Chasing life


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Chapter one: There he goes

 THERE WAS DAD DOWNSTAIRS. On his laptop my farther was a famous novelist ,who was very busy but also drink wine a lot 

Walking down the stairs, I start the conversation. "hey dad" Beth said ( her name is Beth) " Hi Beth ,your mother and sister are at the grocery store " Thomas said (his name is Thomas) "oh I was wondering about them , want me to make breakfast?." Beth asked "No I am good ,I have  to pack I am going to New York.

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Chapter two:Now I worried

 Thomas about to leave . " But dad you can't go back to New York .I miss you. Please!" Beth begged 

Her father sigh " honey....I got a book coming out an Amazing one.I need to go, your mother and sister will be back any minute " said Thomas. "But dad _" her father interrupted her and said "love ya"and kissed her on the forehead  and walked out the door.

Beth was frozen inside she knew her father was hiding something or someone and she was going to find out rather her father liked it or not.

"Hi Beth " Sarah yelled from the room with her sister Brenna."Hey mom.Hey Brenna" Beth said quietly. "What's wrong honey you seem down?" "Dad left for New York, you know what guys I think dad is hiding something or someone." Beth said worried .

Sarah and Brenna both looked at her crazy.Finally her mother broked the silence "um... What makes you say that? Beth." Sarah said " You know he goes to New York all the time and _" her sister breaking her sentence "What do you expect?.He is a novelist he travels around the place." Brenna said

"Listen to me. He acts suspicious ,about him he acts weird around me and matter in fact he acts like that in front of you guys.too.

"Ok enough . We are done talking about your father.ok! Sarah said."yes mom" both Beth and Brennan said

But Beth was not done talking about her dad she gonna get something out.And she'll make sure she will find it.

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Chapter Three: onder cover

 Beth went up to her room. She was going to find out about her father so she looked at her MacBook and searched her farther a name and then clicked on this. 

Thomas Terror Rumor so secret that this is looked.

               By Thomas Terror

There that woman was so beautiful and nice I met her at party and it was the best day of my life. 

We spent a wonderful night together then we had to leave each other ,I had to go back home to my wife and daughters. 

Then Taylor called me and told me I have a daughter from her and her name is Olivia. That's why whenever I go to New York I get suspicious from my family 


Beth couldn't believe what she just read she has a half sister! . She needed to dial her father she went on her iPhone 6 Plus.  Then dialed her fathers number and now it was ringing her father picked up on the first ring. "Hello?." Thomas answer " um hi dad I just read this on the Internet called Thomas Terrror rumor so secret that this is locked" Beth said in a voice that was mean. " Oh honey that was um..nothing please don't tell your mom."Thomas said in a voice that was shaking so bad. Beth was ready to yell. 

"YOU CHEATED ON MOM AND KEPT IT YOURSELF FOR A VERY LONG TIME,HOW COULD YOU LIVE WITH YOURSELF KNOWING THAT YOU CHEATED ON JUST MOM BUT BRENNA AND I!" Beth screamed at the top of her lungs.  "Please honey. I'm begging you. Don't tell your mother. "He said once again in a shaking voice. "Oh I'm telling mom and your a dead man dad. " Beth said " honey I'm coming back right now_".Beth interrupted and said " good-bye " and hang up. 

Beth knew she was going to tell Brenna ( her sister) and Sarah(her mom) about dad and she was heading out her bedroom door to do so. 

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Chapter four : Telling

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Chapter five:Hello dad

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