Nameless Shadows


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Once I was just like you, well mostly, it was about four hundred years ago, so I didn't have a computer or a cell phone, nothing like that. Other than that I was pretty much like you, human, about to be forced into a loveless marriage with a man twice my age, the usual.

Then a beautiful stranger showed up. Her name was Sophie D'Onston, she didn't want me to bear her children (obviously) or any of that other nonsense, she seemed to just want my time, my attention, and in return she gave me the same. I was happier than I'd ever been in my life, not that 20 years was much of a time to form experiences, nevermind that I was as good as an old maid to most people being unmarried by that age.

She didn't care, she seemed about my age, wealthy, and clearly unencumbered by a husband.

Unfortunately for my happiness it didn't take long for my father to decide that she was a bad influence on me and he forbid me to see her. The next evening she appeared in my room as if by magic, and told me that she could take me away with her.

I agreed without a thought, I didn't want to be stuck under my father's control or that of my arranged husband. We left quickly, I took nothing with me she promised she would take care of everything.

She took care of everything alright, including my humanity. Not that being a vampire is terrible, just you know, it might have been nice if she'd asked first. She ended up being just one more person in my life who thought they should be making decisions for me. Needless so say once I got the hang of things I left, much to Sophie's displeasure. I'm glad the world's gotten so much bigger, and crowded, turns out vampires hold one hell of a grudge and things never go well for me when she turns up.

What I'd never predicted was her selling me out to a government agency. And that's when my life really takes a turn for the interesting.

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Chapter One: There's a New Agent(cy) In Town, Now Let Me Out

It was a Tuesday much like any other Tuesday, Isabelle Heidenstam was bumming around the town she'd recently moved to, a little larger than she normally liked but other than that not bad. Isabelle planned on spending most of the day hanging out in the local coffee shop, sipping tea and noodling about on the internet. Because why not, she hadn't decided if she wanted to go find a job yet or not, she didn't really need the money and so far everyone seemed to think she was some sort of novelist wanna be.


The one this no one seemed to suspect about Isabelle was that she was a vampire. What with the being out during the day and all it wasn't likely they would ever think that any ways. One thing good about the popularity of those insipid vampire novels that had been so popular recently was the sparkly factor of the vampires it contained. Isabelle was in no shape or form glittering when exposed to sun. Mostly she just squinted a little and berated herself for forgetting her sunglasses again.


Isabelle has just started typing away on her blog, she had a surprisingly large number of followers when a waiter came over to her.


"Hi Isabelle, how are you doing today?"


She gave an internal sigh before turning to look at Frank, he just didn't seem to understand she was here to be left alone.


"Frank. I'm doing fine."


"Great, great," he said rather more enthusiastically that her somewhat terse response warranted, "Do you need anything? A fresh cup of tea, scone, anything else?"


"I'm fine Frank, thanks for asking, if I need anything I'll let you know." She replied through gritted teeth, her fangs were just itching to drop, not because she was hungry so much as she really really wanted him to leave her alone.


He smiled brightly at her, "Excellent I'll be right..."


"I know where you'll be Frank."


He deflated slightly at her rather abrupt interruption, but still smiled brightly at her before going off to pester some other pretty customer. Actually it was a fairly pretty guy he wandered off to bother, Isabelle had never seen him around before which wasn't that suspicious, the way he was dressed on the other hand made him stand out. A suit just the wrong side of nondescript made him stick out like a poorly dressed, if pretty, sore thumb in a crowd comprised mostly of college students and 20 somethings.


More worryingly he seemed to be looking right at her. Isabelle shifted uncomfortably in her seat before telling herself to ignore him. She hadn't done anything to call attention to herself recently, ever really, and as far as she knew Sophie wasn't anywhere around to start causing her trouble again. Although she was probably going to check in with some contacts before the day was over just to make sure.


Isabell tried to get back to writing, but couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched, it felt like someone was staring a hole in the back of her head, but she refused to turn around and look. Wouldn't do to give it away she knew was being watched, or just make herself look paranoid if she kept glancing around when she normally kept her eyes on her computer.


After a couple more minutes she gave up with a sigh and started packing up her computer. She'd just write at home today. It wasn't like she needed to be at the coffeeshop to write, and she had better tea at home anyway.


Just as she was slipping her laptop into it's case Frank came back over. "Leaving so soon Isabelle? You are usually here all day."


Oh good Mr. Nosey just had to come over and call more attention to her.


"Just not feeling it today Frank. I've got things to do at home anyway, no need to take up space here and accomplish nothing."


"You're no bother at all Isabell, you know that."


As if he got a say in that, Frank was not the owner. The owner was a lovely woman named Sarah. Who had told her it was fine to take up a table all day, providing it wasn't to busy, when she'd first started coming in.


"I know Frank," Isabelle said hoping her annoyance wasn't to obvious, "I'm sure I'll be back in tomorrow." She picked up her things and tried to brush past him to go pay, they let her keep a tab running because she was there so regularly.


He put a hand on her arm, earning himself a sharp look that caused him to pull it back quickly.


"You'll be back tomorrow, right?" He asked a little too insistently. She spared a quick glance at the suit in the corner, he seems to be very intently not watching the proceedings. This was all starting to make her more than a little uneasy. What the hell was going on? She'd been staying off everyone's radar, no killing, letting someone go without making them forget she's drank their blood. Hell she didn't even date. Although that was for reasons other than worrying about calling attention to herself.


"Maybe, but you better keep your hands to yourself or I'm having a talk with Sarah."


Frank paled, he was always on the verge of being fired, and he knew that if Sarah thought he'd touched a customer without their consent he was gone.


"Sorry Isabelle, won't happen again," he slurred out in a rush words tripping over themselves.


"Good." She walked past him without glancing back at either him or the man in the suit.


She gave a friendly nod to the girl running the register and handed over a 20, far more than her bill, and left, she never took her change and always overpaid, probably part of the reason they liked her so well there.


As soon as she was out the door of the cafe she took a look around to make sure no one was paying her any attention before returning home at a pace rather fast than any human could manage. She didn't want to risk anyone following her.




Isabelle let herself into her apartment with a sigh, leaning briefly against the door before locking, unable to shake the feeling of eyes on her. Her sheer curtains were drawn over the windows in her apartment obscuring the view in.


The sound of little feet were clearly heard running towards her, she smiled and bent down to pet the small gray cat that had run out to greet her.


"Hi baby you glad to see me?" She asked with a smile as her furry companion purred loudly while rubbing against the hand she held out with great ferocity for something her size.


The cat's name was Eowyn, and Isabelle had had her since she was a tiny scrap of fur that she could hold in one hand.


"I wasn't gone that long Eowyn, not that I don't appreciate the enthusiastic greeting." She continued to pet the cat for several more minutes before standing and heading into the kitchen much to the cat's consternation as she let out a disgruntled little meow before following Isabelle, clearly hoping there might be a treat in it for her.


Isabelle smiled down at her, opening a cupboard and getting out a bag of cat treats as Eowyn watched with great interest from her spot twinning her way between Isabelle's legs.


She got out a couple before returning the bag to the cupboard, the turning to Eowyn she spoke.


"You know the drill, tricks before treats, now sit."


Eowyn dutifully sat on the floor, looking intently at the treats.


"Good girl," she handed a treat to Eowyn, "Now stand up." Eowyn stood, then stretched up standing just on her hind legs, front paws folded adorably in front of her. Isabelle gave her the other treat patting her gently as she sat down to consume her second treat.


Once finished she looked back up at Isabelle, "That's all you're getting you greedy pig," Isabelle spoke with laughter in her voice, "Wouldn't want you turning into a little furry blimp.


Eowyn gave her a dirty look before wandering back out of the kitchen, most likely heading back to the sunny window in the bedroom she liked to spend her days in.


'Silly cat,' Isabelle thought to herself as she turned to retrieve her computer from where she'd left it by the door.


She had a phone call to make, she had to make sure Sophie D'Onston wasn't in town and making trouble for her again. In this day and age at least trouble didn't lead to her being chased out of town by pitchfork wielding villagers, but it could lead to unwanted attention from people like the suit in the coffee shop.


Isabelle could really be in trouble if that was the case, vampires weren't known to the general public, but they were to the government, a pact had been made years ago between the two bodies, the vampires had their own governing body, mostly useless, but they had made arrangements with many of the countries in the world so that they could continue to pass undetected. The human agencies generally left the vampires alone unless they did something to draw attention, then you disappeared. Isabelle couldn't say where too, she'd heard everything from forcible recruitment, to death, to eternal imprisonment and she couldn't say that any of those options sounds good to her.


Removing her laptop from it's case and booting it up she sat it on the kitchen island and went to retrieve a cellphone from the safe in her bedroom closet. It was an unremarkable phone, and more importantly untraceable.


She pulled up a file deeply hidden in the computer's directories and opened it, it contained nothing but a phone number. She punched it into the phone and waited for  an answer.




The phone rang just once before it was answered. "Good afternoon Ms. Heidenstam what can I help you with today?" the voice oozed down the line.


Isabelle took a calming breath before responding, "Piers I need to know if Sophie D'Onston is in town."


He tutted, "Now why would I give you that information Ms. Heidenstam, you should know where your maker is without my help."


"You know damn well why I don't know that," Isabelle growled through gritted teeth, "I have reason to believe she's around and she trying to set me up for something."


"Now that is a very serious allegation Ms. Heidenstam. One can't just run around accusing their maker of things like that." He somehow managed to make himself sound even more insufferable.


Internally Isabelle seether, this happens every time she had a concern and thus far not a single one of them had been unfounded. "I'm being watched. There was an unfamiliar man in a suit at the coffee shop I frequent today. I've done nothing to call attention to myself, I haven't even been feeding in town. There is no reason for anyone to be watching me. The locals all think I'm a writer who likes to hang around and drink tea at Sarah's Coffee and More."


"What makes you think he was more than just a businessman?" Piers sounded mildly interested, mildly.


"Well the coffee shop is frequented almost entirely by 20 somethings, his suit was bland to the point of making itself noticeable, and he talked to the waiter who harasses me at some length and when I tried to leave the waiter was very concerned I wouldn't be coming back. As though he told someone I'm in there all the time and he didn't want to be make a lier."


"Hmmm, that does bear looking into. I'll have to call you back."


He hung up before Isabelle could respond, "Asshole," she muttered to the apartment at large.




Several hours later Isabell had finished her blog post and was puttering around the apartment. She'd already done laundry and moved on to dusting. She needed to vacuum as well, but Eowyn was asleep and she didn't want to wake her up. Not that it would bother the cat that much to have the vacuum running. Isabelle had had many cats over the years and Eowyn was the only one that didn't freak out about the vacuum. Which was kind of nice. Made housework easier when there wasn't a panicked cat running room to room, usually managing to corner itself at least once.


She was thinking about turning on the TV when the cellphone ran. Moving with unnatural speed she answered after the first ring.


"Hello?" she asked hoping her voice sounded calmer than she felt.


"Good afternoon Ms. Heidenstam, I have the information you asked for." Piers still sounded annoyed about having to help her.


"And?" She knew she sounded exasperated, the guy had that effect on her, on everyone really.


"Manners Ms. Heidenstam."


She rolled her eyes, he was only a hundred or so years older than her and he still treated her as if she was still a fledgling.


"Thank you for getting back to me so quickly Piers, what did you find out?"


"Better Ms. Heidenstam. As for your request, you are correct Ms. D'Onston is the area. I was unable to determine exactly what she's been up to, but from the phone calls I was able to trace it would seem as though she has been in contact with one or more government agency, all of them go by initials only."




"I do not like sarcasm Ms. Heidenstam, although it this instance I will let it pass, as I do believe you have better things to do than apologise, like pack. I would recommend a speedy relocation for safeties sake.


I'll text you the details of your next abode within the hour." With that he hung up.


"Thanks Piers." she said to the phone before sighing loudly. She'd liked this town, hadn't been there long, less than a year, Isabelle had hoped to stick around awhile longer.


"Sorry about this Eowyn, looks like I'm going to need to dig out the cat carrier again." There was a disgruntled meow from the other room as though the cat had understood her.




Two hours later Isabelle had packed what she wanted to keep and had finally corralled Eowyn into the carried. Her new address had been texted to the phone exactly one hour after she'd spoke to Piers, he might be a prick, but he was prompt.


Just as she reached for the door, duffle bag through over her shoulder, cat carrier in hand, there was a knock at the door.


"Shit." She looked around hastily, but knew there was no way for her to escape, not with the cat and her things. She could live without the possessions, but she wasn't leaving her cat behind.


She crept to the door silently, and looked through the peep hole, it was the man from the coffee shop. Double shit. Maybe he'd go away if she stayed really still and quiet.


Isabelle shot a look at Eowyn, hoping she could communicate the need for her to stay quiet as well.


For a moment everything was quiet.


Then there was another knock at the door.


"Isabelle Heidenstam," well he'd pronounced her name right she'd give him credit for that, "My name is George Olteanu," well that explained the pronunciation he must have his name mangled all the time, "I work for the V.I.C."


Well fuck, Sophie didn't go for small time, she went right to Vampire Investigation and Containment, well fuck you very much for that boat load of trouble Sophie. That was one of those agency that made you disappear.


"I know you're in there, we've had you under surveillance for some time now."


And Isabelle's day couldn't get any worse now. Well unless Sophie was out there doing a little gleeful dance, or maybe controlling the guy. Which didn't seem to be the case.


She let her head bang into the door, wasn't like she needed to keep hiding anymore anyways.


"Does that mean you're going to open the door?" He almost sounded amused.


"Just a minute." She set down her luggage, and her cat, carefully, not however letting Eowyn out yet as she still hadn't ruled out the need for a quick getaway.


Isabelle unlocked the door and opened it carefully, he didn't seem jumpy or new to the job, but that didn't always mean anything. Not that she'd ever dealt with V.I.C. before, but she'd heard stories.


As she finished opening the door he was just standing there calmly, a slight smile on his face, hands loose at his sides, clearly he was not new at his job. He looked nice enough, rather unassuming, even if the suit still struck her as suspiciously bland. If they'd met under different circumstances she'd probably consider striking up a conversation with him.


"Thank you Ms. Heidenstam, I just have a few questions for you about your recent activities." His voice was as mild and unassuming as his appearance. Isabelle however was not letting her guard down.


"Let me guess some put in a call about me, and some sort of suspicious behavior. Did Sophie use her name or just leave it anonymous?" She could keep her scorne out or her voice.


Agent Olteanu looked surprised as her mild outburst.


"The tip was anonymous Ms. Heidenstam."


"Of course it was, she never has the guts to get her own name involved, wouldn't be civilised, like harassing me for the last four hundred years is civilised." The last was spoken at a barely legible mutter, Sophie had tried to get her in trouble many times over the years, nearly gotten her killed a couple, but she'd never stooped so low as to get a human agency involved. Then again none of the vampire governing bodies would listen to her. Her hatred of her offspring was somewhat legendary among their kind.


Not that Olteanu knew any of that and he just stood in her doorway looking confused.


"You might as well come in, I might as well here what I've been accused of this time."


She gestured him into her apartment, his eyebrow went up at the small pile of luggage, and the angry cat sitting by the door.


"Planning a trip?" He sounded more suspicious of her now than he had when he'd first come to the door, great.


"I knew Sophie was up to something and I was planning on leaving before she could cause trouble for me, although it looks like I wasn't quick enough this time.


She's getting better at this. Unfortunately for me. It's been at least a century since she stirred up this much trouble for me before I noticed she was around."


"So that's a yes?"


"Yes, I was planning on leaving town, permanently, I saw you at the coffee shop and knew something was up, I haven't done anything outside the laws of my people, or yours, so I knew she must be up to something."


"Are you sure you don't have any idea why I'm here? Because I must say Ms. Heidenstam this looks more than a little suspicious." He looked at Eowyn somewhat warily she was howling rather loudly at this point, thoroughly unimpressed at still being in her carrier.


"I promise you that I have no idea why you're here I just want to be left alone to lead my life." Isabelle just barely contained the sigh she very much wanted to let out. "If you'll shut the door I'll let Eowyn out of the carrier so she'll stop crying." She leveled a pointed look at the agent who was still standing in the doorway.


He hastily stepped fully into the apartment shutting the door behind himself, then paused as if only just considering what he'd done. Isabelle wondered if he had a partner waiting somewhere for him, or if he'd just realized he stepped into the metaphorical spiders lair without any back up.


"No need to look so concerned Agent Olteanu, I promise you no harm will come to you. I've lived far too long to start killing off people willy nilly just because they're causing me some inconvenience." He really didn't look all that reassured, Isabelle admitted to herself that perhaps she could have worded that a little better.


"Sorry, that was rude, please come have a seat, tell me what's going on, I'd just like to get this cleared up. I like it here honestly and I'd really like to be able to stay."


He walked further into the room glancing around, clearly not expecting what he saw. She smiled to herself, "Not what you were expecting? What kind of vampires are you usually calling on Mr. Olteanu?"


"Agent Olteanu, please. And not the kind that invite me and and behave civilly. Usually there is a lot more swear, and then running, and some less than stellar housekeeping skills."


"Agent Olteanu, my apologies. And I assure you I have very little in common with the kind of vampires you usually deal with. They are probably all recently turned, possibly abandoned by their makes, or turned by someone no better than them.


I'm far from newly turned." She smiled toothily at him.


He looked momentarily discomforted but quickly recovered. "And exactly how old are you Ms. Heidenstam?"


She considered making some comment about never asking a lady her age, but thought better off it. Shouldn't antagonize the person who got to decide if she was dangerous or not.


"I was turned against my will approximately four hundred years ago, by one Sophie D'Onston. I believe I was around twenty years old at the time." She kept a mild smile on her face as she imparted this information, Isabelle was willing to beat that Agent Olteanu had never dealt with a vampire even close to her age before. The old ones generally stayed off the radar and never crossed paths with the human agencies. The vampire community kept it from getting that far, usually.


Her revelation didn't seem to offer him any comfort. Isabelle wondered if he was thinking better of coming in here on his own. It sounded like the vampires he was used to dealing with were hardly more powerful than your average human, lowly unkempt and uncared for creatures who left to their own devices caused far more harm than your average vampire, who all in all caused very little. These days there was no need to kill your meal, or even deal with a human at all.


Personally Isabelle rarely bothered to feed on humans, having never been overly found of physical contact with anyone. Blood banks made deliveries now, rather like a grocery delivery service, Isabelle thought it was a wonderful development.


"That's uh, much older than I'm used to dealing with, I never would have guessed." He seemed slightly unsure of himself as he spoke, perhaps worried he might miss speak and upset her further.


"Why because I don't live in some mausoleum dedicated to a bygone era? Now is far better than when I was born, the freedoms I'm allowed are wonderful." I gestured around myself, "I'm allowed to own all this, no husband or father is going to tell me what to do, I can go out unaccompanied." I gestured at my head, a glorious teal undercut adorned it, "This would have got me burned as a witch.


So all and all I've got to say I've got no sense of nostalgia for the past. I live in the present and I like it that way." From his expression I was guessing he'd never thought about it that way, and why would he? He'd never met one as old as me, and he was a guy, things wouldn't have been nearly as bad for him as they had been for me.


He shifted minutely in his seat before speaking. I considered scenting the air to see if I could determine what he was feeling, but thought better of it, he'd probably notice and then things might get really awkward.


"When you put it that way I guess I can understand," he paused as if unsure of what to say next, then gathered himself and continued, "If you don't mind I'd like to get down to the reason for my visit."


"Ahh yes the anonymous tip," I may have done finger quotes, "From the ever determined Sophie D'Onston."


"Like I said Ms. Heidenstam, it was anonymous, I have no way of knowing in this Sophie you keep mentioning is responsible or not." ALthough from his tone of voice it sounded like he was starting to beleive me, what on earth had the woman accused me of that a five minute conversation made him doubt his information.


He cleared his throat uncomfortably before continuing. "We were given information about a murder that happened approximately ten years ago, a Ms. Mya York."


As he said the name I felt the blood drain from my face, if I hadn't already been sitting on the couch I would have ended up on the floor.


"Mya's dead?" I asked shakily. I hadn't thought of her in years, I'd loved her deeply back then, but you have to move one. She'd insisted I move on, she didn't want me watching her age and die, and she didn't want to be turned. Something I'd never let myself do, something I'd offered her regardless.


"So you did know her?"


"Yes, very well, we lived together for nearly a decade, before she insisted that I move on." I could feel tears building behind my eyes, hear them in my voice, I really didn't want to break down in front of this man, but it seemed as though I might.


"She made you leave? How did you feel about that?" His tone was sharp, but not as sharp as it could have been, clearly he didn't think the impending waterworks were for show.


"Terrible, I hated it, I loved her and I wanted to spend the rest of her life with her. But she didn't want that. We were already starting to get odd looks, we'd had to move twice to keep people from getting suspicious of me. I didn't care, I just wanted to be with her, but I respected her as well.


When she asked me to leave I did, I'd know the day was coming, but that didn't make it hurt any less at the time." I sniffled and grabbed a tissue from the box on the side table to dab at my eyes, Eowyn came over to see what was happening, having recovered from the cat carrier ordeal enough to be concerned about her human. She rubbed against my ankles while Agent Olteanu gathered his thoughts.


"She was alive the last time you had contact with her?" He asked carefully.


"Yes, the day I left she was fine, heartbroken like me, but alive. I'd always hoped she'd found someone to make her happy again." I looked at him, "Guess that didn't happen then?"


"No, I'm guessing she was murdered, rather brutally, shortly after you parted ways."


"Since you're here asking me about it, I'm guessing it's safe to assume that the killer was never found."


"You're correct Ms. Heidenstam."


I interrupted him, "Please just call me Isabelle, it's less of a mouthful."


He gave me a slight smile before continuing, "Isabelle then, and yes the care has been cold this whole time. There wasn't anything to go on from what I've seen of the original case file, the murder was brutal, but the killer somehow managed to leave no evidence behind.


They had no suspects, no information on anyone who'd have reason to want her dead. Until we got a call 2 weeks ago implicating you Ms. Heid...Isabell."


"And no one found that suspicious? That after ten years someone handed you the supposed perpetrator on a silver platter?


I've never had any dealings with V.I.C. but I did expect better of you." I tried to keep my scorn out of my voice, but I suspect it didn't work. Also teary and scornful is a terrible combination.


"We did. That's why I'm in here talking to you alone, and why we waited two weeks to move in.


I can't just wave my hand am make this all go away though. We have to investigate you, we have to clear you, and if all that pans out you're free to leave town if you still want to."


"Well if Sophie knows where I am the sooner I leave the better. If she doesn't get you guys to believe that I've done something wrong she'll just try someone else.


Just like she has for the last four hundred years." I leaned back on the couch, tilting my head towards the ceiling, I was feeling everyone of those four hundred years right now. It had been a long day at it was only 3 in the afternoon. Being accused of murder, finding out someone very dear to me was the victim and finding out that Sophie would really go to any length to get at me was a bit draining.


We sat there in silence for a few minutes, I could hear Agent Olteanu shifting around. He took a deep breath then spoke.


"Then why don't you do something to stop her? Work with us, maybe with your help we'll be able to pin the murder on her."


I laughed mirthlessly, "You think I haven't tried to get her to stop? The vampire council will only do the bare minimum, for all their years and supposed intelligence they can't understand how come I left my maker, that I want nothing to do with her. Or that one of these days she going to get me killed out of spite."


He was silent for a moment, "If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave? I mean the ones I usually deal with are alone, or with someone no better than themselves, but you aren't like that, and I have a hard time imagining you ever being like that."


What a strange human, he sees the worst of vampires, and humans I would imagine, but here he is after 2 weeks on investigation and a couple minutes of conversation completely ready to believe me over everything he'd been told.


"I left because all I'd wanted to be was free. I left my family with her to escape an arranged marriage, she seemed so unconcerned about convention, I just wanted what she had.


However she didn't tell me what she was, she didn't give me a choice, she took my humanity from me without a second thought and then couldn't understand why I wanted nothing to do with her afterwards. I learned what I needed from her.


She was a good teacher I'll give her that.


But as soon as I knew what I needed to live on my own I left. And she's never forgiven me for it. In her mind we were a perfect match and I was going to be her companion for the ages. Four centuries and she's still trying to get back at me for it, trying to drive doubt into those around me, get them to kill me. She won't do it herself, but she's got no problem with someone else doing it."


"Sounds like an exhausting way to live."


"You have no idea.


No matter what I do she always manages to find me.


At least there is less chance of being chased out of town by villagers wielding farm implements now." I snorted although it wasn't a particularly happy sound.


"Come work for us, it's not like we're letting you out of our sight until this is cleared up anyway."


"Not sure what it'd do for my reputation if it gets out I'm working for V.I.C."


"I'm not sure you've really got a choice." There was steel in his voice that hadn't been there earlier. Guess he wasn't as convinced as I'd thought.


Could this day get any worse?

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Chapter Two: First day on the Job I Never Wanted Anyways (Someone get me out of here)

Two days later I found myself with a job, something I hadn't bothered with in years. And I felt more than a little out of place, Agent Olteanu had assured me that no one knew I was a vampire, as far as they were concerned I was just a new recruit.

At 9am sharp I turned up at the local VIC office in my most conservative and boring outfit, hair dyed back to brown and worn in a such away as to not call attention to the fact most of it was shaved. I didn't feel like myself and I didn't like it one bit. I looked around for good ol' George he said he'd meet me at the front desk.

I stood around feeling uncomfortable for a couple minutes before I heard someone clearing their throat rather pointedly behind me.

I turned around to find myself pinned by the steely gaze of the receptionist.

"Can I help you with anything?" She sounded like she'd really rather not be talking to me, but it was her job so she did it anyway. Where did they find her? And why didn't she have better people skills. Seemed a little unprofessional to have someone like that working the front desk at a government agency, even if it was a somewhat clandestine one.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be meeting Agent Olteanu, he told me to meet him here this morning." I kept all hits of my annoyance out of my voice, trying to sound as bland and harmless as possible.

She gave me a remarkably dirty look, I still couldn't figure out what I could have done to piss her off so bad.

"One moment Ms…?"

"Isabelle Heidenstam."

"Ms. Heidenstam," she mangled the pronunciation terrible and I couldn't hide my wince.

She didn't notice too busy making a call.

"George…." I couldn't quite make out his response but from how her face fell I was guessing she wasn't supposed to address him so informally. "Sorry, Agent Olteanu," look at that she got his name right, "There is a Ms. Heidenstam here to see you." A pause as she listened to his response, her face starting to look rather like she'd taken a bite out of a lemon. Interesting.

"Right away Agent Olteanu," she took a breath as if she was going to say something, but he apparently hung up on her. I smirked internally, I still wasn't sure that I liked him, but his clear dislike of her didn't lose him any points in my book.

She set the handset down and turned back to me. "Please have a seat," she gestured to several uncomfortable plastic chairs I'd overlooked, "Agent Olteanu will be with you shortly."

"Thanks," I sat down carefully smoothing my skirt under my legs as I sat, why didn't I just wear pants? Oh that's right because I only own skinny jeans. Nothing about skinny jeans says government agent, so a black knee length skirt will have to do.

I looked around the waiting area with little interest, it wasn't anything special, beige walls bland art, utterly boring.

Fortunately I didn't have to wait long for Agent Olteanu to show up. He glanced around the room eyes skimming over me before bouncing back, surprise showing on his face.

"Ms. Heidenstam," his surprise echoing in his voice as well.

"That's me." I stood up and extended my hand.

He took it, and shook my hand, nice handshake none of that weakly grabbing my hand stuff some guys did.

"I didn't recognize you." From his tone of voice I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

"Figured if I was working here I needed to make a couple changes."

He looked at me, expression unreadable to me, "Follow me."

He turned and headed back into the office clearly expecting me to follow without question, for now I figured I'd play along. Once we got to his office maybe he'd actually tell me what his problem was. If there was one, I really don't know him well enough to make that call.


It didn't take very long for us to reach his office, winding through cubicles until we came to his office at the back of the building, it was rather small and windowless, it screamed low level agent, but he didn't really come across that way.

There was a desk and a couple of chairs shoved into the room, just barely enough room to walk around them. He ushered me into the room and shut the door behind us.

"Have a seat," I did his chairs were at least comfortable unlike the plastic monstrosities by reception.

He walked around and sat at his desk, fiddling with some paperwork briefly before looking up at me.

"Good to see you again Ms. Heidenstam," he actually sounded sincere, "I wasn't sure if you'd show up or not."

I shrugged, "Figured you still had my place under surveillance, seemed like less hassle to give this a shot." Which isn't so say I would split if I decided it wasn't my thing. Then again finding out what happened to Mya was a pretty big incentive to stay.

"You're not wrong, we have your apartment under 24 hour surveillance and plan to for the foreseeable future."

"Oh joy, you sure know how to make a girl feel appreciated." I may have rolled my eyes, he didn't look impressed but he didn't say anything about it. Instead he shook his head.

"I'm not here to make anyone feel appreciated, I'm here to find a murderer." That caught my eye, was the increasingly interesting Agent Olteanu not a local VIC agent? One murder couldn't account for him being sent here.

"You aren't local?" I asked, curious to find out more about him.

"I'm not, but that's not what we're here to talk about. Now you want to tell me what the hell you're wearing?"

That was not what I was expecting him to ask, I figured he'd drill me about my relationship with Mya, or ask me something else about her life and death.

"I'm not really sure that relevant to anything." Confused, I was definitely feeling confused right about now. How was what I was wearing relevant to anything?

"I don't really care, are you going to look like a school marm the next time I see you? A circus freak?" So the issue wasn't that I'd changed my look it was that he thought that was something I did all the time, even after two weeks of observation he thought that. Really?

"The only reason I changed my look this time is because I didn't figure VIC agents had teal hair, or a taste for retro style dresses, skinny jeans and red lipstick.

If I'm wrong by all means let me know, I feel like I'm someone else in this get up and I don't like it," I huffed at him, more than a little annoyed that he was questioning my clothing choices now, I figured he'd be rejoicing I didn't show up in my normal garb.

He looked startled, like maybe he hadn't considered that I may have done it to try and fit in, for all that I'd been strong armed into taking a job with VIC. It sort of made me feel like I was going undercover to infiltrate them.

"Oh...I guess that makes sense. Although maybe you don't have to look quite so much like you're trying to blend in with the decor around here, colors are allowed," he paused for a moment, "Well other than your hair, please don't come in with teal hair, that's against regulation."

"Fair enough, although all I had to go on was what you were wearing the other day when we spoke, and that was possibly the worst suit I've ever seen." I looked at him consideringly, "Today's is much better." I wouldn't swear under oath, but I'm pretty sure he flushed just a little at the compliment.

"Well now that's settled," then he paused, "No wait I have to know did you already own that outfit or did you actually go out and buy clothes before you came into day?" He seemed genuinely curious and I was amused enough to answer him.

"I owned it all, I just won't wear it together normally, actually I'm pretty sure I've never even worn these shoes before, I don't even remember buying them," I gave a laugh, "Really the only thing I bought has hair dye, you better appreciate it it, because it took a while to get my hair the exact shade of teal I wanted."

"Duly noted." He pulled a file out of his desk, "Now we should get down to why you're really here."

"You mean we're not here to critique my sartorial choices?" I could help butting in, something about him made me want to get him just a little flustered.

He gave me a look, one eyebrow up, clearly he didn't think I was as funny as I did. "Ms. Heidenstam, please stay on topic."

"Sorry," I waved for him to continue.

"I know we talked about this the other day, but I want to go over everything you can remember from your time with Mya York, there might be something that seemed inconsequential at the time that could lead us to her killer, if it's in fact not you."

Always when I'd started to think that he was starting to trust me he'd bring that up again. Maybe it wasn't me he was worried about, maybe it was him. Did I make the unflappable Agent Olteanu want to forget we'd met because I was accused of murder? This was getting more interesting by the minute.

I sighed, "I remember quite a lot from our time, but I don't remember anyone ever wanting to do her harm, she was a sculptor for the love of small fluffy mammals."

I got the eyebrow again, whatever. "Where do you want me to start?"

"How about when you met her."

"Fine, hope you've got the day free."

He pulled out a note pad and a pen. Okay then guess that means it was time to start.


Several hours later I was coming to the end of my cliff notes version of my time with Mya.

"That's when I knew things were really going to end between us, when she said we should just sleep in our own bedrooms, prior to that we tended to switch off which room you slept in." I wondered if I looked as nostalgic as I'd felt. My relationship with Mya was one of the most successful and rewarding I'd had in my long life, she'd be completely at ease with my asexuality and never pressured me for more than I was willing to give her. Something I'd struggled with my whole life even after I had a term to describe what I did, or didn't feel for people as the case may be.

Before I could continue Agent Olteanu cut in.

"Wait you and Ms. York maintained separate bedrooms? I thought you were a couple?" Now that really wasn't what I'd expected to catch him off guard, he didn't seem to have any problem with me being a lesbian or possibly bisexual.

"We were a couple, for the better part of 10 years, almost from the moment we met. It is however nice to have a place that's just yours."

I paused, for effect because I knew what I was going to say next would really throw him for a loop, "Plus it made it a lot less awkward when she had someone else over."

I was right, he was totally not expecting that, he opened and closed his mouth a couple times before speaking again.

"She had other people stay in her room? And you were okay with it?" He seemed as though he hadn't understood what I'd said.

"Well yes, just because I have no interest in sex didn't mean I was going to deny her something she enjoyed while we were together."

He still looked confused.

"I'm asexual," I stated bluntly, "Mya and I never slept together in any sense other than sleeping in the same bed."

"You don't... you were really okay..." He couldn't seem to be able to get a complete sentence out. I thought they gave government agents sensitivity training or something, dealing with diversity in the workplace, something.

I wasn't mad at him, more amused, I'd certainly had worse reactions when I'd come out to people. Still I figured it was best to just get that bomb shell out there right off the bat considering I was sure today wasn't going to be the only day spent digging into my past.

"Now were there any other questions you had for me or are you still hung up on my sex life or lack there over?"

He took a moment to gather himself before responding. "No that's fine Ms. Heidenstam, I don't have any other questions at the moment, about anything." He glanced at the clock on his desk.

"Why don't we call it a day? We can pick up tomorrow, plus I need to send you to HR to fill out some paperwork, you are going to be an employee after all."

"Don't remind me." I stood up to leave.

"Nine o'clock sharp Ms. Heidenstam, just come on back to my office when you get here." He wasn't making eye contact but he was looking a little more in control of himself.

"Very well Agent Olteanu, until tomorrow." I stood up and walked out of his office before he could respond. I'm sure there would be more invasive questions tomorrow, no need to let him get a headstart.

As I walked past the front desk the receptionist gave me a dirty look. Did she really think we were in competition for Olteanu?

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Chapter Three: I knew there was a reason I stopped working, this whole work thing sucks

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Chapter Four: On the Road Again, Back to Those Old Familiar Places (Oh God Why Is This Happening)

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Chapter Five: In which There's More Bad News (And I get ready to lose my Shit)

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Chapter Six: Off to see a Crime scene (And break my heart all over again)

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Chapter Seven: I Finally See the Office and Give A Statement (But still Don't see the crime scene I'm here for)

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Chapter Eight: In Which I Have Stuck My Foot In It And Need to Make Amends (And my Cat is a Useless Furry Jerk)

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Chapter Nine: Finally Off to See A Crime Scene (And Hopefully Not Ended Up In the Middle Of A Fresh One, Again)

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Chapter Ten: Why Does Getting Shot Hurt So Much? (I'm May Just Beat Her to Death When I Catch Her)

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Chapter Eleven: You're Stalker Tendencies Really Aren't Cute Sophie (Is it to late to runaway? I might feel safer that way)

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Chapter Twelve: Mad Dash To the Office (I really Hope Tomorrow is a Better Day, because this mortal danger shit is getting old)

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Chapter Thirteen: Finally We Manage A Whole Car Ride Without Incident (And Man is This Hotel Room Swank)

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Chapter Fourteen: Supper and a Plan of Attack (Sophie Your Day's Are Numbering One)

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Chapter Fifteen: In Which There is a Nearly Shared Bath (And We Talk About Us)

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Chapter Sixteen: The Attack Has Been Planned (Now It's Time To Put It Into Action)

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Chapter Seventeen: Confrontation (How I Loath It)

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Chapter Eighteen: I Done Fucked Up (Don't Make Me Lose Him, I Just Found Him)

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Epilogue: Two Years Later

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