Obey Or Die


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 In the world around us, there are good people and bad people. Usually your parents and relatives suggested that you go hang out with the goody-two-shoes at school. The kids who get all the good grades and who are practically teacher's pets. Well, I was a teacher's pet, I was a kid who got all the highest grades possible and I would never get in trouble. It's honestly so crazy how one thing happens, how one certain bad person comes into your life and everything changes. When I was such a happy girl 5 years ago, here I am now, at gunpoint with an NYPD offier, wondering how I messed up my life by agreeing to some bullcrap. But I had no choice. It was that, or I die.

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Chapter 1

  One minute I'm happily skipping across the dry, brown, dusty path from Vyran academy to get to my favourite destination: "Home", ...and the next minute I'm crying an ocean of tears in an ambulance. Crushing the leaves under the sole of my shoe requires a lot of focus in my opinion, but my mission to see which leaf, whether it be from a maple tree or from an oak tree, makes the loudest sound,  was soon interrupted by loud, blaring sirens. I decided to follow them since, being the good kid I was, I wanted to help. Shortly after, I realized the dirt path I was walking on before was still there, making my beautiful shoes who were as white as pearls, turn to the colour of black and bitter coffee. "Maybe someone at home got hurt," my thoughts told me. "Maybe someone died" Obviously, I didn't want to believe it was true but I knew something wasn't right so without realizing, I walked faster. I decided I should just walk home and forget about the sirens.

When I reached my destination, I wasn't greeted with a smile, nor with delicious chunky chocolate chip cookies and lactose-free milk, as I usually am. It wasn't a very nice welcoming. Not even a "Welcome home Ava! How was your day?" People were running around in panic as if a deadly tyrannosaurus rex has just emerged from its fossil and is about to kill everyone in its path. It didn't feel like I was home. My Home was quiet. Calm. Fun. The sirens coming from the ambulances were not quiet, they definitely did not keep me calm, and the screams coming from everyone on the scene of the crime, were not sounds of pleasure or happiness. I remember trying to talk to someone but everyone I turned to either said: "I'm so sorry child, it'll be okay" or just flat out cry in front of me. I was kind of tired of seeing people bow before me for no reason and sobbing as if they were 5 and their goldfish named "Fishy", got flushed down the toilet, so I figured that I'd find out more if I went inside the house. I ran inside, dodging everyone who was heading the opposite way and I found my father resting on his favourite red armchair in front of a warm crackling fire.qu

-"Father! Why is everyone running around like that?! It's a madhouse outside!" I said from behind the chair.

He didn't talk.

-"Come on! This is no time to make jokes! What's going on?" 

Still nothing.

-"Let's go! Where's mum?"

I grabbed his hand and tried pulling him up, but instead, he fell onto the floor like a stone sinking to the bottom of a lake. Blood...everywhere. On his flat stomach, in his black shiny hair filled with his usual styling gel, across his, now, pale face and his broad back. 

My father was dead. My mom, missing"She's most likely dead" said the cops. I lost my two favourite people to have ever existed in just a few seconds. I lost them to a murderer. To an evil human being. To a monster. How could someone do something so horrible? How could they live with themselves? I told myself that I'd find the person who was responsible...and I'd kill them. But then I reminded myself that it's best to stay human and not turn into a monster, just like my parent's killer. To never shrink to their level.

I also told myself that my mother is alive. Ha! What a foolish child I was.

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Chapter 2

Shortly after my parent's tragedy, I had to move. From Oregon to New York City. When I first got there, I was overwhelmed by the people, the traffic, the metro, and pretty much everything else the big city had to offer. I hated it all and I'm still not too fond of it. The crowds were unbearable, so I stayed home. The only time I went out was either to attend school or to go to my second favourite place on earth: the library. It honestly is an amazing place. There are no crowds, it's quiet, calm and fun. The best part was that it reminded me of Home. It was surely way better than school

I think everyone goes through the phase of when they love school. Sadly, that wonderful phase blinded me from reality. School sucks. What's the point of making me learn something in a classroom filled with a bunch of people I hate? When I could just go to the library and get lost in my favourite authors' novels. What's the point of teaching me things from the books in a class I refer to as a prison cell? When I can just find those books at the library. Why didn't I realize that school is pointless 5 years ago? The only good thing about it was my best friend Matt. Mathis Dimon. But everyone calls him Matt D, since here in New York, a lot of parents are unoriginal and choose the name "Matt". My friend was pretty good-looking. Black greasy hair and aqua blue eyes. He pretty much looked like a husky with ocean blue eyes. Cute and playful. I'd date him, if I didn’t see him as a brother. But now I'm just getting off subject.

Anyway, like I mentioned earlier, I live in New York. It's been 5 years and everything's been okay..until I received a call from a certain someone.

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