Academic Research Papers: A Simple Guide


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Academic Research Papers: A Simple Guide

Do you find yourself staring at the blinking cursor on your screen having no idea where to start? Research papers are quite complex. Working on them can be intimidating and overwhelming. They demand a lot of time and attention.

Your research paper is the determining factor of your success or failure in college. Therefore, it’s important to take your time and understand how to write an academic research paper. Today, we are going to share with you a simple guide that will make it easier for you to do your research paper. Let’s get started!

1.Come up with a topic

Choosing a topic depends on your professor or school guidelines. Your professor may decide to assign you a research paper topic or give you the option of choosing a topic for yourself. If you have the option of choosing a topic, you should do it wisely.

Choosing a topic is not as easy as it seems. You should choose a narrow researchable topic. Most importantly, the topic should interest you. Working on something you don’t love is a recipe for disaster.

Avoid choosing broad topics because you’ll have a hectic time when covering all the important points. Your topic should be specific and manageable.

According to, you should seek assistance if you are having a difficult time coming up with your research topic. You cannot start writing without a research topic.

You can also create an outline and have your research paper done for you if you don’t have the time or resources. Understanding academic writing and research is all you need to do.

2.Create our thesis statement

Preparing your working thesis before you start organizing your research will improve your focus and prevent you from losing track. Your thesis statement should be clear and concise.

The strength of your thesis statement will determine how well you do your research paper. Your thesis statement should be narrow and debatable. A wide thesis statement means you’ll have to present more evidence to support it and this can be hectic.

3.Do your research

Everything on your research paper should be supported by credible sources. Therefore, doing your research is crucial for your success. When doing your research, take notes and use reliable sources. Remember, you’ll have to cite all your references in the bibliography section and your professor will have a look when marking your work.

4.Create your outline

The outline serves a map when writing your research paper. It helps you cover the most important sections in your research paper. If you skip this step, you will waste a lot of time and energy in the long run because you’ll lose your focus and track.

Organize all the headings and sub headings with regard to your thesis statement. After creating your outline, you should start writing immediately. Procrastinating will do you no good. Most students don’t perform well because of poor time management. Don’t be one of them. Writing academic research papers is easy when you follow the steps discussed above.

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