
HooHeyHow: The Chinese Dice Game Explained
HooHeyHow is a game that originated in China and was developed in 1950, it involves solely dice. This game is featured in many online casinos where you can make money betting online. It is also termed YuXiaXie for those in China. The 3 dice that are used in this game have pictures on all 6 sides that vary and are used in combination with a board that also dons the same images. The players will put their bets on the spots where the pictures are on the board.
People not only play this game online, but they have been playing manually for years as well and have also been known to draw up their own betting boards.
HooHeyHow: Where the Name is Derived
The dice have images on them that are commonly that of fish, prawn, and king crab. The Hokkien terms for these animals are (Fish) Hey, (Prawn) Hey, & (King Crab) How. The more modern versions of these dice vary and often just show plain crabs these days. The dice also have other images of creatures and objects such as butterflies, flowers, tigers, a gourd, some ancient chinese coins, and more. Depending on the region where you are playing YuXiaXie you may discover pictures more relative to the culture around the area and the local landmark animals, symbols, and more.
How To Play HooHeyHow
It is a 2 player game that is often simulated with a banker on the online casino websites that feature it. One individual is the banker and the player is usually the punter. Bets and wagers are staked on the board that is deemed with the images from the dice on it. The payouts to the punters are equal to the exact amount that they have bet. You can bet many times and make a lot of money, this way.
However, you should keep in mind that online YuXiaXie betting will vary from site to site and is really dependant on the casino that is offering it to their patrons. But often times, if one image turns up twice the punter will get double the amount he staked. If he staked 3x and the image turned up on the dice such as, he will be paid triple the amount of the amount placed on the betting board.
HooHeyHow: Bottom Line
If you love dice games and never have given it a whirl, you should greatly consider learning more about HooHeyHow! It is a pretty basic game using dice, but it's still out of the box and as it follows and old cultural type of gambling style you may just consider it a really nice breath of fresh air in comparison to some of the other common online casino betting games such as craps & roulette.
If you’re ever looking for a fun, exotic dice game, Hoo Hey How is a great option. And even the house edge is not a very bad deal. That said, this is a fun game. And something that’s worth playing if you’re hanging out with Chinese or Vietnamese gamblers and want to impress them with your knowledge of their local games.