Why Does Biodegradable Packaging Being Helped in Sustainability?


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The packaging industry is one of the flourishing businesses nowadays; however, these packaging materials have contributed to the world's environmental pollution since traditional Packaging methods played a massive role in global warming. However, Eco-friendly Packaging is a new trend these days. Sustainable Packaging is entirely about the environment; however, social and economic factors are also being considered during manufacturing. Several companies are using these Custom Printed Eco-Friendly Boxes for the promotion of their brands. There are numerous ways by which this biodegradable Packaging improves packaging sustainability; this article will help you to find out a few of them.


●      Easily recyclable

one of the many benefits of this biodegradable Packaging is recycling. Many brands are interested in making custom eco-friendly boxes that can be recycled easily for other purposes. In this way, they are helping the environment to achieve sustainability. Recycling of packaging materials is the primary concern of these industries these days because of increasing pollution.

●      Cost friendly: These biodegradable Packagings are also beneficial in managing the cost efficiency of a company. It helps companies to save their money on spending raw materials for packaging materials moreover; it also keeps the transportation money as these Eco-Friendly Boxes are light weighted. Using recyclable packaging material reduces the amount of packaging stuff like plastic etc. That ultimately reduces the cost and extra layers of Packaging.

●      Increase fuel efficiency: these biodegradable packaging materials are also known to use less fuel in their production as compared to non-biodegradable materials. Apart from saving transportation costs, they also save fuel since they are mainly lightweight. It has been found through research that production of these biodegradable items takes 65% less energy than other non-decomposable materials, which means less energy is consumed during their production, which ultimately results in saving the natural resource, therefore, improving sustainability.

●      Reduction in pollution: This biodegradable Packaging plays a vital role in improving pollution around the globe since the decomposition of these products does not release toxic chemicals that issue during the dissolution of non-biodegradable items. These non-biodegradable items are a severe threat to the world's pollution. These compostable Packaging is helping in achieving sustainability. Now businesses and industries are focusing on the primary purpose of Packaging i.e., to protect the product instead of layering up products with plastic for just brand image.

●      Improves the brand image: These eco-friendly products can be used to create a good impact on your product in the market. In this competitive world, every other brand is striving hard to achieve excellence; therefore, novel advertisements' ideas are being introduced in the market every now and then. The use of sustainable Packaging can help a brand to stand out in the market since it creates the right image and also improves the sustainability of the packaging industry.

●      Minimalist Packaging: one of the significant role biodegradable boxes is playing is promoting minimalist Packaging. Custom biodegradable packages help to save material and space throughout the process of distribution. A right size custom printed biodegradable box is what customers demand these days. Sustainability is the key, and so businesses are also focusing on the green Packaging that protects and depicts brand persona in the right way.

Some examples of sustainable and biodegradable Packaging:

1. Shoe boxes introduced by PUMA are a great initiative towards sustainable Packaging.

2. Sushi takes away Packaging in many countries designed to be biodegradable.

3. YUCCA, an online clothing shop, uses green wraps instead of traditional bubble wraps to protect its products.

4. Uppercase magazines using recycled Craft mailers instead of plastic poly bags for shipment of their magazines.

5. John Arello's a food delivery company in Australia is using innovative bagless takeout packaging to reduce the use of plastics.

6. 60bag.com is a reusable woven bag which will be decomposed after 60 days.

7. Shopping bags used by H&M which can be turned into a clothes hanger.

8. Monday's child is a British brand that is playing a part in sustainable Packaging as its box doubles into a dollhouse for future use.


Sustainability is the main focus of many packaging industries these days. Sustainable packaging designs are the one which is least harmful to the environment. Many companies are trying to meet the demand of their customers by environmentally optimal Packaging. Considering the environmental pollution, it is now significant for every brand to owners to reflect carefully about the packaging format which they are using and make an informed decision according to reality.

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