Everything You Wanted To Know About Property Division In California Family Law Disputes


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Property Division Lawyer in Long Beach

Often not necessarily set in stone is the idea of an 'equal division of property' when it comes to dividing marital properties & assets. For a divorcing pair, splitting a car right down the middle is impractical. It is tough to break their house in two. Many spouses chose to sign a "marital property agreement" to determine how to split their physical property in a divorce or in the case of the death of a partner. A couple's legal "property" includes several different elements. Examples include real estate, automobiles, & financial assets. The term sometimes may also include rights to intellectual property.


Most states, including California, states that assets are supposed to be split equally in a property division agreement. People may sign a marital property agreement to decide, in advance, how property division should occur in the event of a divorce. This means that one spouse may receive the car while the other takes a comparable amount of money. Other people pursue this legal action to protect their own financial interests. Many couples have extreme differences in income. The wealthier party typically wants to protect themselves from giving up half of their property in a divorce.


A qualified and experienced Property Division Lawyer may be able to help with all steps of property division. Each spouse's Property Division Lawyer will work to find a fair division of property, generally based on the relative amounts of personal assets of each spouse. It is crucial that the spouses have two different Property Division Lawyers when dividing, developing, or signing such contracts & arrangements. An attorney that represents both sides may treat both of their clients unfavorably. So it's vital to hire an experienced & skilled Property Division Lawyer at the earliest.


Family law conflicts can be painful, distressing, & overwhelming. Nonetheless, before making a move on divorce, child custody, modification of an orderchild care, or any other critical legal issues, it would be sensible & beneficial to obtain the right legal advice. To get the expert guidance needed to make smart, intelligent decisions affecting you & your children's life, contact the office of Fizer Law at 1~562~270~9944, the best Property Division Lawyer in Long BeachCalifornia.

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