The Voice


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Look up?

Look up you say? Why should I?, my neck will get sore. How can I trust you anyway? Stupid voice in my head, GO AWAY! "Go outside". Oh no, what's outside? Last time I checked there was nothing outside!,why are you still here!? Don't you have anything better to do? "Just go outside". FINE I'LL  GO OUTSIDE! Ha,there's nothing here,told you annoying voice. Now leave me alone for peets sake. "Look over the fence" Oh,gosh.. Why do you do this to me? Ok what's to scary about the fence?...

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Over the fence

 "What do you see?" I see lots of things, just kidding why would there be anything! YOU MORON! This is a waste of time. I'm going back inside. "Wait!,look up" Ok... "What do you see?" I see a loving family,I see different patterns and animals. "Just believe,and you will see"

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