to affect her because she seemed about ready to jump me over the counter.

"Really?! You'd be my first real friend! Well, human friend." I nodded and smiled, ready to leave but she halted me.

"I know it hurts, but your time is coming soon, don't worry." She spoke in such a serious tone that I found it hard to believe that it was the same girl. I wanted to ask her what she meant but she was distracted by another customer and I decided to come back another time and headed back home. I feel like something is going to happen and her words seemed to give me hope for some reason, but for what I'm not sure. I guess I'll have to find out.


Have you ever had that burning question deep inside you that just screamed to find an answer? It can be really simple like, "Why did I decide to eat nacho, when I don't like nachos." They can also be really hard to ask but really easy to answer. My question of the day, is why do I have to be an adult? I'm not good at it and it's hard. I often times make horrible decisions because people pressure me into make something of my life and I have severe self-confidence issues that won't allow me to tell them to back off. I'm not a complete people pleasure but I want everyone to come out of this shithole called life in one piece. I don't like responsibility when it has been thrust upon me and I have to magically know what to do with it. I can barely make a phone without have a near panic attack and people expect me to advance in my chosen field? Right. Bitter Dani is very bitter. What's worse, is that I seem to ask myself this quite a bit, especially when I happen to be doing something important like being at work or in class. Like now for instance.

"Miss Sullivan, would you care to share your opinion of the answer with the class?" My thoughts immediately shot to the present moment where I was in my Ethics class that I didn't particularly care about. Okay I don't mind it, but I'd rather be playing piano or something productive and I can't follow anything he says anyways. He just yammered on and on and asked really difficult questions. Not that I would ever tell anybody that.

"Uh, can you repeat the question?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound as dumb as I'm sure I thought I did. Instead of answering me, Mr. Heder gave me the I-expected-more-from-you look and followed it with a disappointed sigh that just made you want to lower yourself into your seat. I've had worse guilt trips, but it still made me feel like crap.

"Please pay attention, miss Sullivan. In any case, class is almost over but before you leave, I need you to hand in the short essay that I assigned last week. Leave them on the corner of my desk on your way out and have a good day. Miss Sullivan, I need to speak with you." Eyes seemed to glance over at me as one by one, students left in a jumbled, single file line. I waited and walked up to where Mr. Heder was standing by the podium, hands folded on the dark wood. He didn't say anything for a few minutes, just watched me.

"How are you doing, Danielle?" I was confused. I thought he would complain or lecture me about not paying attention but nope, he's asking how I'm doing. I will be honest when I say I was stumped with an answer.

"I-I'm fine, I guess. I've been really tired lately so I apologize if I haven't been here mentally the last few classes."

"Do you know what's causing this?" Ugh. Stop asking me questions please, you're not going to like what happens!

"I think it's because I'm stressed that it's getting to finals and then I start my senior year next year and everything is just starting to get too much and no matter how hard I try; I can't keep on top of everything. It's really starting to get to me, you know?" This. This is what happens when I bottle things up and then someone asks me what's on my mind. Word vomit.

"I see." He didn't even seem fazed...bastard. What, does every student come and have mental and emotional breakdowns to him? Ugh. Anyway, he continued on am suggesting that I just take it easy and focus on the now. Yeah, because I'm apparently not doing that. With that, I turned to leave when I forgot to turn in my essay and got it out of my bag. I handed it to him since the pile had already been collected.

"Ah, thank you." I nodded and then left to go to my next class...which happened to be on the complete other end of campus. It was choir, one of my favorite classes because I just love anything that has to do with music. Plus, a lot of my friends were in choir with me. Well, except for Erin. While supernatural creatures live among us, most attend schools designed specifically for them. Some do decide to go to human schools and colleges, but it's not that common. The governments are working on that. Well I won't bore you with the details of choir but just know that we totally rocked all of our songs so far and only got one guilt trip! It's a new record.

So choir is done and now I have a two-hour break before my final class, which I happen to have a test in. Oh boy! Please note that was extreme sarcasm. It's sometimes hard to tell in writing, but it is indeed there. Regardless, I studied the night before and by now, the information is crammed inside my head, ready to be thrown onto paper. I really hope that's the case. If not, I'm screwed. Dammit self, think positively... well I can't do that anymore. I need a distraction because I'm starting to get anxious.

Ping. Yay, distraction!

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly. I don't like phon calls.

"Danielle, is that you? It's me, Marion." Oh, Marion.

"Yeah I remember I gave you my number. What's up?" I could literally hear the smile in her voice when she replied, as if she didn't get asked that often. Poor thing.

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking! I was actually calling to see if you wanted to meet for coffee at the Holiday Cafe." I looked at my watch. It was just turning noon. My test wasn't for another two hours. Sit here and panic or go talk to a friend...I have made my decision.

"Yeah that sounds fun! I'll see you in 15 minutes?"

"Totally, I'll me you there! Bye!" The called ended.

"Bye-she hung up." Well, I'd better go and meet up with her. She's pretty cool and I enjoy her peppiness, even though I hate it at the same time. Pixies are known to be bubbly and happy and since they're empaths, they can help everyone one else around them with their emotions and even create potions and tonics. I know I explained that already, but I just find it really cool. So forgive me if I drive a little bit faster to get their sooner. I arrived at the Holiday Cafe in a record 10 minutes to see the parking lot nearly full and I groaned rather loudly. It's going to be busy but you know what, I'm not going to worry about that right now. Thankfully, I managed to find a parking spot in the nick of time. Ha! Take that slowpoke. Just kidding, I'm so sorry. I feel like such an awful person. I got out and walked towards only to be stopped by a monstrous hug from a rather tiny person.

"Danielle, it's so good to see you again!" I nearly screamed from the sudden contact but I managed to hug back, albeit awkwardly.

"Same here. I like what you did with your hair. It was blue before wasn't it?"

"Oh yeah, but that was weeks ago! The blue was cool, but I think this shade of violet is so much cooler."

"Yeah, it's so much more...vibrant."

"Ha-ha. I suppose. Anyways, what are you going to order?" From this far away, my eyesight could barely make out the letters and that's with my glasses on. I shrugged.

"Eh, I haven't decided yet. Besides the line is rather slow so I have time." Soon enough though, it was our turn and we got our orders and sat down. I looked around the room and marveled at the amount of people that could fit in a small space like this. It wasn't this full last time.

"It's lunch break and most of them are supernatural beings." Marion's voice reached my ears and I gave her a confused look and followed to where she was nodding at the table nearby. "They are werewolves and they actually go to the school that I go to."

"Oh. I see it now. They're a lot hairier than most I've seen." She took a sip from her mocha.

"It's a life choice." Yeah that made sense. Erin wasn't really hairy. She had long red hair for sure, but she wasn't covered, unlike the ones sitting next to us. Well they weren't as bad as dwarves, so that's something.

"I have a confession to make." I raised and brow and smiled as she fiddled with her cup.

"I didn't just invite you to hang out. I wanted to introduce you to a friend of mine. He's really cool and I thought you might get along well together."

"Why didn't you just tell me this?"

"I didn't know if you would want to. All I know is that I wanted my best friend and my new human friend to meet and get to know each other so we can all be friends together." She looked close to tears and I felt as if she didn't have a lot of friends and wanted to keep the ones she had. I guess I had no choice. I would have to be...ugh, social with a stranger. The idea did not appeal to me, but for Marion, I would try to be cool with it. Besides, what was the worst thing that could happen.

"Well, tell me about his friend of yours. I want to know a little about him before I meet him." Her eyes lit up.

"You seriously want to meet him? You're not going to run away?"

"Why would I? He's not a murder is he?" She let out a hearty laugh.

"No, but he can be pretty intense since he's a dragon." I nearly spit out my drink all over the table at that comment.

"You're telling me he's a dragon?" I demanded causing her to appear a little taken aback by my sudden movement. She nodded.

"Yeah. He goes to the same school as I do. For magical folk."

"No. He's a dragon?"

"He is, is that okay?"

"Yes, it's awesome!" I got a little excited but you can't really blame me. Dragons are the coolest. They fly, breathe fire, and can be as sexy as hell. In any of their forms. The only thing is I've never met one because they live in the bigger cities that accommodate their full size forms. My grandmother told me stories of when she was a kid (and when magical beings still hid themselves) and her father reading to her the myths and I fell in love with all of it. The magic, the mystery, the almost limitless power that can be used to create and destroy. It's fantastic.

"Dani? Earth to Dani?" I shook my head of the thoughts and focused back to the conversation.

"Sorry. Wait, did you just call me Dani?" She grew concerned.

"I'm sorry. Am I not supposed to?" I laughed.

"No, you can. I actually prefer it. When someone says my full name Danielle Briara Sullivan, my conditioned response is to find a hiding spot. Also, you don't have to act like I'm going to start hating you when you open your mouth. You're my friend. You have entered into my inner council and I don't abandon friends or dislike them for what they want to share with me. If something I say bothers you, please let me know. I really hate it when I'm annoying." I actually hate everything about myself, but let's just keep that safe and tucked away into my prison- brain. Keep it in my brain.

"I know and thank you. Empaths, pixie's especially, are really set on making other people around them feel comfortable and when they're not, it's a reflection on us. We care about others, even strangers and very rarely do we get angry. It's just...who we are." She paused as if to think about what she wanted to say. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Go ahead."

"Are you single?"

"Painfully. Why do you ask?" She got a glazed look in her eyes and that means she was in a completely different world at the moment and I waited for her to come back. Hell, I'm like that 96% of the time and I hate it when people interrupt me when I don't want to pay attention. After a moment she came back and her face almost lit up with mirth.

"What do you think about the soulmate principle?" I opened my mouth and then shut it since I couldn't find the words to describe how cool I thought it was. Or how completely lonely I am and have a desire for a strong male companion that lets me cuddle and keeps me warm at night. Someone who loves it when I geek out and is in awe of my piano skills and has a love/hate relationship with BBC the same way I do. Yeah I totally forgot honk it's fine.

"You know; I think it's really neat." Did my voice just crack? Embarrassing.

"You're lying." Ladies and gentlemen...I tried, I really did try. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't. I made Marion sit through ten minutes of me revealing how much I adore romance and fangirling over fictional characters. 

"I had a feeling you were a hopeless romantic." She said with a smile and my cheeks reddened. I'm not ashamed, I just find it both awkward and endearing. I want romance, but I realize I don't know the first thing about love and I told Marion this too.

"Yeah I'm the same way."

"You haven't found your soulmate yet?" She shook her head.

"I know it's silly, but I'm waiting for him to find me. I'm not the best at taking the initiative and... I honestly don't have a lot of hope in finding them. Some can go there whole lives without finding them." I raised my cup to my lips.

"There's always hope.You know, a reason why it's taking so long is that your prince charming is actually stuck in a tree and needs you to go rescue him." She burst out laughing and I had to join in because it was rather funny imaging a grown up man stuck in a tree. I think it was in a comic I saw once and it just kind of stuck with me. It's wonderful.

"Humans have it too." She stopped laughing sooner I did, but that made me sober up pretty damn fast.

"Really?" She nodded.

"Yeah, although it's not as strong a bond and for some reason you don't feel it as strongly as the People do. Of course the tingles, butterflies and stuff happens, but it's somewhat dimmed. At least for the human. Not so much for their partner. If anything, it's stronger." Huh. And here I though that only happened in fanfics and romance novels. Cool.

"Ok first, The People and second of all, humans can be with you guys?"

"Oh that's just one of the names us magical beings use to refer to ourselves and as a whole and yes it's possible, although rare. Humans also have a form of it, but it's not really the same thing."

"How come I've never heard of this?"

"Well to be honest, you humans don't really understand the point of it. In most cases, you're not really the best at relationships. You've romanticized it to make it seem like it's a fairy tale. A soulmate is to complete you, challenge to be more and honestly, break you if necessary. Love in the ultimate form. "

"I can understand that." I felt like I was being chastised because that is literally me.

"Don't worry, even supernatural beings sometimes forget the point too. With society today, few stick to the old ways. Choosing to ignore it and just doing what they want. I'm sure we got that from you."

"Thanks." I deadpanned, but still clearly hanging onto every word.

"Anyways," she continued, "if a member of the People is bound to a human, they usually do their best to hide them away out of fear for their safety. Mates and soulmates especially, are a sure fire way to get under our skin. It's really not the best idea to threaten or harm them, for they will get pissed and you will die."

"Huh. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Why are we talking about this?" She shrugged and glanced outside.

"Future reference." She was staring at something and I wanted to turn to see since we were next to the window but apparently my stubbornness decided to kick in and I was resolute to staring into the bottom of my now empty tea cup. Until I noticed that I started to get this tingly sensation and my stomach started to do flips. I looked in horror at my cup. Was I drugged? She started speaking again, though I'm once again stunned and confused about the sudden subject change.

"Did you know that some magical folk have the gift of foresight. Normally witches are able to do it through meditation and spells, but fairies and pixies get it naturally. No one knows how or why, but it's rather useful." She looked at me with an expression I have never seen before and I can't begin to describe it. It's like happiness, sorrow, guilt, fear, and hope all rolled up into one. It honestly gave me chills. A shadow passed by the window and we both turned our heads to see the newcomer that had entered the rather packed cafe. He was tall. Like really tall. Well, taller than me but according to my friend Erin, everybody was taller than me and I'm above average height at 5'9."He had lightly tanned skin and simple clothing that consisted of jeans, a solid green shirt him rather well and dammit, he is totally out of my league. His hair was a shade of brown that I can't name. I couldn't see his eyes since he was scanning the room,but boy did I notice when our eyes met. Everybody noticed however when he let out a fierce growl that drowned out every other noise in the room and made his way over to us. It was in that moment I knew my life had changed. It was also in that moment that I realized that Marion probably set this up...the devil. Bless her soul.

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Chapter 2

This was happening. This was really and truly happening. I felt the spark, I can sense him. I found my soulmate and for the life of me, I don't know what to do. For reals, I don't understand! How could this happen to someone like me? I'm not special and in no way attractive and the closer he got to our table, the more attractive he became to me. I could see detail upon detail of his face and noticed how he seemed to glide across the floor and each step was full of determination to reach his destination. I felt small and powerless and stupid in comparison. Was this how it was supposed to go? The two meet and ride off into the sunset. I mean I should feel so much joy because I got something I have always wanted...but fear is toxic and I felt it infect my system along with happiness. What if I'm not what he wants? What if he gets to know me and breaks the bond because that's possible, taboo, but possible? I wanted him to love me like the stories but I was afraid that reality would come crashing in like it always does. God...I'm such a stupid person to believe in that crap. Still, maybe there is hope.

"What is your name?" I jumped at the masculine voice and stared in awe at the man who had sat down in front of me. Now I could clearly see the forest green eyes with flecks of melted gold. Damn I could lose myself in them. His hair fell near his eyebrows, which were perfect, and I followed his straight nose to his lips and I struggled to breathe. I wanted to kiss them very badly. Wait. What? Where did that come from?

"You're starting to drool." He spoke again but I the words didn't compute. I was startled by how wonderful his voice was. Smooth and dark but not terribly deep. I knew that I would have no trouble listening to him for the rest of my life. His face started to grow concerned at my lack of response and a slight bit irritated at being ignored.

"Are you alright?." His voice was laced with concern, finally helping me out of whatever funk I was in and I slowly began to realize how stupid I was acting. He's just a guy. A really attractive guy...who is also a dragon and also now my soulmate. Oh God, what do I do?! I sat up straight and looked around completely aware of the fact that Marion had seemingly disappeared. How did I not notice her leaving? I looked back at the mysterious man before me and felt very awkward. I mean, more awkward than normal. For the next few minutes I stared at him, a silence hanging between us as I tried to figure out what to say. May day, may day, what do I do?!

"What's your favorite color?" Both of our eyes widened at my sudden question, he from surprise and me from mortification of how stupid I am. Geez, why couldn't I say something a little cleverer? I looked down and tried to find the portal to hell in the bottom of my tea cup but snapped my head up at his answer.

"Blue." I smiled a little.

"That's my favorite too." I whispered, knowing he would hear me because my courage was still not existent.

"I already asked you this, but you didn't answer me. What is your name?"

"D-Danielle," I took a deep breath to speak a little more clearly, "Danielle Sullivan, but most people just call me Dani." I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding as I watched him.

"Danielle." The way he said my name made a shiver run down my spine. I liked how he said it almost like he was trying to memorize every syllable.

"What's your name?" I asked him almost comfortable with how well everything was going. Maybe I wasn't so hopeless as I though.

"Drazan Forger." Wait I knew that name, but where had I heard it before? It then hit me.

"You're the son of that billionaire tycoon, Alistair Forger! He's filling in the new position of the Council isn't he?" He nodded.

"He's my step-father actually and he and I don't get along very well. My mother had me with my biological father but he went missing and she remarried. I wanted to keep my original name of Eraeus but he wouldn't have it."

"Oh. I see." It made me feel a little bad for him, not that he needed my pity. Another round of uncomfortable silence, at least for me, fell once more. It was driving me insane this waiting and so I decided break the silence because I wanted to know what the hell was happening.

"What are we going to do?" He knit his eyebrows in confusion. Ugh so adorable.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't really know what I'm supposed to do here. I'm the human remember. I only learned this," gesturing between us, "could happen only a few minutes before you showed up. Are we going to spend the rest of our lives sitting here and having slow conversations?"

"Who told you about this?"

"Marion." He sighed.

"I wish she hadn't, but I understand her reasoning. She wanted to prepare you for this." It was my turn to be confused.

"Wait, she knew about this?" He nodded and leaned his elbows onto the table, sending a wave of his scent to wash over me and I couldn't help but sigh in content. He smelled like rain and spice and something that was just him but I wanted it in a perfume bottle, whatever it is.

"Yes. She has the gift of foresight and saw us meeting here. She called you so that we could finally meet. I just wish I could have been the one to explain things to you." Now that made sense, since she was talking to me about it.

"But hold on. Were you in on this?"

"Of course. She's been talking about you non-stop over the past few weeks and I knew I had to see if was true."

"If what was true?" He hesitated for a moment.

" would be the one that I would share my life with. If you were the one destined to complete me." I had to look away, afraid he would see the tears begin to pool in my eyes. It's not that I didn't find it romantic, but I was trying to prepare for the inevitable rejection and the pain that was going to go with it.

"Well...what's your verdict?" The wait for his answer felt like an eternity.

"I feel it in my very soul." I was shocked to say the least. I was not expecting that kind of answer and I could just feel my cheeks go to a shade of red I hoped would not be noticeable. His smile made me curse inwardly at how obvious I was. I was startle by my phone ringing and picked it up only to have my eardrum nearly blown out.

"Danielle, where are you?! Class is in twenty minutes and you're not here! By the way, this is Tanda." I scanned my watch and indeed it was twenty-till and shot up out of my seat gripped my keys and ran like a madwoman to get to my car and head back to campus, praying I wouldn't be late.

So there's good news, bad news, and even worse news. The good news, is that I managed to make it for my test and probably did horribly. I suppose that might also be bad news, but whatever. The actual bad news is that I as I walked out of the test, I saw a tow truck right next to my car.

"Excuse me! What do you think you're doing?" I demanded but only got a blank stare. Alright let's try this again. "This is my car. Why is it being towed?" Still nothing. Getting my car back round 3? "Do you speak English?" His expression never changed from the complete lack of emotion and it only made me angrier but before I could start shouting at him, he handed me a piece of paper. It was a ticket.

"For parking in a non-parking zone? Is this for real? Where the hell does it say that it's a no parking- "My rant was stopped by the man pointing at a sign that…said no parking. Dammit. I spent the next few minutes arguing with the human form of a brick wall when I heard a shout come from the right. I suppose the even worse news was that I now had an angry dragon storming towards. He came to a stop before us and sent a chilling glare to the man and I for one was glad that it wasn't completely directed at me. I don't like confrontations and normally will do anything to pacify someone. Well almost anything and it doesn't make me a pushover! I will say when enough is enough but that usually takes a lot for someone to get me to that point. I control my anger fairly well.

"Who are you?" Drazan asked the man and I was going to tell him to save his breath when to my shock, the tow truck person opened his mouth.

"Henry." Sure he said it in a monotone voice, but I've been trying to get him to say something for the past few minutes.

"Why do you answer him and not me?" I asked in a huff, slightly insulted.

"Maybe if you didn't run up to someone and start yelling at them when they're just doing their job. Plus, you didn't even ask for my name." My argument died on my lips because I knew he was right. Damn you tow truck man. I mean Henry. I took a deep breath to calm down before I addressed him again.

"Henry. Is there any way you can let me off with a warning or something? Look I'm sorry I parked there and I'm sorry that I yelled at you but I was in a hurry. I need my car for school and work and I don't have the money to pay for this ticket. Is there anything you can do? Please?" I begged and he seemed to think for a moment. After a few short moments he met my gaze for a strange reason, his eyes seemed to have changed. I should probably mention that this dude is pretty cute. Not in a hot and sexy way, but in a 'he'll be good to cuddle with' kind of cute. Short blonde hair, his eyes were a solid blue that seemed lifeless but now they were blazing with life.

"Get your car tomorrow. We're closed but I'll be there working so I'll let you in. I'll also reduce the price of the ticket."

"Really?!" I screamed, beaming at him, hope in humanity restored. He smiled a little in return and nodded and it brightened up his face. In a rush of emotion, I leapt at him and wrapped my arms around his skinny frame. No, I don't usually hug strangers. Yes, I am emotionally fragile at this current time and maybe I just needed a hug. When you deal with your thoughts every second of the day, it becomes tiring. Before either of us could react, I was yanked away from him and pushed behind a solid wall of muscle.

"You may leave now." Drazan's tone sent shivers down my spine. It was the sound of a possessive male protecting what was his. I think I like that. Henry nodded and proceeded to drag my precious (crappy) car away. Well shit. I forgot that I had even worse news but I suppose that you can guess what that is. As soon as the tow truck was out of sight, Drazan rounded on me.

"What the hell were you thinking, running off? Do you know how worried sick I was? You didn't tell me where you were going and I couldn't exactly follow you since you left in such a hurry. You know, if something had gone wrong when I wasn't there, I could have lost you the day I found you and that can't happen. I will not lose you to some foolish errand of yours." Wow. Okay look, I would sass anybody who yelled at me, but today was stressful. I haven't taken my meds in a few days because I need to refill them, school isn't getting any better not that that's a shock and I found out I have a soulmate who is a dragon. Oh and my car got towed. Tell me you would be okay after a day like I've had. I suppose it could always be worse. Ah, pessimism at its finest. I felt the tears coming to my eyes as I looked down. I'm not weak. I'm emotional and I've had a very stressful day. Being yelled at doesn't help. I felt his hand touch the skin of my chin and it nearly made me gasp at the jolt of electricity at the contact. I wonder if this was always going to happen. It's not uncomfortable, it's more body knows who he is and reacts without me knowing it.

"Danielle, look at me." His gentle command made more tears come as my brown eyes met his green ones. The anger that once filled them had faded and a tenderness now filled them, made my heart race.

"What's wrong?" The change left me stunned, which is pretty much how I've been the past few hours

"A lot has happened in the past few days. It's not you, I promise." I pulled away, uncomfortable with my weakness in front of him. I'm fine with showing my emotion, really I am. I used to hate it, thinking it made me look weak, but now it's gotten to the point where I'll let it come out to anybody who would stand to listen. I'd tell my neighbor's dog if I had no one else. If my neighbor even had a dog.

"You don't have to impress me by pretending to be strong. If you need to cry, I won't fault you for it. You don't have to hide anymore." I gaped up at him, previous thoughts and tears forgotten. That's exactly or nearly close enough to what I was thinking!

"Can you read my mind?" He stared me a moment when a look of bemusement crossed his features and then closed his eyes. His eyebrows knit together in concentration and I couldn't help but stare at him. It's not my fault he's beautiful. His eyes opened and he lifted a hand to my cheek and I couldn't help but lean into his touch. Just a little

"I don't understand. I should be able to. There are some humans that are completely unable to have telepathy, but that doesn't apply or shouldn't apply to us."

"Why not?" He stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"We're Mates. The magic that binds us is strong enough to overcome everything even the mental block that some humans have. Since Marion told me about you, I've done research on mating between one of the People and humans and what little I could find suggest that once the process is complete- "He stopped dead and I frowned in concern.


"How far away do you live?" Well thanks for answering my question.

"Uh…about ten minutes or so. I would drive back but you saw what happened with that and by the way I don't appreciate- "

"I'll drive, just give me directions." He grabbed my hand and led me towards a black vehicle parked a little ways and practically rushed me into passenger seat and quickly got in himself. I gave him my address and I fell into a somewhat somber silence. I had to a lot to think about and was somewhat worried about what was going to happen. In my readings, I knew that that most of the magical folk were rather…sensual. Right after they meet their other half they want to complete the mating process and well…I'm not stupid. Ok, I am but not completely stupid. Let's just say that I had a feeling. I'm going to be honest and say that I've never been in a relationship. I wanted to be but I'm one of those girls who men love for their personalities and not their looks. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and saw that he was focused on the road. What have I gotten myself into? Sighing I turned to look out the window and watched the scenery go by. The sun was starting to set and it set an orange backlight on the trees and houses that we passed. The place I now live isn't big like a city but it isn't small as a village, it was somewhere in between. My college was ten miles or so outside of the city limits and was nearly as old as the town itself. Sheridan isn't home, but it's a place that sits close to my heart now. That's the name of the town. Time flew quickly and eventually we got to my apartment complex but we hit a snag.

"Crap!" I shouted ruffling around in my pockets, "my keys are still in my car." I paused to glance at the man beside me and at his annoyed expression quickly thought of another alternative to get us inside. I looked at the list of names along the door and stopped at 315, one number below mine and pressed the button to call the room.

"Hello?" A woman's voice came out of the crackly speaker.

"Sarah? It's me. Look, I forgot my keys, do you think you can let me in?"

"Sure, give me a second." A few seconds passed and then the buzzer sounded to let us know the door was unlocked. I led Drazan up three flights of stairs and turned left heading to my door at the end of the hall but a door on the right opened and my friend Sarah stepped out. She works as a nurse at the hospital and is one of the least frightening people I have ever met. With her being 5'5, I felt like I towered over her and made me feel protective of her. She's shy and tends to do what people tell her, like me. She pushed her sort blonde hair behind her ear and greeted us. She glanced between the two of us and I saw the question in her eyes.

"Sarah, this is Drazan my…?" I trailed off not exactly knowing what to say.

"I'm her soulmate." Way to be blunt there. Her eyes widened but didn't respond. Yeah, I wouldn't know what to say either.

"Anyways, I'll talk to you later." She nodded and moved to go back into her apartment but stopped and looked at me.

"By the way, Cory was wondering if you wanted to hang out this weekend."

"Uh I'll message him after I know. Oh and Sarah? Best not mention this to him." She nodded and retreated back into the safety of her dwelling and shut the door.

"Who's Cory?" I squinted at him but his expression remained passive, awaiting my answer.

"He's my brother and her boyfriend. He lives on the other side of town." If I hadn't been paying attention, I would have missed the slight relaxing of tension in his shoulders. I didn't say anything but continued down the hall to the last door and swiftly opened it before stepping inside.

"Don't you lock your door?" I turned my head slightly to glance back at him and upon noticing he was distracted by the door, I quickly tried to shove things away to make it seem less cluttered. In my haste I accidentally knocked over a bowl that was on the counter. I jumped at the loud bang but recovered and failed at acting like nothing happened. My guest only stood there with a raised brow.

"The door? Yeah…uh well the lock hasn't worked for almost a year. I'm too lazy and to too cheap to get it fixed."

"A year? You've gone this whole time without basically any protection?" He growled in frustration and I knew that I probably said the wrong thing. While being possessive, dragons and most other supernatural creatures, are very overprotective of their bonded.

"Yes? It's okay though, if you look around there really isn't much to take. The bed is probably the nicest thing I have in the whole apartment and you can't really sneak that out." I bent down to pick up the bowl I dropped before continuing on. "Besides, I'm barely here unless I'm sleeping. Most of the time I'm working or doing school related things." Moving things around again though in less of a hurry, I didn't notice that he was slowly getting closer.

"By the way, I'm sorry for the mess. I don't usually have company and I didn't have time to clean." Movement out of the corner of my eye made me jump in surprise and I would have fallen over if a pair of strong hands hadn't grabbed me in time. My hazel eyes met forest green and stared at each other for what seemed an eternity. Eventually he straightened me up but didn't distance himself. I didn't want him to either. You guys, he smelt so good. I could feel heat radiate off him in waves and it helped against the chill that always tended to fill the apartment. In all honesty I wanted to hug him but I held myself back because I came to realize just how alone we were in this small space. I feel like I can hear a cheer saying "kiss him" but I couldn't get myself to move. I can't help being a shy virgin alright. For heaven's sake I haven't even kissed a boy before! Have I already mentioned that?

"Danielle." My name drew my gaze to his and I waited to see if he would continue. "Do you know why we're here?" I couldn't get my voice to work so I simply nodded a blush shading my cheeks. He studied me for a moment before slowly placing a hand on my right cheek.

"Are you afraid of me? Of what we are?" My eyes widened.

"Why would I be afraid of you?" He let out a humorless laugh.

"I can smell it on you. I just don't know why." I placed my own hand over his, eyes blazing with determination.

"I'm not afraid of you. I'm not afraid of our relationship, I just…didn't expect it." I lowered my gaze out of embarrassment. "In fact, I was hoping that this would happen to me some day. The thing is that now that it has, I don't know what to do. I wasn't expecting that I would get this kind of opportunity. Come here." I lead him over to the couch and sat down pulling him to sit next to me. He watched me as I sorted out my thoughts.

"Look, I know supernatural creatures, dragons especially, have a desire to mate once they've met the one their destined to be with. I also understand that's it's basically your form of marriage but I can't do that yet. I've never been in a relationship before and I for sure haven't slept with anyone-hey don't look so smug!" I smacked his arm lightly and then continued. "I'm not against the idea, but I want you to be sure." He tilted his head in confusion.

"Be sure of what?"

"That you actually want me." He looked stunned and I then proceeded to word vomit. "I'm going to be honest and say that I'm not the prettiest or the smartest. I'm terribly shy and probably shouldn't be allowed in public due to my uncanny ability to be clumsy and stupid and prone to spontaneously burst out into song. You could have anyone much better than me and I want you to have the chance to choose for yourself. Nobody deserves to be shackled to something they can't control. I just don't want you to feel like you have to be with me because that's what fate says. If we go through this right now, I don't want you to wake up the next morning and regretting anything." His face began to become blurry and before I knew it, tears were once again running down my cheeks. Dammit, I was hoping this wouldn't happen. I jerked slightly when he moved towards me but soon found myself in awe as he softly began wiping away my tears. He thought for a moment before slowly leaning forward and my heart leapt in my throat. It felt so loud that I thought the neighbors would be able to hear. Soft lips connected with mine and the world burst with color. I thought the world was beautiful and I've experience quite a few beautiful moments, but this blew them all away. Instinctively, my lips moved in synch with his and I knew that I could die at that very moment and be perfectly content. We went on for several minutes and when it ended by him pulling away, I felt like a part of me left with him. Slightly out of breath he placed his forehead and I saw the happiness in his eyes. In that moment I knew he had chosen.

"I hope that's answer enough. What?" He asked when I let out a giggle. An ugly giggle.

"That was my first kiss." My laughter turned into a squeal when he lifted me up and deposited me in his lap. He positioned me so that we were both comfortable and I knew for sure that my face was tomato red when he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm glad I get to be your first. I'm even happier that I get to be your last if you'll have me."

"I don't know. I'll have to ask all of my secret admirers first." I should not have said that for I felt his arms tighten around me and a low growl left his throat, making his chest vibrate beneath me.

"You are mine now," he said in a deep voice," just as I am yours." My heart beat faster than was probably healthy at those words but I gave him a soft smile, reassuring him.

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." He relaxed at those words and seemed even a little gleeful at the pet name. "I still have to ask you: are you okay with waiting?"

"I'm going to have to be. I want you to be happy and even though it goes against instinct, I will wait until you are ready."

"It's not that I'm not ready…well I'm not, but it's more on how I was raised. I was taught to save sex until marriage and I really want to adhere to it. I wanted to get married in my home church with my family to support me and I just wouldn't feel complete." He nodded in understanding.

"Then that's what we'll do. Is there a processing time or something?"

"Yeah in the Catholic church it's somewhere around six months." He went silent and I quickly tried to think of something. "In our case though it wouldn't be as long because as you've said, our relationship is different than most. The Church and most world religions view the soulmate bond as a form of marriage because it is the binding of two souls. Our compatibility wouldn't be an issue so it would really be only like 2 or 3 months for planning." He appeared to be mulling that over and then an idea struck me.

"You know, if we were to get married, you could call me yours in every sense of the word and people would physically see it."

"I'm sold. Marry me?" I burst out laughing at his sudden proposal.

"You're adorable!" At first he was affronted at the thought of being found adorable but a smile soon lit up his face and he kissed me, this time rather soundly. "I'm afraid you'll have to do better than that. Besides, why don't we get to know each other first. The only things I know about you is your name and your favorite color." I breathed out when he pulled away.

"I think that can be arranged." He pulled me a little closer to him and is warmth relaxed me. I lost track of time after that. We talked about everything we could think of. However, I'm weak and began nodding off when he decided it was time for bed. I was almost asleep when I felt him shift and then stand, with me cradled in his arms. Lazily, I wondered if I was too heavy but I couldn't muster up the energy to ask. I heard him whisper a few words, but I didn't know what they were before he laid me down and pulled the covers over me. I knew he was there beside me when I felt the other side of the bed dip and then his arms were once again surrounding me and I was pulled towards him. His warmth and scent brought a sense of safety and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I could sleep in peace and that's what I did. In the love of his embrace, I fell asleep listening to the beating of his heart which, at the time, I didn't know was already beating for me.

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