Two Hearts


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 Copyright © 2017 all rights reserved. No part of this novel may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any means or forms without prior permission from the author.


Eloise Hawkins didn't have a plan for her life, she was just winging it and it had got her through most of her life.

A twenty-three year old with no dreams of any sort who meets a man with massive dreams and an adventurous soul.

Enter Sam Furrow, he's a business man and likes to get things done. He's adventurous and everything that Eloise is not.

Upon meeting Eloise in the café she works in, he decides to make it his duty to give her a dream and make her live.

Neither know what's going to happen when they come crashing together.

               A NOTE

Thank you if you are reading this, two hearts is my first novel to write here and I'm excited to see what you all think of it!


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— one

 The café was buzzing, it was early Thursday morning and Eloise knew that this was when the café was usually at its peak.

She wasn't a quick girl and usually got mouthfuls of abuse thrown over the counter at her but she had gotten used to it by now.

Eloise turned to serve the next person. "How may I help you?" She asked, her usual monologue that got boring after a while.

"Just a coffee," the male said, not looking up from his phone screen. Eloise sighed and muttered something inaudible under her breath.

"Speak up if you have anything to say," the male said, his eyes catching onto her's.

"Or you could just go back to your phone screen," Eloise shrugged. "Seems like a pretty serious relationship between you two."

"Well who's the successful one in this situation?" The male asked her. "The business man or the waitress?"

"I'd like you to leave," Eloise said. "You're wasting time and also hurling abuse at the worker."

"So has everyone else, what's so different about me?"

"I don't know, maybe I just don't like business men."

He sighed and rolled his eyes, but did back away from the counter with a final sentence before he departed.

"Or maybe you don't like me because you're sensitive about the fact that you're not successful."

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