The Time Machine


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Chapter 2 -The Mall

He wandered off again to look for someone who could help him. He entered all the buildings he could enter and checked all around but found no one. That’s when he found a building which looked quite tidy and humanly. And it looked like as if someone lived there. He entered a room and started searching for the someone who he is searching for. There was a small murmuring of children in that quiet place. Tim was relieved in finally finding some humans. 

Tim : Hello. Anybody home ?

Children : Who are y-you. 

Tim : I am Tim. I got lost. Can you help me?

Children : *Coming out of the place were they were hiding *. Hi. I am Emily and this is George, my brother. How did you manage to get Hebrew with all the dinosaurs in the way?

Tim : Dinosaurs? What? 

Emily : You are not from here, are you?

Tim : No. I am. But it’s a long story. I got into a Time Machine and  I didn’t know that. 

Emily : Wait. A time machine! You got into a time machine? So which year are you from ?

Tim : 2020 actually. 

George :Whoa. That’s a long time back. It’s 8088. 

Emily : Why don’t you meet our leaders, the adults. They might be able to help you. I will take you there.  

Tim : Thanks Emily. 

Emily : Always here to help. 

They reached the leader who was in the army before and he is also the one who leads the people of this city nowadays. They reached the leaders office. 

Tim : Hello Mr.Leader! I am Tim and I got lost in a time machine in the year 2020. 

Leader : Please. Call me Ben. I look after the people over here. So you may stay here for the night. We will talk about the matter tomorrow. Make sure you get a good night sleep. Bye. And Good night. 

The next dayTim woke up. 

Ben : Hey Tim. Look who’s here who says they know you. 

Tim : *Shocked and surprised*. You?

                                                                To be continued ...........

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Chapter 1 -The Time Machine

 They are a small family, a mom, a dad , and naughty little Tim, who was always in some kind of trouble, but this time he has crossed the line. 

Off they went to the mall for some shopping as Christmas was near. Tim was not that happy when his parents told him about the shopping but Christmas made him agree. They reached the mall and Tim got really excited for the mall was very huge and it was his first time. He explored the whole mall, while his parents were busy shopping, and was fascinated but soon got bored. He sat on a bench which was right in front the shop in which his parents were shopping. He looked around for something to do that’s when he spotted an elevator. He ran towards it and entered the elevator. And as soon as he entered ,the door closed and he got scared and started screaming but unfortunately no one heard him or came to the rescue. He started to panic so he pressed some random buttons. Suddenly, the elevator shook and started to tremble and made him more scared. But it stoped all of a sudden and the door opened with a creaky sound. He stepped out of the elevator, shivering in fear. He was very shocked and he could not believe his eyes. When he looked around, he saw destroyed shops, broken glass and a broken, deserted world. He found out the the exit of the mall somehow and got out of the mall. He wandered off in hope of meeting someone so that he could ask help, but he saw no one. He checked everywhere but in vain. He thought he just traveled to an another city. But he found out, it was his own city. 

Time passed and our little Tim started to get hungrier and hungrier. But at last, he finally found a supermarket and thought of getting something to eat. He entered the supermarket and searched for food. That’s when he found a packet of chips on one part of the store and tasted one of the chips but it was horrible. He checked the exprire date and was shocked, not because the expire date was over but because the year dated on the packet was 8088. Now he understood, that he didn’t just enter any elevator, it was a time machine that he entered. 

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