Across Our Worlds


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    Her son was perfect in every way...She couldn't love him anymore or she'd burst with happiness. How was it possible to love someone this much when they hadn't even existed last year? Yet they doctors insisted he wasn't perfect, that he had something wrong with him. She didn't care. She would love him no matter what. 

    He was now her responsibility. She was the only thing between him and a desperate, seething world full of bad people and terrible things. Nothing in her life had ever felt right.

    Her son looked up at her with huge blue eyes, face scrunched in confusion. At their eyes met, she felt her own facial expression soften and she leaned forward to gently kiss his round, bald head. A warm feeling passed between them. It was almost visible, it was so bright. A feeling only a mother and child could share. He wouldn't speak for a long, long time. Wouldn't understand her for a long, long time. She didn't even know what kind of a person he would be yet -- nice? Kind? Gay? Straight? Smart? Creative? Musical? -- and they loved each other already. Her son was a part of her and her life and she was lucky enough to spend the rest of her life getting to know him.

    Her thoughts were such a jumble, but her heart was so happy that tears spilled over and down her cheeks. Bringing his tiny, red form to her chest, she held her beautiful, deaf baby boy and smiled.

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