Market Yourself


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How to market yourself as a Ghostwriter


Marketing can be a little daunting; it is tough to juggle both writing and pushing yourself out there to market it. A Ghostwriter asks several questions as to how should they be spending marketing themselves versus writing new content. If you are new and have zero knowledge about how to market yourself, this article would help you. Let start with some basic:

Start Now! Start marketing now. Do not wait until you have finished any new project. You can start marketing yourself as a Ghostwriter right now, but what kind of content do you put out there to kind of real people in sneak peeks, aesthetics, behind-the-scenes, research or travel pictures, the daily grinds. You will catch different people's interests this way, and some people may not think that this is a good thing. You are getting your name out there. That is what's necessary; people still read. They always like to read, so they are a part of your target audience.

1. Do use your clients works as your website:

You want your name to be noticeable to people, so it is best to use your work as your website URL in your social media handles. If you already have a social media handle, but it is something like just your name that does not represent your work or occupation, consider it was changing. If possible, or starting with a new handle, people will recognize you through your name as ghostwriters. 

2. Step outside your comfort zone: 

Don't let being intimidated hold you back; jump in, and share your story. I mean, more like you are a life story, but you can also share your story. Those people who have stepped out of their comfort zone can market themselves.

3. Find a niche:

Recently The Professional Ghostwriting Services industry is growing significantly, and there are various branches in the writing industry. However, if you want to have effective marketing about yourself in the industry and stand at the industry's top, you have to find a niche. When someone is selecting you, the question arises that what makes you unique from everyone else? Or the work that you do is how different from others? You can opt for multiple niches like traveling, business, marketing, finance, fitness, and much more. There are various ways to get yourself out there, and if you are passionate about it. You will find other people who are also really passionate about your niche.

4. Do not focus on the numbers:

Yes, it is essential to have clients, and unique website hits, but the quality is far more critical than the quantity. If you have ten thousand followers on Instagram, but only two hundred of those people actively engage with you, you are not speaking to the people who want to hear your message. If you send out a newsletter and lose a chunk of subscribers that is okay. They were not a part of your target audience if they did not want to hear what you have to offer. Having ten regular customers is better than having fifty customers who are just coming to you only to gain information.  

5. Make a business plan:

It would help if you had a plan for what you want to commit to marketing. Do you want to post once a week on your blog, every day on Instagram? Do you want to go live on Facebook twice a week, blog three times a week, come up with a multi-faceted plan here and address each social media platform you plan to incorporate into your business plan and then stick to it? 

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