Tibet Family Tours


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Chapter 1

It must be an adventure tour for travelers to wander on the Tibet Plateau, drive along the Qingzang Railway, and explore the famous places in Tibet. But for kids, it is an amazing trip which can enjoy the snow of the high mountains, eat a lot of delicious food in local restaurants and take some beautiful photos of nature. There are two key ways for children to know about the world. The one is traveling, and the other is reading.

Family Tibet tour with kids is not a fantastic experience, but an elaborate plan for the family. During this trip, parents have to pay more attention to kids’ food, accommodation, and vehicles. What’s more, parents should be aware of the age of their children when they plan to Tibet.

Family Tibet tour with kids is a precious opportunity for children to gain more practical knowledge about Tibetan religions, customs, landscape features, wild animals, and climate.

There are lots of attractions in Tibet for travelers, such as the Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Bazaar, Namtso Lake, etc. You can enjoy the busy life in Lhasa city, walk around the countryside, and have an Everest Camp Trek. What’s more, it’s a good chance for kids to communicate with local people and experience the local life.

This highly organized Tibet Family Vacation Package covers the most amazing and highly-recommended family destinations in Tibet. You and your kids will get to visit the Tibetan Golden Triangle of Cities that include Lhasa, Shigatse, and Gyantse allowing you and your family to immerse themselves and get a deeper insight into the Tibetan Buddhist Culture and way of life. This family vacation package will also include a visit to actual Buddhist monasteries, snowcapped mountains, holy lakes, and historical sites. Your family will definitely enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

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