Paper Straw


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3 Main Reasons Why Paper Straw Is Going To Be Big In 2020

All over the world, there has been a big debate on paper vs. plastic straw. People are asking what is significant about the two. 

  • Social Media Campaigns

All over the world, people have woken up to the harsh reality that we are causing so much harm to our environment. We do so much damage to our environment; the big question is it too late? Is humanity late to save the world? They say it is never to too late to do a good thing, but how much good can we do right now?

In various social media, people have been a lot of social media campaigns on how to save the world. One way to protect our planet is to stop the use of plastic straws. Hashtags like #TheLastStraw and #TheFinal Straw have been streaming the various social media outlets. People want a change and thus why such hashtags have gained so much popularity. The trend is likely to continue even in 2020, and signs show that the use of Paper straws will increase tremendously.

Ban of Plastic Straws

Several countries and authorities have decided to ban the use of plastic straws; instead, they are advocating the use of paper straws. For instance, in 2018, Queen Elizabeth II has pledged in the fight of plastic straws and supporting the introduction of paper straws. Through her royal decree help pledge to drastically reduced the usage of plastics at all her royal estates. While the Theresa May, the British Prime Minister banned the use of single-use plastics which includes plastic straws and instead embrace the use of alternative including paper straws.

In Vancouver, Canada, the city officials banned the use of plastic straws, instead has encouraged restaurant owner to embrace the use of paper straws. The coastal city intends to eradicate the use of plastic by 2040. Elsewhere, Scotland, authorities are planning to ban plastic usage by the end of 2019. They are already trying to educate the general masses on the alternative of plastic, including paper straws

  • It is the new trend

While some cities and countries have banned the use of plastic straws, the use of paper straws has become the latest trend. People are embracing the idea of using paper straws as they add so much life to parties as they come with a wide variety of colors and designs. Also, companies have accepted the new trend; it is for big companies like McDonald's have stopped using plastic straws to serve their customers. Instead, they have embraced the use of paper straws. If you’re looking for paper straws online, is your go-to website to order paper straws in bulk. 


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