Dangerous harms come from dirty carpets you must know


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Rugs and carpets help keep your feet warm and prevent us from having direct contact with cold floor in the winter. Carpets may help prevent many diseases, but if you do not pay close attention to hygiene our carpets, they will turn back to attack our health soon. Dirty carpets lead to the following problems:

1. Causing air pollution

Long-lasting carpet - especially in conditions of high humidity, rooms that are closed all day in the cold season… provide an opportunity for mold growth. The first consequence is that your carpet will smell unpleasant, degenerate, discolored ... Worse, mold will pollute the air and cause irritation for sensitive people. People who have history of allergic rhinitis or asthma are also affected. They may be more likely to get stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, and even mold-itchy skin.

2. Germs, parasites will "nest" in your home

Hiring a carpet cleaning service is very necessary

You can find more here: https://odysseycleaning.com.au

If you enlarge the carpet on the floor in your home, you will definitely "be amazed" because of the number of germs, parasites lurking in the fibers. The carpet is said to contain more dirty creatures of 4,000 times than the toilet does. The longer the carpet stays on, the more the parasites multiply and spread to other household objects. Typical of parasites in carpet are aphids and dust mites - the cause of skin rashes, rhinitis, asthma …

In addition, If you use carpet, do not keep dogs and cats in the house, because when their fur falls off, it will stick very tightly to the carpet, causing allergic rhinitis for family members.

3. Risk of stepping on sawdust, pieces of glass

Regular cleaning your carpet will help limit objects from endangering your home. Source: Google.com

The fabric structure in the carpet has the ability to retain small pieces from glass, sawdust, ... and other dangerous sharp objects. Every day, we many times carelessly break glasses and cups. Although you may have swept or vacuumed, these particles still remain trapped in the carpet and can cause foot damage if you step on them. More dangerous, they can be deeply embedded in the skin and cause infection. Therefore, regular cleaning your carpet will help limit objects from endangering your home.

4. Most carpets contain chemical additives

Many types of carpet on the market are advertised as made from natural materials, natural production processes, non-irritating to the skin, safe for children. But in fact, most of them contain synthetic parts and chemical additives.

Experts recommend: To ensure safety for children and families, parents should consider when choosing carpets. Should buy carpets made from natural materials. In fact, toxic substances are often concentrated in new carpets and will gradually fade over time. Therefore, to save money, protect the environment and health, instead of buying new carpets, parents should clean, recycle and refurbish old carpets.

Especially in the winter, many families use heaters. However, heaters will roll small particles of dust in the carpet that are hard to see by eyes. Doctors recommend that the more we use heater in the house where the carpets are not cleaned, the more dirt will diffuse in the air, and cause respiratory diseases in children.

In case of being afraid of self-washing will damage the carpet, you can hire professional carpet cleaning services to keep the carpet clean and durable as new.

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