Hard desicions in life


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Meeting caroline

 One sunny day a beautiful girl was born at least that’s what I think. You see I was a young girl in a small world I lived in a pub for money, to be honest I was quite poor (my names cara)... so it was my first day in nursery everyone was kind to me my sisters eh not to much. So that day onwards I met this girl it was her first day to her name was Yvie (I’m still friends with her now) we played together we was like sisters. So now I’m in year 5 There’s Sooooooo much work to do But then came along Caroline a beautiful woman. Turns out she’s like the attention of the school... I’m not really near Yvie anymore and I don’t think Caroline likes her #sad life, so I when up to her, I played to  with her, then Caroline came up saying I have to play with her so I did.. I went with her. Yvie was sensitive and so was i if we was separated for 1 minute we would be crying but.. I wasn’t crying I was laughing having fun but I knew inside that Yvie was my bff and I couldn’t let it go so she came up to me told me she wanted to speak in private. I thought -what the hell does Yvie need me for-. So I went with her she told me she doesn’t like Caroline and I said But I like her so I left her she was really sad about it.. so I went to Caroline I said “I will be an hour” Caroline said “ok but please don’t be long we need to tackle the boys” I laughed I said ok.. I was finally happy so I went to Yvie I played with her for a long time.. I was even more happier to see my bff for life be happy.. She’s not the popular type but atleast I care for her..(this story is not true)

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My choice

 Caroline came up to me saying “come play with me” I said “sorry Caroline I can’t leave a friend out” then she finally accepted it so she when to play with the boys.. I played with Yvie untill home time. I walk with Caroline to the gate as usual. The next day I found out they don’t like each other at all. The only reason Caroline plays with her is because I like her so I tell her “be yourself” “ok, yvies a jerk” she responded I was like “she’s not, I like her” “then I’ll play with her” she said back. So we all played together and I fiannly made my choice it was a hard to make a desicion but I made it. Because I wanted to play with both of them I said “ you both have a week to play with me” “this week I’m playing with Caroline” I continued 

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The teenagers

 That day I went home on the way I saw teenagers they were really scary and really mean so they kept on throwing stuff at me I had bumps and bruises when I went home my sister said “are you ok” “yes I’m fine” I said so I went into my room crying. By the time I was asleep I forgot about it.. luckily

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The other choice

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