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Moving in

 It was a dark stormy night the day we were moving in to are new dream home, the weather made the beautiful big White House stand out in the night.

Me and my husband had just finished bringing the last box’s  in, he had work the next day so he went to bed well I unpacked the last box’s, by the time I finished unpacking it 1 o’clock in the morning, I had thought about going to bed but being in a new house that I wasn’t used to made me feel uneasy so I couldn’t possibly sleep just yet so instead I sat on the sofa and put Netflix on the watch stranger things.

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 I must of dropped off to sleep, I woke up to a loud banging noise from upstairs but I just brushed it off thinking it was my husband half awake stumbling to the bathroom so I laid back down on the sofa and went to sleep.


I had awoken from my phone alarm ringing which I always set at this time to wake my husband up because he can never get up himself for work, as I’m walking up the stairs to get my husband I hear a tapping noise it’s not just like a tap dripping noise but it sounds like someone slightly tapping there fingers on the bathroom window, I obviously don’t go in to check it out because there’s a lot of horror films that I’ve seen end badly that way.

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 So I quickly walk/run to wake my husband and ask him about the noise last night his face drops and he says the one thing I didn’t want to here, he says “I thought it was you dropping something well you were unpacking” so I start to freak out and tell him about the tapping noise in the bathroom, he grabs the first weapon he could find which was an unplugged lamp, so we both start to slowly walk towards the bathroom, when suddenly there were loud bangs on are front door we hesitate but then both run to see who could possibly be knocking at are door like that, as we open the door we see our neighbor to which she said “I’ve just called the police there was a man with a doll mask climbing out of your window I shouted at him but as soon as he saw me he ran through the back yards through the woods” me and my husband both looked in shock as we could not believe what we were hearing.

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