Not My Love Story


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Chapter 1.

8 Months From Now.

I felt electricity. It was unlike any feeling I have ever had before, It is feeling I’ve only read about. A feeling I shouldn’t be having. Not with him. Not now. Not ever. 

Chapter 1

I saw Evelyn with Ace, On the beach, that is Their place. Evelyn was my best friend. Evelyn got the guy. Ace…Was supposed to be my guy.       

The first time I saw Ace was when I was 13. I was in a café with Evelyn. She told me the next guy to walk in would be mine. I could call dibs. We sat watching the door until a guy our age walks in. He smelt like he had been trying all the perfume testers In boots, he had probably been trying the girls on the beach though. “Yummy” Evelyn exclaimed. I agreed. He was the hottest guy I’ve seen our age. He didn’t go to our school. “Hey hottie” Evelyn shouted across the room to him and the turned to me and said “All love stories need a beginning” 

2 years later I had realised she was right. That was the start of an epic love story. Just not mine. It was Ev’s. Evelyn and ace started hanging out. Just casual. Evelyn told me she was talking me up. I believed her for a few months until we went to Jay’s 14th birthday party. I went to find Ev. I found her in Jays bedroom. Horizontal with Ace. It must have been all that talk of me to ace that got him to moan her name. He was supposed to be my guy. 

Now I’m 15. Seeing them together isn’t that bad. Ace and I are quite good friends. Evelyn is still my best friend. After what happened with Ace she has been trying to set me up with anything walking. I told her that I am fine on my own. When the right guy comes along I’ll know but the truth is that the right guy came along. The right guy is Ace. But now he is Evelyn’s guy.

My alarm woke me up at 7am. I was meeting Evelyn for breakfast at 9. I got to Lou’s Corner café just after 9. Expecting Ev to be there, waiting to hear my excuse for being late. But when I got there she wasn’t which was odd as Evelyn is never late. For anything. Not even her own birth. The doctor said she would be born any time between 7 or 9 on the 8th of August and there she was at 8:16pm on the 8th of August.

I got my phone out of my bag and tried to ring her. No answer. I called her house phone and her mum picked up. “Hello Mrs Summers, Has Ev left yet. I’m supposed to be meeting her at Lou’s for breakfast” I said politely. After a few seconds of silence Mrs summers says “India. You need to come over” I continue to ask her why. After a few minutes of her hesitating to tell me she says “Evelyn was in an accident. She is dead” She bursts out crying and hangs up. I grab onto the counter inside the café for a few seconds before running. Going wherever my feet takes me. It takes me to Ace’s Front door. 

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