

Tablo reader up chevron

Chapter One

Αυτοί που αναζητούν την εξουσία ποτέ δεν θα επιτύχει το μεγαλείο.

      Even now reading the scripture on the front page brings a sense of pride to my life. I hadn’t asked for this, but that was the point of The Power. You couldn’t want it, and those that did could never actually receive or appreciate its wonders. I was lucky enough that Grandmother was still alive when I ascended into my position. Unfortunately, that meant Grandmother only had six months left to live. That’s the way it worked in the family line, when the High Priest, or Priestess, is nearing the end of their term the next in line with the greatest potential is chosen. It was passed to our family three generations ago when the family that had The Power became too greedy and self-righteous. Our family was next in the bloodlines to receive the gift and so far we have handled it very well. Six months is barely enough time to really train someone, let alone to fill them in on a hidden history, so my ancestors conceived a book. Many confuse it for a book of magic and spells, but in fact it’s actually your average textbook when you really look at it. There are no spells inside because that is not the way The Power works. You simply fell what needs to happen and the forces that be make it happen. The book consists of past enemies, rules on behavior and such things as those. The book is constantly writing itself, which makes it much easier not having to document the craziness while trying to keep it under control. The wonders of a magical book is that even though it actually consists of what I’m sure is over a million entries, is only as big as the longest Harry Potter novel. Being a living entity of its own once the user touches it a connection is made and the book tells you what you need to know, be it through text or even sometimes these freaky mind movies. That about covers the boring part of our introduction here, what I’m really here to tell you about is the mess that began on my 22nd birthday. I had ascended on my 16th birthday, and passed out on my 21st, but that is a whole different type of story that I’d rather not go into, though Book seems to find it funny to remind me from time to time. I’ll just say there was an elf, a nymph and a unicorn. You need not know any more than that.

      I was out with my friends on a thankfully calm October the 3rd night. It was nearing All Hollow’s Eve so I knew things were not going to stay calm for long but I was taking advantage of it while I still could. We were all having a grand time dancing along to Lana and Loreen, when the door seemed to burst open, most patrons didn’t even notice, but I knew to watch for the little things. My head snapped to the door while my body kept dancing and that’s when he entered. His long hair and scruffy face caught my attention right away. His shirt was cut in a low V and his hairy chest was clearly on display. By the time I made it to his black boots I was already lusting for him. My eyes returned to his face and I stopped dancing. He was looking right at me, with a smirk on his gorgeous face that made his brown eyes look just so damn sexy. I could feel my face heat up, even though I was already sweating from the extreme closeness of the patrons around me, and knew I had to get out of there. I didn’t even hear my friends yell for me as I turned toward the backdoor of the club and nearly ran. The cool fall air nearly took my breath away, or had it already been missing? I laughed to myself and took a deep sighing breath.

      “Dude,” Kyle came out followed by Katreen and Kevin, “Where the hell are you going?”

      “I just needed some air,” I laughed at the seriousness of his expression.

      “It was the sexy man meat that just walked in wasn’t it?” Katreen wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

      “Oh, lord,” Kyle rolled his eyes, “Are we really going to go through this again?”

      “First of all,” I glared toward Kyle, “Fuck you, and second, no we are not. He was a good looking man that just caught me off guard. Tonight is about us and me getting over Brantley.”

      “Exactly,” Kevin patted my back.

      “That in no way means you cannot look at least,” Katreen fanned herself with her clutch.

      “That is exactly what it means actually,” Kyle shot a look at her.

      “Stop it,” I removed myself from Katreen’s arm and headed for the door, “I’m getting another drink, who else wants one?”

      And, with that, we all went back inside. I tried not to but as I walked up to the bar I found myself looking around for the handsome face, but he was nowhere to be seen. I took another deep breath and decided to just let it go. After the four of us had taken another shot and had our next round of vodka in our hands we headed back towards the dancing crowd. I downed my drink and placed the glass on a random table as I walked by. The beat of a song kicked on and though I couldn’t really hear Britney singing her latest hit I danced along anyway. The others followed suit and danced around me. I closed my eyes and just let the beat take me over. I could feel everyone moving around me. It’s a unique experience every time. I opened my eyes to tell Katreen about my epiphany but instead was greeted with the gorgeous brown eyes again. He was only a foot away from me and his eyebrow was cocked high on his forehead. His lips slowly twisted into a half grin and he moved closer. I could almost feel my heart more than the bass of the song as he moved centimeters away from my body. I could feel the extra heat coming from him as me positioned himself to begin dancing with me. I had never danced with another guy in public before, so it was a little awkward at first. I looked over and saw Katreen giving me the thumbs up while Kyle was running his thumb a cross his throat. I brought my attention back to the man in front of me and he put his hands on my hips and began swaying them with the music. After a few seconds I started moving them on my own and he ran his hands up to my sides. A chill ran down my spine and I realized I was holding my arms out to the side very unusually. Instinctively I took them and placed them on his shoulders. His grin turned into a full smile and he closed the space between us. I could feel my body awakening with his touch. I ran my hand down his chest until it was resting on the bare section and ran my fingers through the hair. I almost though I could feel a rumbling in his chest but remembered the music playing. The song switched to a country song but he didn’t move away. The beat was hypnotic for being country and our bodies continued to move naturally around the dance floor. I was only vaguely aware of the others staring. And, normally, that would cause me to force the situation to stop but his eyes bore into mine and his body kept me against him like it was magnetic. His face was so close to mine I could almost feel the course hairs of his beard against my face. Soon enough I lost all count of the music, I’m not sure how many songs we danced to but the next thing I was aware of was the lights coming to life and blinding me. It was only then that I stepped back away from him.

      “Thanks for the dance,” His voice was husky and smooth, “See you around?”

      “Sure thing,” I managed before he turned and walked out the door with the group he had walked in with. They had found company in the bar flies that were always around.

      “Damn, boy!” Katreen bounced over and popped my arm.

      “What was that all about?” Kyle looked angry, “I thought this was a friend’s night?”

      “Oh, don’t be jealous!” Katreen smacked Kyle’s arm harder than she had hit me.

      “It was just a dance,” I shrugged looking toward the door.

      “A dance that lasted the whole night,” Kevin smirked.

      “Whatever,” I stepped around them and headed for the door. We didn’t say another word to each other even as we got into the car.


      That night I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. In the darkness I could still make out his brown eyes and contagious smile. I closed my eyes and swallowed the lump that had formed. Brantley was my ex, and we had only been broken up for three months. I wasn’t ready for something new, but it was just a dance. A very hot, body exciting dance; but still just a dance. I rolled over and pulled my pillow to my chest. I wasn’t going to do this to myself again, before the mysterious hottie of tonight there were two other rebounds that ended up being more than that. I wasn’t capable of anything but falling in love with the other person. I tried to resort to the book for a cure, but that was one of the rules.

      “The book can do many things,” Grandma spoke as he handed me the book, “But, it cannot deal in the emotions of humans, or bring them back from the dead.”

      “Why is that?” I looked up quizzically from the book.

      “Everything has a balance,” Grandma laughed, “Without those rules the world would be running ramped with people who shouldn’t be here anymore. The natural order has to continue. Don’t abuse The Power.”

      “Don’t worry Gran,” I rolled over on my bed and smiled, “I won’t.”


      The next morning I woke to the sunlight in my eyes. A pain shot so sharp I physically winced, I threw my pillow over my eyes and decided to try and sleep again. I was nearly there when my cellphone began to ring. I picked it up and saw Katreen’s face, it always annoyed me that even when we were out drinking until only gods know when, she was up at the ass crack of dawn. I flipped the phone over and it silenced to my relief. I snuggled back into my pillow and was closer to sleep when it began ringing again. I threw my pillow in frustration and slid my figure across the answer section.

      “What the fuck Kat?” I moaned more than yelled.

      “I want to go on a walk,” Her bubbly voiced bounced into my ear, “Get your ass up because I will be there in a few short minutes!”

      “You are aware that we went drinking last night right?” I flung my head back just a bit too hard and winced.

      “Just throw the tonic I showed you together and you’ll be fine in seconds,” She chirped.

      “I told you I don’t use for personal gain,” I sighed.

      “It’s not really using,” Loreen jumped on her soapbox, “And, it’s not really personal gain either. I look at it as a public service for us to be at our top game. These people have no clue what they are up against. They walk around in their pretty little lives and we just have to pick up the pieces for them. I mean-“

      “I’ll drink the damn tonic if you just shut the hell up woman!” I pulled the phone away from my ear and hung up before she could begin again.

      I reluctantly got up and quickly showered. I was greeted by Katreen as I exited the bathroom, she had the tonic already in hand. I snatched it up and downed it in one shot. She smiled wide and gave me the ‘don’t ever question me again’ look. I quickly dressed and we were out the door in minutes. A walk was literally just that with Katreen. We would stroll around our little town and just watch people. We didn’t even really talk much, but when you have known someone your whole life, and have spent the last six years of your life practically sharing every thought, you don’t really need to talk. Katreen and I were two sides of the same person. I was not one to want to show off The Power or use it in every form possible. There were no real personal gain rules other than the big ones, so she of course found loopholes. She loved messing with people and having a good time, which I guess wasn’t so bad. She didn’t hurt anyone she would just scare them or flip them out a bit. I didn’t really like to do anything with The Power though. I pretty much kept my abilities to myself. Other than the main circle of people I talked to people pretty much didn’t know much about me at all.

      “Did you feel him?” Katreen asked as we walked through the park.

      “What?” I snapped my head toward her.

      “The guy last night,” She smiled wickedly, “And, I don’t mean the body.”

      “I guess,” I shook my head, “I have to admit I was a little distracted by the body.”

      “I figured as much,” She snatched my lemonade and chugged the rest.

      “Yeah, I was done with that,” I jabbed her side making her cough, “Thanks for asking.”

      “Dick,” She tossed her cup into a trashcan, fifty yards away.

      “You’re going to get us caught one of these days Kat,” I glared her way.

      “Anyway,” She grabbed my arm, “I’m surprised you didn’t feel him anyway. He is so strong. I could feel myself becoming more powerful just by standing next to him!”

      “Because that’s what we need. You getting more power!”

      “Hey, watch it!” Glaring at me she pulled me down the street. We continued walking until we ended up at the park and found a bench. Classes had yet to start back up so those teens that awoke early enough to enjoy the full day were already racing around the park. Our town was so tiny and close nit for the time. Our town did not consist of anything but a few fast food joints, a theater that played movies that were already on DVD, an unfortunate Walmart, and very little other things. So, it wasn’t too surprising to see the park this full, but you could still hear the beeping and tones of the smartphone epidemic.

      “Should I do it?” Katreen looked over at me and I smiled. I knew what had happened but it took a few minutes for the chaos to set in.

      “It’s on my phone too!” We could hear people shouting to one another. I pulled out my phone and chuckled at the cow face that was looking back at me from the screen.

      “A cow?” I put my phone back into my pocket.

      “I was feeling a little bluuuuuuuue,” She leaned over onto my shoulder and we laughed.


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Chapter Two

I parted ways with Katreen at the park and headed for the movie shop. My shift wasn’t for a few hours but I couldn’t help myself, I was an admitted geek that loved to hang out at the shop. It was unique in a way that you could rent or buy the movies. As soon as I walked in Cyle looked at the clock.

            “Dude,” He laughed, “Why are you always so early?”

            “I’m trying to get in good with your mom,” I winked at him.

            “I know better than that one,” He flipped me off, “And, my dad would not be down either.”

            “I just wanted to see the new shipment,” I blew him a kiss and walked into the back.

            Cyle knew I was lying, I already knew every movie that was coming out the next day, I just liked to be the one to open the box and put them out. Even his parents respected my odd quirk. They were on their fifth, or was it sixth, honeymoon for the next month. It was nice just having me and Cyle running the place. Things were a little chaotic with the parents around. Cyle’s parents were in the family of magic, but did not practice themselves, unlike Cyle. He and Devin, who lost his parents years ago, joined me in my training with Grandma, they even sat through some of my High Priest classes. They weren’t necessarily against the use of magic, they just liked to live without it, and I sort of agreed with them. I only used it in time that I really needed it, or when I just felt like being totally lazy.

            I was opening the final box when Cyle flew into the backroom and slammed the door shut making me jump. His eyes were wide but they didn’t really show fear.

            “What the hell?” I took a deep breath trying to slow my beating heart.

            “He’s here,” Cyle whispered.

            “Who is?” I scrunched my nose.

            “The guy from the bar,” He whispered softer.

            “Why are you whispering?” I threw up my hands.

            “I don’t know,” He spoke even softer and threw up an eyebrow.

            “Does he know I’m here?” I asked, not really wanted to know the answer I found when Cyle nodded his head. I froze first, and then looked into the nearby window to check my hair. Realizing I was being ridiculous I looked back to Cyle who was not silently laughing. I picked up a DVD case and chucked it at him but he deflected it with a simple gesture, so I flung him into the door.

            “Ouch,” He continued laughed now doubled over.

            “I hate you,” I pushed him to the side and exited the back room.

            I thought I would see him right away but he wasn’t waiting outside the door like I had imagined. In movies, it always happened that way, I was glad though because I was able to take a second glance into the mirrored security camera cover. I took a calming breath and walked into the store. Being a pretty average town with not a lot of touristy things, most of the people were regulars. I nodded and said hello but I was on a mission. I couldn’t be bothered to stay and talk. I ventured the whole bottom floor of the store but could not find him anywhere, so I looked up to the loft and there he was, standing like a damned prince charming smiling down at me. I lifted my hand in a small wave and he motioned for me to join him. As I walked towards the stairs I passed Cyle who was still chuckling. With a flick of my finger I sent a shelf of used DVDs down onto his head. I could hear him mumbling still as I ascended the stairs.

            “I was told I could find you here,” the man’s smile grew.

            “That is sort of creepy,” I laughed, “Who told you that?”

            “Vox never reveals his little birds,” His smile turned into a mischievous grin.

            “So your name is Vox?” I raised an eyebrow, “Aden thinks that is a clever way of telling someone your name.”        

            “Sadly,” he lowered his eyes, “It’s just something I do when I’m nervous.”

            “Well,” I bent down to meet his gaze, “Aden thinks it’s kind of cute.”

            “How do you do it?” Vox looked straight into my eyes.

            “Do what?” I could feel my face burn red.

            “Be so outgoing and confident,” He took a step towards me.

            “To be totally honest,” I cleared my throat, “This is the first time I have ever been this forward. Minus the time I danced with you at the bar.”

            “That was a nice dance,” He put his hands in his pockets.

            “It was,” I ran my hand threw my hair out of bad nerves.

            “I can’t stay long but,” He looked around, “I wanted to know if you would like to go on a date with me.”

            “A date?” I couldn’t stop my eyes from going wide.

            “Yeah,” He looked more nervous.

            “Like dinner and movie?” I could feel my heart thumping.

            “Something like that,” He laughed as he reached the peak of nervous.

            I was slightly shocked. The dance at the bar had been nice and him showing up at the store I figured was just out of kindness, afraid I might hear someone had told him and he didn’t show. But, a date I was not expecting.

            “I’m kind of freaking out here please respond,” Vox took a deep breath.

            “I’ve never seen such a handsome man be so nervous,” I smiled, “Definitely not when asking someone like me out.”

            “You’re gorgeous,” He grinned, “Why wouldn’t someone be nervous?”

            “Be it out of pity or not,” I put my hand up to stop his protest, “Learning my humor will happen quick, but, I would love to go on a date with you.”

            “Awesome,” Vox’s teeth were so white I seriously thought of eating off of them at that moment, “I’ll pick you up at noon.”

            “Don’t you need my address?” I eyed him suspiciously.

            “Little bird,” He grinned, “I have to get going. I’m really sorry to run.”

            He walked toward me and I stood, unsure of what to do, very still. He noticed my discomfort and quickly leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek.

            “Have a great night gorgeous.” And, with that, he was down the stairs and gone.

            “Don’t go,” I nearly shit myself when Katreen walked out from behind a stack.

            “Seriously?” I smack her on the arm.

            “You are such a little chicken!” She laughed and then her face went serious, “There is something not right about Vox man.”

            “What are you talking about?” I rolled my eyes and started down the stairs.

            “Don’t give me that bullshit you know I sense this stuff,” She bounced down the steps behind me.

            “You are wrong half the time,” I shook my head.

            “Look it’s not my fault that I haven’t fully developed it but Henry ended up being a total pervert!” She leaned against the counter as I signed into the computer.

            “Not the kind of pervert you made him out to be,” I snapped, “Furries are actually more common than you think.”

            “Whatever,” She was checking out a guy nearby, “The point is I was still right and I am right about Vox too!”

            “Your opinion has been noted sunshine,” I pushed her to the side to allow a customer to approach.

            Katreen hung around for the rest of the night talking to new men that came into the store, most of them truck drivers. Katreen had always been a very forward person. She loved to talk to guys, but she had yet to actually sleep with anyone, that I knew of, and I know a lot about her. I, of course, had to do my friendship duties and make obscene gestures toward her. It was closing time before long and I even sent Katreen out the door. She tried to warn me again about Vox but just smiled and waved.

            There wasn’t much in the way of locking up the shop so it didn’t take me long to get to my car. I cranked the radio on the way home as usual and was rocking out to Miley Cyrus when something jumped in front of me. The animal nearly made me run off the road but I was able to swerve around it. I looked back and the animal was standing in the middle of the road, it appeared to be some kind of coyote. I sighed and shook off the jitters that had yet again set in. Even being a knowing being of the other worldly things it still didn’t help me from being a complete and total spaz out. I loved scary movies but put in a real situation where things get a little spooky and I am out the door as soon as possible. By the time I pulled into my driveway I wasn’t shaking anymore. I gathered my things from my car and started toward the house. A glimmer caught my eye and I turned in time to see something move in the shadows. I dropped my bad and threw up my hand.

            “Fos!” I shouted in the best Greek I could muster at the time. The Power always worked better when you spoke in its original language and lucky for me a bright light burst forth from the palm of my hand and covered the area as if it were daylight. I held my hand still for what felt like nearly half an hour, but nothing moved. Slowly I began to walk toward the door and unlocked it. Leaving my bag lay in the middle of the driveway I shut the door and allowed the spell to vanish from my mind. Inside the house it was darker than outside. I reached for the switch quickly and threw myself into the bathe of florescent. The motion light on the porch flicked off, only to be turned right back on. With a thud something rested against the door and I slammed the huge bolt lock across the center of the door. It took two hands but I could manage. Made of cast iron, the only thing any witch could never move with their powers, I knew I was safe. Our house was made with cast iron woven into nearly every entryway and wall. It was a fortress against anyone who may want to harm us, because though we could not move the iron it also helped strengthen our powers. I grasped my iron key that hung around my neck on its black cord. I steadied my breathing and listened, but I could hear nothing but my own heart. I took one last deep breath and slid the bolt back unlocking the door in one quick motion. I closed my eyes and only opened them as I whipped the door open. I screamed as something hit my foot and prepared to fight, but nothing was there. I looked around but was only greeted by my bag laying a cross my foot.


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Chapter Three

The next day went like any other, until after my shift at work. Having still been shaken by the events that unfolded the night before, I had Cyle accompany me home from work so I could get ready for Devin’s impromptu party.

“So someone brought your bag to the door after you saw the-,” He popped his head in the bathroom, “What has it again?”

“To be honest I don’t know,” I pulled my shirt on over my head, “I think whom ever brought the bag saw the same thing and that’s why they ran. Didn’t see it at first or something.”

“So,” Cyle stayed in the doorway but faced out the hallway window, “I hear mystery guy has a name.”

“I knew she would tell you!” I flicked water at him, “Yes, he goes by the name Vox, not mystery guy after all.”

“She also said she had one of her feelings,” He turned back toward me and I could see the concern on his face.

“No!” I stuck my finger in his face, “You will not take her side on this again. You know what happened last time!”

“Fine!” He stuck his hands in the air, “I’ll say no more.”

“Thank you,” I narrowed my eyes but couldn’t help a smile.

“We just don’t want you to get hurt,” Katreen popped up in the window making us both nearly pee our pants, “Hi boys!”

Once I pushed Cyle out of the bathroom so I could finish changing we were finally ready to go. Devin didn’t live very far from me so we just left the cars in my driveway and walked. There were already cars lined up in the street and Devin’s driveway was full. You could feel the base from the street pumping through your body. We lived in a college neighborhood, so lucky for Devin, no one ever called the cops. They would just join the party. Halfway up the walk Katreen was swept up in some guys arms as he ran by. She let out a shriek and began laughing hysterically.

“Catch up with you later!” She shouted back over the man’s shoulder.

“Always Miss. Popular,” Cyle smiled, but I could see something behind his eyes.

“Yeah,” I half-laughed as we continued up to the door.

“BITCHES!” Devin burst through the door already half lit, “It’s about fucking time your asses make it.”

“Sorry, Dev,” I gave him a quick hug, making sure not to spill his drink, “I had to close tonight.”

“Yeah, yeah,” He pulled Cyle into a hug, “And our very own knight in shining armor keeping you company! The important part is you are here now. Grab a damn drink and catch up! I have boobies to find my men. See you later, but remember, if the door is a knocking – no wait – if the bed is a locking – oh, fuck it just stay out of my room.”

With that, he was gone. Cyle and I preceded into the house and found the drinks in the kitchen. It wasn’t long until Cyle was off talking to a group in the corner. I took an empty seat on the couch and drank down my Jack-N-Coke a little faster than I should. It didn’t take long for someone to sit down a cross from me and hand me another drink. I accepted the cup attempting to try conversation but the girl soon was bored by my book talk and was off. I took one gulp and spit out the beer. I left the cup on the table and made my way to the kitchen. I was passing the kegs when I slammed into someone, or more their drunk ass slammed into me.

“Sorry, man,” A guy spun around and stopped, “Hey, you’re the guy Vox was dancing with the other night.”

“Yes,” I looked him over quickly, “And, you are one of the wing men.”

“Alexander,” He smiled and shook my hand, “And this is my girlfriend, Jessica.”

A girl half smiled at me but I could see the sneer clear as day stuck on her face. I nodded toward her.

“Well,” I sighed, “Have fun, nice to see you again, I guess.”

“I’ll tell Vox your around,” Alexander wrapped his arm around Jessica and they walked off.

“He’s here!” Katreen, Cyle and Devin ran up yelling.

“Yes,” I threw my hands up and motioned for them to calm down, “I know this already.”

“They are such a hot pack of guys!” Katreen looked around for them.

“Slow your uvula woman!” Devin put his hand over her eyes, “They are all off the market.”     

“That doesn’t mean anything!” Katreen pushed his hand away.

“It should,” Devin followed her as she left the kitchen area.

“Are you going to find him?” Cyle asked raising an eyebrow.

“I don’t want to seem desperate or weird,” I shook my head taking a drink from my cup.

“You paged for Desperate or Weird?” Vox’s voice rumbled behind me and I gave Cyle the best why the fuck did you not tell me he was right behind me look I could muster before I turned around.

“Hey,” I felt my face burn hot with embarrassment.

“If it makes it any better I really just came in here to get a drink,” He laughed and grabbed my cup, “Thanks.”

With that he raised the glass as if to wave and headed out of the kitchen. I stood there for a few seconds trying to decide on what just happened when Vox’s face reappeared in the doorway and he motioned for me to follow him with another laugh. I felt like I was going to spontaneously combust right there in Devin’s kitchen. I was totally blowing any thread of trying to seem intelligent around Vox. I crossed the sea of people a few steps behind him. It gave me a great opportunity to check out his great ass-ets.

“Awe,” A voice suddenly snapped me out of my slight daze, “Vox has a pervy little shadow.”

I looked over and saw the voice was coming from a woman that was hanging on the other guy that was in the bar the other night. Alex and Jessica were standing nearby.

“Shut it, Teresa,” Vox’s voice sounded like the crack of a whip, and Teresa acted like it was.

“Please, forgive my outburst,” Teresa spoke to me but kept her eyes on Vox, “It’s just not every day Vox is in the company of another.”

“Its fine,” I mumbled and everyone stayed in a silent stare down.

“Teresa is new,” Vox said flatly.

“Well it was nice seeing you,” I said and turned away quickly. I knew when I wasn’t wanted and Teresa radiated with the unwanted vibes. I could hear Vox and Alex talking behind me but I didn’t focus on what they were saying. I even passed Cyle but I smiled and motioned for him to stay. I was fast out of the house and a cross the backyard. I thought I glimpsed Katreen up in the treehouse but I didn’t really stop to get a look. I was hastily walking down the street for quite some time before I realized I was going the wrong way. I spun around and face planted right into Vox’s chest.

“Jesus Christ!” I jumped back and damn near cast an attack spell.

“Aden,” Vox held up his hands, “Didn’t mean to scare you. Please, don’t leave.”

“I don’t belong with those people,” I lowered my hands, “I never have. I always just came to these things because Devin was my friend and I may get to find the occasional hook-up, but I never truly fit in. Teresa seems lovely and I’m sure I would warm up to her, but I would rather not.”

“She’s just upset,” He sighed and reached out for me and I stepped back.

“What does that have to do with me?” I could physically feel my face contort into a look of confused, annoyance I couldn’t stop it.

“It’s a long story that I really can’t tell right now,” He looked around and then back at me, “Right now, I just want you at that party so we can have another night of dancing.”

“I can’t,” I pushed passed him and started walking the correct way toward my house.

“So this is goodbye?” He hadn’t moved and I stopped.

“I’ll see you when I see you,” I turned and gave him the best smile I could. Then I continued my trek back across town. I only turned around once, and only allowed my heart to sink a little when I realized he wasn’t following me. With a deep sigh I lifted it back up in my chest just in time for Katreen to burst around the corner.

“You asshole!” She punched me hard in the arm, “You just disappeared! I was worried sick!”

“Damn near scared Devin sober,” Alexander stepped out from the same alley, “Have you seen Vox?”

“He followed me but we parted ways about two blocks that way,” I pointed him and he nodded.

“Come on,” Katreen grabbed my hand and started pulling me back toward the party.

“I’m just going to go home Kat,” I gave her hand a little squeeze and then let go.

“Really?” She pouted and laid her head on my chest, “I can’t have fun without my best friend.”

“I’m sure you can manage,” I gave her a one armed hug and then began to move toward home.

“Hey,” Katreen called after I was a few steps away, “I still love you, bitch!”

“Love you too, hoe!” I smiled and we separated.

As I reached my door a new minutes later I felt my phone go off. I turned the screen on and smiled.

See you soon then. 7pm, to be exact. – V

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