TV wall mount installation guide


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TV Wall Mount Installation Guide

TV Wall Mount Installation

Have you bought a new TV and looking for an installation guide? You have come to the right place. TV installation in the right way is crucial to prevent any serious damage. 

If you no experience with TV installation, it is better to look for a professional. If it falls due to poor mounting, you will lose hundreds of dollars. Let’s learn how TV wall mount installation Paris work to avoid such accidents.

Choose the right place

The first thing that comes in mind is the right place. Look for an appropriate place where everyone can see the screen sitting in the same room. Draw an outline on the wall where you want to mount it. Following are the tools that you need:

  • Tape measure
  • Drill and bits
  • Screwdriver
  • Led pencil
  • Stud finder

 Find out stud and mount

Once you find an appropriate place to hang the frame of the TV. Find out the studs by using a stud finder. The price of the stud finder is not very high so you can get it easily. Once you found a stud, hang the television frame. Make use of drywall toggles if you are not able to hang the TV frame. Make sure the drywall is strong enough to support the weight of the television. Stand in front of the wall and make sure that the frame is exactly in front of your eye level. If the studs and the bracket holes do not fit for each other, you can create new holes according to your requirements. 

Put the wires 

Once you have done with frame handing, it’s time to run wires through the wall. Make sure your wires are safe for wall installation. If you think your wires are not suitable for walls, get channeling. If it does not work for you, look for TV mounting service providers. 

Put your television on the mount 

Once you have installed your frame, put your TV on it. This step is quite simple but you will have to line up things to avoid any convenience. Make sure it is stable and there is no risk of falling on someone. Once you installed in the frame, make sure it is visible for all; if not, put it carefully from the high side to push a little bit down. It is wise to get help from professional TV installation, spending a few dollars can save your hundreds of dollars. 

Hanging TV is a great idea to save space, it is especially perfect for those in small apartments. Hanging TV looks great and enhances the beauty of a bedroom or TV lounge. If you are confident to do this, then go for it otherwise look for some Best TV Mounting Service Paris. If you are going to install your TV right now, don’t forget to share your experience with us. You can contact us if you feel any difficulty and looking for suggestions. We will be glad to serve you.

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