Pearl and Hazel


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 "Bzz..." I squeaked. "Oh hi! I'm Hazel. It's the last day of vacation. I'm going to CherryWood Middle School. Life in NYC is great. Though I'm moving to HollyWood in California. Why? Because my dad got a job there". I say. "This is my family. I have 2 older siblings. Emily is 16 and Jason is 14. I'm 13. I'm so close to Jason! I have a pet kitten named Sharlot. We got her yesterday. My parents are Sarah and Drak. We are a fun happy family. Now on to the juicy stuff"!

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Morning Blues

 "Beep!" My alarm rang. "Ugh. I hate Mondays." I groaned. I got out of bed and put on bunny slippers. I took a peak outside. I was blinded. "Too bright!" I yelled. I pulled over the curtains. I put on my blue shirt and tight jeans. I also put on a headband with a REAL sapphire on it. It glowed and shined. I picked up my blue converse sneakers. I grabbed my blue and white backpack. I put all my supplies in it. As you can see I love blue. Especially baby blueberry blue. I headed downstairs.

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Breakfast Siblings

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