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Never Bow Before Them

 Hold your ground and smile,

As they fling their hateful words,

Look them in the eye and know,

You hold much more reserve,

And as the world caves in on you,

You will maintain decorum,

For even as they slash your brow,

You'll never bow before them,


Even if they break you down,

You can hold fast to strength,

Even if they take your will,

They'll never touch your faith,

When they dim the brightest lights,

You won't let darkness win,

You'll feel the eyes of other men,

But you'll never bow before them.

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Two Lives

Two souls 

that should never meet

and a bump to jolt

their pounding feet

off a beaten path 

they were meant to lead

into a vast



Two lives 

that intertwined. 

A single heart

left asking why 

Fate would curse her

as it did.

She feels the pain

to finally live. 

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Green of Trees

 I lie my head

I make my bed

Among the green of trees.

I stay a spell

I sleep until

The forest claimeth me.

It grows and grows

Up 'round my toes. 

It fills my gut. My spleen.

The vines they tug

On both my lungs 

But I can finally breathe.


I breathe through all the bugs

I breathe through every leaf 

My heart beats with each doe

That drinketh from my stream.

And my soul it flies with the width 

Of each little bird's wings.


I feed off it.

I feel them live

As the woods grab every part. 

They feel me now. 

They stop to bow 

As the leaves cover my scars.

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