Through Thick and Thin


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A little not so friendly advice.

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Chapter 1

    "I love her." Gary looked into the distance, dejected.
    "You THINK you love her," Jared laughed back. "You are not the first guy to WISELY reconsider a marriage."
    "And she loves me," Gary moaned.
    Jared sighed. "Who told you about the job at the meat market?"
    "You told me, but you told me not to take it."
    "That's right," Jared said,"and when you ignored me, who told you not to cut those steaks extra thick for Mr. Rierson?"
    "You told me he was bragging about getting the lowest price, so I talked him up."
    "When he offered you the sales job, who told you he was looking for someone to pin something on?"
    "You did," Gary said,"but he wanted a replacement salesman for the one who was stealing from him."
    "And WHO told you it was Larry that was stealing?"  Jared's smile threatened to take the top off his head.
    "You did. But you told me to keep my mouth shut or Larry would cut my throat."
    Jared beamed. "And I was right about that, wasn't I?"
    "You were right that he'd try, and I STILL don't know how you didn't see him coming."
    "Moon was in my eye. Listen to me: you know marriage is the wrong move. Think on it!"
    Jared trotted across the street and into the subway. A legerdemain gesture of his hand left a woman looking about in confusion for the hand that had so firmly groped her groin from behind.  Her furious assault on the doughy man behind her was a crowd pleaser.
    "Jared." At his elbow stood a willowy blonde. She was THE devil in charge of reckonings in the burroughs.
    "Cinnamon, did you see that bit of stir back there. SOMEONE is going to jail." 
    "Tell me, why isn't it Gary?  You might have gotten him shanked or at least sodomized with that.  Instead, he's on the street meeting his true love." Jared clamped his jaw to break his fish-mouthed stare. Using his twilight eye, he opened space between himself and the street.  There stood Gary, still forlorn, talking to a woman. The threads of Gary's hope were rapidly knitting, and the skein of the woman's path was blending into his. Cinnamon had already told him where it ended. "We needed ONLY that you break his grip on the joy of life, grease the tracksto keep him from climbing over his burdens."
    Jared began,"I can explain..."
    People on the platform described how a suicide leap was the only way the man had met the subway train in mid-air. His best friend would deny that until his dying day. He would name his first born son in honor of the man who had been at his side through so many early successes, remembering him at every Thanksgiving as a friend lost.



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