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 Once upon a time there was a family of turtles in Florida. There was Papa Turtle, Mama Turtle, Uncle Turtle, Aunt Turtle, Grandmother Turtle, Grandfather Turtle, Cousin Turtle, Big Sister Turtle, and Little Turtle. It rained nearly everyday where the Turtles lived, raindrops always surrounded them, everywhere. Little Turtle loved to play in the rain and drink the raindrops from the leaves, Cousin Turtle would tackle Little Turtle causing him to slide around and around in his shell. Big Sister Turtle was in charge to watch Cousin Turtle and Little Turtle While Papa, Mama, Uncle, Aunt, Grandmother, Grandfather Turtle was out to dinner for Valentines Day. Cousin and Little Turtle went exploring on the rocks and the leaves. Little Turtle found a big rock that was high above the ground. "I dare you to go up their and jump off of the big rock and do an epic slide!" Cousin Turtle said to Little Turtle. "Alright then I'll do it! It'll be the best slide ever!" Shouted Little Turtle. Little Turtle went up to the big rock and finally got to the top. "Jump Little! Jump!" Cried Cousin Turtle from below the 7 foot drop. "Ok here I go!!!" Little Turtle jumped off but he didn't quite fall. He was caught on something, something with leather was under Little Turtle's stomach causing him to hang and sway a bit. It was a backpack that was hanging from the big tree above them that was caught between the branches! "How am I gonna get down Cousin?!" Cried Little Turtle. "I'll go get Big Sister Turtle!" Said Cousin Turtle. "No wait! Don't leave me alone and don't tell Big Sister! You know that she doesn't like us and she'll do anything to get us in trouble!" Explained Little Turtle. "Yeah your right about that, try moving around! If you fall get in your shell and started spinning, that way you won't get hurt!" Said Cousin Turtle. "Ok I'll try that!" Little Turtle started to wiggle around and around until finally he fell out of the leather strap, got in his shell, started spinning, and slid down the rocky wall in an epic spin!! He flew into the air and popped out of his shell and then landed on the ground on his back. "That was soooooo cool!!!" Cousin Turtle shouted. "Phew I'm glad that went out well. We should get back, it's getting dark, and the humans will be around here soon." Said Little Turtle. So Little and Cousin Turtle walked back home and found Big Sister Turtle sleeping under their big Tree Rock Home. The two rascals fell asleep along with Big Sister Turtle. The rest of the family came home safe and sound and all of The Turtle Family lived happily ever after. The End. 💙😁

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