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“Tampa Police 9-1-1 operator. What is the exact location of your emergency?" An older man began to speak, his voice was raspy but eerily calm. “There is a dead body in Swann Circle Park, near the corner of Swann and Woodmere,” and then silence. Tracy’s fingers flew across the keyboard as she entered her notes into the computer. "05/04/2014 Call started at 0118 reporting possible body." She muted the call, reached over to grab the her radio and dispatched the necessary people to the location and unmuted her telephone. “Sir? Are you in danger? Is your emergency police, fire, or ambulance?” As she waited, Tracy grabbed her personal notepad. She flipped to a fresh, clean page and began jotting down what she was hearing in the background. The male voice had an accent, European. Deep voice, harsh, possible smoker or past chemical burn to lungs and trachea. Sound of a train whistle. Pigeons. “Sir? Are you there? Do you need help?” There was a click and then the line went dead, humming in her ear. She took a deep cleansing breath, sipped her cold water and began chewing up an ice cube while she continued to jot down details about the call. She had a feeling that this wasn't going to be a simple case to solve.


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Chapter 1

    Officer Thomas Templeton had just arrived at the scene in south west Tampa. As he slowed the car, Thom gently pulled the cruiser’s steering wheel and parked the car to block Woodmere road. His radio began chattering, it was Officer Natalie Nichols. “I’m just around the corner. We need to block off the enter park area. Oh, did you remember to bring me my bagel and cheese this time?” Thom rolled his eyes but remained silent.

    Moments later Natalie arrived. She pulled her cruiser along side Thom’s. “Your silence tells me that I’m going to have to kick your ass later, aren’t i?” Thom shrugged. He’d been running late and this was the third night he’d forgotten the damn bagels. “Maybe we should re-think this arrangement. I’ll buy you breakfast after our shift.” "Okay," she agreed, "but I get to choose the place. That corner store you like so much has the worst hashbrowns,"

    Together, they began doing a general scan of the large park area. When Natalie spotted the body she radioed in and requested more back up. They were going to need more help blocking the busy intersection and combing the park for evidence. Nine more vehicles pulled up and began coordinating streets that needed blocking off and ways to re-direct traffic.

    Officer Sergio Sanchez and Lieutenant Rebecca Richardson has caught up to Natalie and Thom. “You know there’s a ghost that haunts this park right? It strolls through the park singing. As a kid my cousins and I would come here and hang out.” Thom interrupted, “You still are a kid. What are you, twenty?” Sergio's velvet brown eyes lit up with excitement “Hey woah! As of Tuesday I’m twenty one! I can legally drink now.” The group chuckled as they walked, taking turns poking fun at the young man.

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